Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Moving Update

Kitchen is done, except for junk drawer and a few decorator items which seem to defy packing (I think they hide when the boxes/tape come out, and return when I say "eff-this, I'm done for today").

Good news from yesterday, yours truly has a graduate assistantship at my new university!  Bonus +2 is I will a) get paid and b) get some tuition and fees paid.  Woo to the Hoo!  The best news about this is that it is minimal (10 hours per week) and I will be scheduled around my class time (very good news).

I have been writing thank you notes to coworkers here at the current job.  My last day here is July 29. 

I had a raging bout of insomnia last night - dreamt of a huge-ass spider crawling on me (in the dream, it was the size of my hand and HAIRY), so I was in no great hurry to shut my eyes again.  I think I passed back out an hour later or so.

Hoosier Guy has sanded, stained and poly'd the wood floor in our living room/office area.  I am dying to see it, but will see it August 2, so trying to contain my need to know, albeit unsuccessfully.

Am giving a few furniture items to a coworker - she is a single mom, living on her own for the first time since her daughter was born a couple years ago.  I know what it is like to move into a place with jack-shit-nothing, so giving stuff to her seems like good karma for the future, no?

It is hot here.  It is always hot here.  Repeat these statements daily from April to October.

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