Monday, March 30, 2009


I've been uninspired in my writing as of late.

Perhaps my muse will return?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm back.

I'm back in Indy.

The week in Florida was more than theraputic, it was resplendent. I needed it more than I even knew I did.

Now it is back to reality.

Now what?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Beach Day.

It was 'beach day' with Dad and Stepmom today. We were there about four hours, which has got to be a world record for beach time with them. Typically it is more like two hours and they are done.

Tomorrow is a trip to Venice, FL to spend the day and night with friends from Indy, Lu and Steve. Lu and I used to work together at the State almost ten ... wow, ten, years ago and we've remained friends since. Her husband Steve is awesome, great guy and very fun. I'm looking forward to seeing their new place.

The trip to see my college friend, Karen, in Orlando was spectacular. She is the same Karen I remember. I didn't want to leave last night but knew that if I did not, I'd fall asleep at the wheel. I didn't want to stay over because they have four kids, three of which are ages 6, 4, 2. Yes, precious little sleep would be had in that house, not to mention I'd be confused as to why there were children around me when I woke up. :)

Hope the Roller Derby went well today ... go NRG!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Crankypants in RatWorld

Yes, I am currently in Orlando, relaxing for a moment before I head off to see Karen, a friend from college. We haven't seen each other in 16 years, or to put it more directly, another four graduations, two marriages, one divorce and four kids.

You might imagine we've got some catching up to do.

I'm currently near Walt Disney World, which means the volume of kids to adults is approximately 5:1. I've been surrounded by screaming, cranky-ass children since I arrived here in Orlando and if anyone, I mean anyone, hands me the slightest sharp instrument, I will cut out my own ovaries. Without painkillers.

Pardon me while I step up on my Crankypants soapbox for a moment. Those with children who read this blog ... I warn you, I may be a bit much for you.

Here's my biggest issue with the breeders of the world. It seems that for every set of 'good' parents I see, who keep their children happy, safe and pleasant to be around, there are twenty-five sets of horrendous parents who let their children run amuck, screaming and carrying on, disrupting the lives of everyone around them with their nonsense. Yesterday was a couple of kids that spent the entire time in TJ Maxx with their mom saying one word over and over: "Mom!" I was ready to answer them if it just meant they'd be quiet for one solid minute. Today at Panera (location of yours truly right now, amen for free wifi), I'm sitting down for a quick little lunch when a family with 3 adults and six or seven children were allowing their children to run and scream through Panera. Oh sweet baby Jebus, but if I wanted that kind of bullshit I'd have gone to McDonalds and their playland. Screaming, crying, yelling and running. In Panera. WTF is up with this being "acceptable?" I probably don't need to tell those of you that know my Mom that if I were to have started up that nonsense as a kid I would not be sitting now. Yes, yes, I understand kids are kids but this is my problem with this 'sort' of parenting .... allowing children to run amuck without boundaries teaches them nothing. Nothing of patience, nothing of respect for others, nothing of respect for space, nothing of public behavior and conduct.

For every set of good parents I know, thank you. Thank you for not making me insane. Thank you for raising good citizens of the world.

To the rest of you ... I'm coming after your boys and your ovaries with a spork.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Florida dreaming

I bought my tickets to Florida to see Dad. I take off on Wednesday, March 18, returning Tuesday, March 24. I am incredibly excited.

Although the sunshine here, of late, has been lovely, I want some warmth. I know it seems like a lot to ask, but truly, if you look at weather averages for March, it *should* be in the 50s this month. The weathercasters would have you believe that this is an amazing warmup, but truly, the amazing thing is that the City of Indianapolis has not broken down the doors of Eli Lilly and Company demanding free samples of Prozac for how long this winter has lasted.

So I look now at 12 days and counting until the glorious Florida sunshine greets me.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Good Grief I Am Sick Of The Cold

Yes, I know I'm whining. If you don't want to read this, read something more cheerful, like the stock market reports. (or not)

Seventeen days until I leave for Florida. How I wish I had scheduled this trip for today, but I suppose giving 5 days notice for a vacation isn't very professional.

I am throughly sick of the cold. I know I'm probably preaching to the choir, but doesn't it seem like this has been a colder winter than normal? Longer, colder, crappier overall? Generally by now it would feel a touch warmer but it doesn't feel that way at all. I've worn my long johns (janes?) more often this winter than in years past and I know that I've worn layers more often.

I am just overall exhausted from the cold and misery. Although we really haven't had that much snow (at least large measurable quantities), it does feel like I've been cold since November. Way too long.

Maybe my blood is getting thinner, maybe I'm just less patient, maybe I'm just cranky, who knows but I know that each year I live here is one more year I cannot figure out why I don't live somewhere warmer.
