Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ai yi yi.

Being single has many advantages that I will never dispute, HOWEVER, I've been feeling lonely lately.

I want someone to kiss.  Someone to laugh with.  Someone to make me laugh.  Someone that I can cuddle with.

This is not the place to be for dating in my mid-30s.  The population of mid-30s single men is crazy low.  Count out the problem children and the number goes lower.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Behind the times.

I'm behind on the following:

This Blog

Things I really want to catch up on:


Guess what I'll be doing next .... g'night.  More later.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Garden updates and other nonsense

Planted a red bell pepper plant, a yellow bell pepper plant and three cucumber plants at Mary and Lee's last night.  More updates as things progress. 

I have a boatload of laundry to iron tonight.  I don't like to iron and I iron en masse about once every two months or so.  It is like getting a whole new wardrobe because so many things have been washed, dried and not ironed that my closet looks strangely new to me after.

Still cannot believe I'm going to Ireland.

The pic below shows what I left at my house this morning.  Cleo, my oldest kitty at 13 (14 this summer), was full on happy camper on my pillows this morning.

Lucky beast.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Holy Crap.   I am going to Ireland this summer.

Angela and I have been talking about this since last August, when we both discussed how we want to go to Ireland.  I don't want to go alone (as I think travel is best done with another person, if for nothing else than WTF moments), her husband didn't want to go ... I suggested we travel together.  We are like minded in many ways, not the least of which being we like our space.

We booked the trip this morning.  I'll be in Ireland this August for 7 days, 6 nights.  On the front end of the trip I'll be with family and friends, then an immediate return to FM after.  I am so psyched I cannot stand it.

We are doing a fly/drive tour ... with stops at B&Bs and a castle (!).  Cue the Irish drinking songs now, as I have no doubt that the Guiness factory will be in short supply of the good stuff the week we are there.

Ireland.  August 2010.  Wow.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Thank God For Friends

I'm really blessed beyond any words I can spit type out -- I have some of the greatest friends on earth. 

Yesterday, I was that good friend to my friend Mary. 

My car, you see, is in the shop getting its mirror put back on and body work repaired due to the "mirror incident" in early March.  Mary was going to take me home yesterday after work as I had forgotten to bring comfy shoes to walk home in.

We talk, she says she'll be by in an hour or so to pick me up (she was offsite, but had to pick up the youngest kiddo onsite anyway).  About an hour and a half later, I'm still wondering where she is.  I get a call from her telling me she needs me to do her a big favor and drive HER home. 

She's got food poisoning.  Bad. 

Apparently she stopped three times on the way back from her meeting and then called me from the parking lot.   I drove her home, stopping about 7 times by the side of the road so she could rid herself of what was obviously some very bad lunch.

I'm glad it wasn't me ... but I know she'd be there for me if I were that sick. 

For that, I'm thankful.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Your Daily Horoscope: April 14, 2010

Scorpio Oct. 23 - Nov 21

Almost every Spring you are likely to re-dedicate yourself to working on your health in some way, Scorpio. This time though, there are planetary combinations that could be really useful for that purpose, starting with this New Moon. During the next four weeks, you may focus on matters concerning job or career as well. Maybe your relationships with supervisors will be enhanced. If you are looking for a new position, it's likely that you'll find one before this Lunar Month has passed. Expect a lot of support from friends and associates today.

Funny this horoscope came today.  I've been working on the foods in my life, ensuring that I am meeting the five a day fruit/veggie thing (and OMG it is hard sometimes) and trying to pay more attention to "not eating crap." 

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Thinking about me.

I know many Moms and Dads -- many of who say that they put their families first, taking care of themselves last, if at all.

Not that I have kids.
Not that I have a spouse.
Not that I have a house/mortgage.


I tend to put myself last.  Last behind work.  Last behind damn near everything.  At the end of most days, I'm exhausted from giving.  It kind of reminds me of taking the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI).  Although I generally score in E for extroverted, I score thisclose to introverted as well.  One of the characteristics of an introvert is to need time alone (I do) to recharge from interactions with others (oh yes). 

Not that I don't *like* people.  I do.  I just really LOVE time by myself.  This is one of those features that I know will play a critical role in my choice of future life partner.  If he needs a lot of "together" time -- likely thing is, we aren't a great match.

I'm trying to rectify my own actions.  I'm taking an exercise class (Yoga now, Zumba again starting next week), making my own dinners at home more often than not (and more than just a quickie microwave meal -- actual "prepared by me" food), and thinking about what makes ME happy and joyous in my own skin.

To that end, and even typing this I know it sounds ridiculous, but I really like having my nails painted.  I have tons of nail polish in every imaginable color.   I always (or nearly always) have my toes painted.  I wear sandals a lot here and cute feet are important.  My fingernails -- not so much.  Generally broken or otherwise neglected.   Not so for the past two weeks.  I've had a manicure and now am just maintaining the length and shape.  I painted them myself today a pretty shade of pink.  I feel super-girly with the color but quietly (or not so, since I'm sharing it with the blog-universe) I love it.

Me.  Someone I've neglected to take care of for far too long.  Times, they are a changin'.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Week That Was

From last Thursday night (before Easter) to today has been a blur. 

I was in Venice with Lu, Riverview with Dad & Stepmom and back again.  Sent off my taxes (yea, I know ... my accountant is paid well, don't cry for him), rearranged my storage bin, worked on three grants (almost wrote two there ... that is the kind of week it has been), learned that my grad school app has been sent to the department for review and approval, got a manicure, got my eyebrows waxed, got a pedicure, did loads and loads of laundry, took some naps and had a pretty sizable migraine. 

Some general updates  ....

The Handy Guy is just a friend.  Made that clear the last time we saw each other.
I've been thinking of Jason a lot lately.  More on that in a minute.
Feel re-energized in my job. 
Watered the garden at Mary & Lee's ... only a few short weeks away from green beans and peas.

So, Jason.
Things ended last summer when I told him I didn't see things going any farther.  He lives in Indy, I live here, not likely I'll move back.  During these last few weeks of watching sports, I thought a lot about our time we spent together, enjoying basketball, football, NASCAR and IndyCar.  In many ways, we were well-matched.  We liked many of the same things and genuinely enjoyed each other.  On the negative side ... we'd been together a year and from what I could tell, it wasn't going anywhere.  Given I want kids ... and that I seem to not get younger each year ... not a good combo.

But that doesn't mean I don't miss him.  I do.  He's a great guy.  *sigh*

Thursday, April 8, 2010

One Busy Week

This week has been all kinds of crazy.  Just running around like I've lost my mind (even more than normal) and getting some stuff done. 

More this weekend when I've had a chance to process it all.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Headache, Hearing Loss in One Ear and Everything is Okay

I watched the game last night at Shoeless Joe's Sports Bar, which is connected to the Crowne Plaza here in FM.  I noted on the Butler Alum website that this was the "official" location of the Butler Alums gathering and I tell you, that place was CRAZY busy. 

I got there early, around 8, just in case it was going to get busy.  I was glad I did, as I was able to order my beer and pizza in peace and just enjoy the pre-game shows.  There weren't an overwhelming number of Butler alums there, but the crowd was all Butler all the time. 

I ended up spending the second half with Aaron and Christy of Carmel, and their son Adam.  Christy is a Butler alum ('85, I think, pharmacy) and we ended up shouting, stomping and enjoying the game together.  It was incredible. 

I'm sorry Butler lost ... but so proud of their play.  They did it the Butler Way.

Now I need to take another couple of aspirin and hope that the ringing in my left ear ends soon.  Aaron sure had a set of lungs on him.

Monday, April 5, 2010

It humors me.

Each Monday there is a kareoke DJ here on campus.

Unfailingly, he plays "Don't Stop Believin" from Journey. 

I remember clearly when the song was on the radio and in the top 40.

The students here weren't even born yet.

Do they consider it an "oldie?"

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Cannot Even Fathom That Butler Is Playing For The National Championship!!!


Generally I don't miss Indy but today, TODAY, I do.

Go Dawgs!  Make me proud!

Do it the Butler Way! 

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I'm feeling crabby today. 

Basically, I let *myself* down and that irritates me. 

So I'm punishing myself tonight.  Going to stay home rather than go have fun with friends.

Adult Time Out.  ;)