Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sometimes I wonder.

If by being honest and expressing myself on this blog I shoot myself in the foot.

Perhaps it would be better if I were just writing this in a journal, kept in the darkest reaches of my dresser, away from all prying eyes.

By saying what I think publicly, I realize that I could quite possibly piss someone off. I have in the past, I will (probably) in the future, and could possibly be doing that right now.

I've kept a blog for nearly four years now, only 2 years+ on this blog, with the previous on MySpace, now long deleted. I didn't move that blog over, as it was filled with the anguish and pain of my life then, the post-divorce reality that I was loathe to fully understand until now.

There have been plenty of people that know of this blog, some of which read it regularly, some of which check in occasionally. I don't identify people by their real names unless I know they are accepting of it (or they self-identify on their own blogs).

What I'm trying to say is this: this blog is mine. The opinions are mine. The views are mine. Skewed, unskewed, rational, irrational, emotional, unemotional -- all mine.

No excuses, no hiding -- it's me. Good, bad, indifferent. Me.

Just like my life.


Jay said...

I can't speak for anybody but me, but I love to read your thoughts on this blog. Please don't stop! If peoples feelings are hurt, then they probably did or are going to do something that deserves a little pain in return.

Love you! Love your blog!

Aleea said...

Thanks Jay. :)