Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Morning is my single favorite time of day.  Perhaps because I'm most awake in the mornings -- perhaps because I never feel more alive than morning.  I don't know.  What I do know is this -- my walk this morning (1.5 miles) as the sun rose was one of the single most beautiful things I've done for myself in a long while.  As the sun rose, I was getting my walk on, listening to my music (softly) so I could hear the birds begin their morning chirps.  I was able to see lots of ducks, a white koi in the pond and a few sparrows.  The air was crisp, clean and beautiful and each moment the sun rose a little higher, the lighting on the palms changed.  I can't tell you how many times I smiled to myself at the beauty that surrounded me this morning.

Coming home to my flowers on my steps and porch just rounded out the walk nicely -- I am so glad that I updated the flowers and herbs this weekend.  :)


Maestro said...

Ok you made me almost want to be a morning person... almost.

Aleea said...

I'll take "almost."