Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve Edition

Generally I don't make New Year's resolutions. I make them on my birthday so that I'm accountable to me, and only me, not just the rest of the universe. Believe me, I've disappointed myself more than a few times with my resolutions.

This year will be different.

I'm putting them in print. Here. In my Blog. For all to read and harass me over. So, here goes:

1. I will play on my Wii/Wii Fit at least 30 minutes per day.
2. I will drink red wine at least three times per week (for health reasons, of course).
3. I will not eat any fried/greasy fast food in 2009.
4. I will attend WW meetings faithfully.
5. I will get at least 4 servings of fruits and veggies per day. Lime in a G&T will count.

and there you have it. The five items I will focus on for this year. Wish me luck!

Monday, December 29, 2008

And So It Was Christmas.

Am back in Indy and thankful to be so. It isn't that I don't love my family (I do) but there are times, TIMES I say, that I think I have been dropped in from another planet or just plain adopted.

My Mom isn't the issue. She rarely ever is. I would say never, but we've had our moments over the years. Sometimes she's right, sometimes I am, and sometimes it is a draw.

I did receive some awesome gifts from my Sister and Mom. Then on the 26th, I braved the ice and snow to meet my friend Chuck for breakfast and stopped at a GameStop in Valpo in the hopes that I would find a Wii.

I found a Wii.

I bought a Wii.

I love my Wii.

Then it was GAME ON to find a Wii Fit, as I really wanted that too. So another trip to Michigan City and another stop at a GameStop and waa-laa, a Wii Fit!

So I'm in love with my Wii and Wii Fit. I can see myself in a help group at some point.

"Hello" (hello) "My name is Athena and I bought a Wii and Wii Fit. I am now an addict and powerless to stop."

In other news, the cats are glad I am home and have made themselves into velcro since I returned. I have not been over 6 feet away from either one of them since my return to Indy and right now, I have Cleo with her head lying on the laptop and Caesar on the couch right above my left shoulder with one paw on my left shoulder.

And finally, today I was busily getting ready for a meeting tonight when I heard a fire truck and ambulance. This isn't unusual given where I live, however, it *seemed* close. Then another, then another, then another .... all close, all with sirens ending soon after entering my neighborhood. Uh-oh.

Turns out that the condos across the street and one building down to my left had a fire. A rather decent fire too, as there were 11 fire trucks, two ambulances, one battalion chief-mobile and all three news crews here in moments. Fishers, Castleton and Lawrence Township Fire Departments all responded. After the fire was out, I wandered around with some cold Diet Coke and offered it up to the fire fighters. My driveway was blocked by fire trucks and assorted equipment and as such, I figured it couldn't hurt to offer up some goodies.

I could only think of my friend Jay of the Clay Township Fire Department in South Bend and sent hopes that those he serves think of him and his bretheren when there is a fire in their neighborhood.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Okay I love this.

Stolen, blatantly, from Liam's blog.

Thanks Liam!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Trash Television

I don't often admit to my trashy television addictions but this time it is more than I can bear.

I have watched Momma's Boys.

And it is scarily addicting.

It is on NBC. Beware.

Family Christmas (aka I Call Bullshit!)

On Wednesday night is another round of Family Christmas (I Call Bullshit!) with the same basic folks I just celebrated Christmas with on Saturday night. What a f'ing debacle that was.

Some general observations (and reasons why I'll be seeking a single, only-child orphan, child of only-child orphans for my next husband and why I'll be moving to Timbuktu before next Christmas):

1. Charity is lost on my family. It is all about what gifts they get and whether they like them. No sense of giving, no sense of betterment of community. It is all about me me me me me me.

2. 'It is SO stressful' to have the whole family over, said Cousin B. I would understand if none of us ever saw each other or had invited a busload of acquaintances to the family Christmas, but seriously, 15 people, all related to you, with 7 of those 15 being immediate family, in your house is stressful? Tell you what, I'll spend next Christmas on Siesta Key. No problemo.

3. 'No one liked their gifts, I'm not participating next year' said Aunt J. Oh for the love of all that is holy, seriously?

4. 'It is too hard to take all the donations to the Salvation Army. Who wants to do that anyway?' said Cousin B and Aunt J. Mom didn't mind, she volunteered. I volunteered. Sister volunteered. Please see #1.

5. Cousin B's 15 (yes fifteen) year old son was disappointed he did not get any gifts on Saturday. So Cousin B gave the 15 year old one of his gifts from under the tree. As we are getting together on Wednesday night, Mom, Sister and I had assumed that we'd give him his gifts on Wednesday. Seriously, he is 15. Not 5. He will survive 3 days without his gift.

And so, dear readers, you might imagine I'm not-so-looking-forward-to Christmas on Wednesday night.

Family, Bah Humbug.

New Addition to the Blogroll

Please welcome Naptown Observer which was located thanks to FeedMeDrinkMe, a fine local foodie blog.

Naptown Observer seems to take in the City's architecture and sights, all while providing commentary when needed. Spend some time there, I did.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The family.

As most of you know, my family, overall, are a nice group of people. That is not to say, however, that many of them do not drive me crazy. Indeed they do. Often.

The most recent example revolves around the Christmas gift-giving season. If you'll recall the Great Thanksgiving Blow-Up of 2007, where as I dared to suggest that we give to charity instead of each other and the resulting shouting/screaming/crying that went on from that, this year I was resolved to be quiet. I did not want to cause the family outrage I had engendered last year so when asked what I might want to do, I left it alone.

I had talked to my Mom about a compromise -- a $10 donation of goods to a food pantry and a $10 gift. Mom then took this and offered it as a suggestion to the family.

It was received better, although I will not say very well, by the family. Sister, Mom and I are on-board, as are my Cousin and his wife, but Cousin B and her family and Aunt J (of the crazy Great Thanksgiving Blow-Up of 2007) are not in favor. Nonetheless, it was agreed to and we went on our way.

Now it has come to pass that Cousin B says she and her husband cannot afford a $50 donation to a food pantry. Just to do the math, Cousin B and her husband would be responsible for $10 (each) donation = $20. Where is the other $30 coming from, you ask?

Her 20 year old son.
Her 19 year old son.
The 19 year old son's girlfriend (the babymama).

Somehow, Cousin B thinks she is responsible for the gift-giving of her grown children as well. She has missed the point entirely, and as such, so do her children. Up until now, the 19 year olds have not been part of the family exchange and as such, have had gifts purchased for them. This will be their first year in the exchange. The 20 year old, he participated last year but his mom (Cousin B) bought the gift for him to give. I might like to say at this point that all three of these people are employed.

My point is, and has been, that we are fortunate as a family to be so blessed with food, shelter, clothing and most materials wants met. There are plenty of people out there in our community that lack even the most basic things: shelter, food, clothing. Thus, we as a family should share our blessings and be thankful.

ai yi yi.

I'll be upping the meds this weekend for sure.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just another day in snowland.

I tried, I *tried* to convince myself that the white stuff on the ground on Tuesday when I landed from sunny Tampa was sand. Alas, alack, it was snow. And my car had to be chipped out, thanks to a heaping helping of ice covering it. Did I mention that my snow scraper was handily at home in my garage on Tuesday evening? No? Well, in a typically McGyverish (sp?) fashion, I searched my car for something to scrape the windshield free of ice. Nothing, nothing, nothing ... then BINGO! A frozen magnet that was once stuck to my mailbox. Thank you, Wild Horses Salon, for putting your business card/magnet on my condo mailbox so that I can use it to scrape my windshield. Not the finest tool known to man to do the job, but it got it done.

Yesterday was supposed to be rather uneventful until a fateful phone call shook me from my daily grind. Maestro had no finals to give yesterday afternoon which meant that we could meet downtown, at India Garden, for a no-holds-barred Indian food lovefest. :) We had done this a few times over the summer, but with his schedule of classes and his 23 minute lunch break, it was impossible to schedule since that time. Then happiest of happys, he called, we met, we ate and both walked out in a blissful state of Indian food oblivion. Thanks Maestro!

Here's to hoping FitnessNerd gets back to good health. I've got a magazine article about Touretta Lynn for you ... does this help?

Last night I met up with Jason and we did a whirlwind tour of Target, Kohls and Meijer for some last minute holiday shopping. I even managed to get a few gifts for the 'gift closet' I maintain for future events. I was quite proud.

Tonight has a Winter Weather Advisory in store for us here in Central Indiana. This means two things: 1) there will be massive runs on grocery stores today by well-meaning people who have determined that Winter Weather Advisory means Blizzard and 2) Not one Lowe's, Home Depot, Menards or other hardware store in the Central Indiana area will have an iota of ice melter/driveway salt available by 5 o'clock tonight. Ah, I love full fledged hot panic over weather. I think I'll go home and bake something tonight.

Tonight is also dinner with D9 for his kindness in taking care of the kittens while I was in FL. I'm making lamb burgers and baking a multi-berry pie. He will be happy.

In our run to Meijer last night, I also purchased the makings of fudge, truffles, banana bread and beer bread. I will do some baking tonight and perhaps, just perhaps, make some goodies for work tomorrow.

No matter how many times I click my heels, I am not returning to Tampa. Sigh.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Back Home Again ... In Indiana

and it seems that I can see,
the gleaming snowfall, it's such a ball,
to slip and slide all day ...

Okay, so maybe, just maybe, that's not the actual words to the State Song. However, I am back from Florida and already I cannot figure out why.

I emailed my HR director today to tell him I needed FMLA because already I am sick of this weather. He thought that was a good reason to use FMLA. That is one of the many reasons why he and I are friends.

Yesterday was spent planting hibiscus in Dad and Stepmom's yard, moving sand around and discovering an untapped well in Dad's yard. Big Fun, I know, but it was 83 and I was so not complaining. The day before was spent at the beach, soaking up some rays. I have quite a few freckles now.

So I'm back. Thinking about Christmas. Only the tiniest bit of shopping yet to do.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I'm currently stealing wifi from a neighbor of Dad's. I have a theory as to who it is but it isn't like I can go up to their door, knock and announce just how much I enjoy stealing their internet service :)

Today's agenda includes a trip to Beall's (a Florida department store chain that is a cross between Kohl's and Stein Mart) and a fish fry dinner at Granny's, a one-location local restaurant that serves some wonderful food. Fattening? Yes. Enormous portions? Yes. Good? Oh Hell Yes.

Other than that, I'm just relaxing here at Dad's. Sister hates this part of the trip, the sitting around. When she is here she wants to go to the beach every day. Considering today's high is all of 63 degrees, I am fine with being here.

Honestly, staying at Dad's is a vacation in and of itself. I just relax and read a great deal while I'm here. I wander around the yard, looking at flowers. I sleep late and go to bed early. I fit well into the Florida retiree lifestyle, I must admit.

The latest projects around here are a white picket fence around the front yard so that Elmer the wonder dog can roam freely. He seems to have a habit of running away when off-leash. Also, a new kitchen, completely remodeled by Dad. He really has a knack for woodworking, tileing and remodeling.

Life is good.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

At the Airport.

Amen, I am at the airport, headed to Tampa to see Dad, Stepmom and Stepgrandma for an early Christmas and Dad's birthday.

The new airport? Wow. I flew out of the old airport last month and it was obvious the new airport was soon to open. The old one looked worn, tired and generally unfit for travel. The new one? Amazing.

I had Shapiro's for lunch. Big ol' corned beef sandwich, some of their famous mac and cheese and a nice big Sam Adams beer. Yes, it is my tradition to have a beer before each flight, just to take the edge off. I'm not a nervous flyer, per se, but I must admit the turbulence I was warned that was upcoming was enough to ensure I needed a beer.

I'll be blogging while in Florida. I steal wifi from a neighbor there who hasn't put up a firewall yet. Gotta love the generous (and misguided).

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

And so it goes ...

One of my single favorite Vonnegut lines is 'and so it goes.' I believe that this week was intended to test the limits of my mental acuity, physical strength and emotional balance. So far, I'm still relatively sane, not completely worn out and can still spell simple words such as cat and dog.

I've done so much the last five days I hardly know where to begin. I had an overall good weekend where I:

*went out with coworkers on Friday for beverages at Claddaugh.
*met FitnessNerd at Olly's and we went to the Indy Roller Girls calendar launch to support Xena and her merry band of roller girls.
*went to Twilight with FitnessNerd and swore complete and utter allegiance to Robert Pattenson. Mmmm, YUMMY.
*went Goodwill-hopping and yardsaling with D9.
*watched college football and ordered chinese food with Jason
*cleaned house on Sunday
*watched MNF with Jason
*went to a work event on Tuesday night -- pleasant and fun.
*was comfy in bed on Tuesday when a frantic call from Sister's friend sent me scurrying to Sister's side.
*met a contractor to secure a door at BoyWonder's house (the cause of the scurry on Tuesday evening).
*frantic emails, phone calls and other nonsense today regarding various grants. I need a vacation like nobody's business.

Now I am done with work, ready to head home to pack for Florida, relax a bit and generally chill out before tomorrow. I've got a few things going in the morning before I leave for FL (a garage door fixed [damn mice] and a furnace check [normal maintenance]). Plus a quick trip to Jamestown for some letters to be sent out.

And by 1 p.m., I'll be leaving Indy, headed for sunny Tampa.

OMG am I ever ready to go.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanks for the Therapy

Big hugs to Blanche, Romeo and FitnessNerd for the camaraderie at Olly's last night. I needed the liquid therapy and appreciate you more than you know.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Public Service Announcement

As many of you know, I work at a local college here in town. My fellow co-workers are truly some of the most incredible people I've ever met and there isn't anyone here doing what we do for the money -- it is for the love of education and the improvement of our fellow citizens.

One of my coworkers, Alisha, has a son, just two years old. Recently it was found that he has leukemia, a word that surely struck fear in her heart just as it did in mine when I heard the news. He's being treated at Riley.

The most interesting part of this story is not my coworker, nor the leukemia news, it is the resilience of a child. You see, her son, Blaine, had just come from chemotherapy when his mom told him that he had received some mail. After looking through his mail he told her that 'this is the best day ever' because he had received mail. Imagine, after a day of chemotherapy, a two year old child telling you that receiving mail was the best thing ever.

I'm not ashamed to say I cried.

Please take your time to send a little email to Blaine. It doesn't matter the length or that you don't know him, just give him more of 'the best days ever' and you will have my eternal thanks.

Blaine Raider is his name.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Region Rat Speaks.

I'm biased, I know this. Growing up in The Region (which, btw, is a term I picked up for it here -- I had always known it as the Greater Chicagoland Area), I learned to drive on snow. Lots of snow. Blizzard-like conditions with lake effect snow blowing off the lake snow -- not this minor-league .3 inch snow that we call snow here in Indy.

Last night, as I was driving out west on 70 to my client, I was making pretty good time. Granted, I wasn't going the posted speed limit but close. I was driving according to the road conditions, something that any driver worth their salt learns early on. I note the time (6) and realize I won't make it to my clients' place in time for supper (it was homemade dinner and I was invited, of course I'll show up). I pull off at Cloverdale/Greencastle and get some Tbell. I get back on the road and it is 6:07. Four miles down the road, near exit 37, I notice slowing in the lanes and everyone getting over to the left. I do the same. I text Maestro to see if there are any traffic notices online I should know about. We talk for a bit and there is nothing to be found. I thank him and hang up.

For the next 10 miles and 1.5 hours, I am crawling along 70. No wreck, no crash, no guardrail mishaps, only truckers blocking the right lane so any other driver cannot make headway to see what is going on.

Ultimately: a SUV was tipped over, on its' side, in the eastbound lanes. Yes, dear people, my lanes were reduced to one for an accident on the OTHER SIDE of the road. There was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with my side of the road.

Pissy does not even describe my mood. Foul doesn't touch it. Two hours, forty-seven minutes later, I pull into my client's drive. For a simple 1.25 hour journey, I doubled that and then some.

Thus, these are the road rules as I see them.

1. Drive according to road conditions. Do not use cruise control on icy roads. Drive with caution, but not grandmother-type stealth.

2. If you are scared of driving in icy, snowy weather, I recommend a relocation to Florida. Immediately.

3. The snow plow is not the official 'mush dog' for the highway. Nor is it the pace car. There is no reason to follow the snow plow unless the road is covered in more than 10" of untouched snow. If this is the case, just do the plow and emergency crews a favor and stay home. You'll only cause an accident.

4. Trucks blocking a second lane for no reason whatsoever should be banned from all road travel. I recommend trains for the trailers.

5. Good tires make all the difference. If you have bald or balding tires, you are a hazard. Remove thyself from all roadways until this is rectified.

6. If you begin to slide to the right and do not want to, turn your wheel to the left. If you begin to slide to the left and do not want to, turn your wheel to the right. The coefficient of friction is your friend. (Thank you Mr. Powers, 12th grade physics teacher)

7. Keep your distance. If you are going to crawl up my ass, I want to be formally introduced.

8. 4 wheel drive does not equal impervious to all road conditions. 4 wheel drive is for getting yourself out of mud, sand or other unpleasant road conditions. It is not for balls-out winter weather driving.

9. The left lane is for passing, the right lane is for driving. I would not think I'd have to say this over and over but I do. And I will.

10. Driving isn't a contact sport, despite what you've seen on NASCAR. Thanks.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thoughts on the economy.

Before you read this, you should know I had a long discussion with an old friend last night about the state of our economy and what we will be facing in the near future. This post will reflect that discussion and my general feelings on the subject. You may or may not continue to read at this point. You Were Warned.

I went to bed relatively early last night, maybe around 8 or so. I had been in bed far before 8, just relaxing, watching football and reading my book. I had been yawning since 6 and so I finally gave up, shut out the light and snuggled into my warm and cozy bed.

The phone rang a few minutes later, just as I was entering the twilight phase of sleep. I recognized the phone sound but had no idea what day/time/life I was in. It was a dear friend from high school, "Arc." Arc and I talked about my single-handed attempt to revive the retail industry on Friday, mutual friends and getting together over Christmas for pizza and beer.

Then he talked about the economy. I'm not a pessimist by nature, but the economy scares me more than I'm often willing to admit publicly. After years of saving for retirement with minimal 'match' by my employers, I saved a decent amount. Not enough, mind you, for anything other than someday, but enough. Recently I opened my statement.

Yes, I know I should not have. I KNOW.

After my eyes adjusted to a figure I've not seen on my statement in, let's say, seven years or so, I began to feel dry heaves forming in the pit of my stomach. It was only after some time with my head on the cold porcelain side of my toilet that I realized the most important thing: I'm not retiring anytime soon.

That was the only good news I could find in all of this.

When he began speaking of the economy, the various issues that cannot/will not be fixed quickly, it was clear to me that I needed to develop my own economic plan for the next few years. I've always been consciencous of saving for retirement but now I feel even more pressed to save more.

So don't be surprised if I become even more frugal in the coming months. I'm beginning to think that me growing my own garden and stocking my freezer was only step one in this process. Now it is time to get those dollars screaming before they leave my wallet.