Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Life change dead ahead!

Found an apartment in Fort Myers this weekend. Got approved today and will get a lease via FedEx sometime this week. 2BR/2BA, end unit, second floor. Nice place. It isn't a palace or anything but it will serve its purpose.

The house is officially on the market. Need all the positive thoughts I can get people!

Sister and Boy Wonder's wedding is this weekend. Cue endless hours of merriment and drinking. Oh, and family. Cue more drinking ;)

Dad, Stepmom, Stepgrandma and Elmer (the dog) arrive on Thursday. Stay tuned for madness ...

Looks like the house will be packed up around the 8-9 of June, with arrival in Fort Myers sometime between the 11-17th. I will know more details next week.

Last day at work is Thursday. Woot to the WOOT!!! So Very Excited!!!!

Start new job on June 15. Am totally excited. Nervous as hell, but excited.

Headed to bed. Long day at work, gave blood (nearly passed out) and stayed up too late last night.

Peace, good people, peace!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Off to Florida ...

I'm on my way to Florida this evening with Mom to look for housing.

Wish me luck.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Turtle Rescue ... Yet Another Service I provide

This morning, on my drive to work, I noticed a man standing in the middle of the street. This isn't so unusual here in the big city, it seems like each morning there is someone, somewhere on my route in, that is standing in the middle of the street.

This one was different though.

He was standing next to what looked to be a big black lump. At first I was scared to look, concerned that it might be a dead animal. I'm not good with dead animals. I generally boo hoo when I see them.

Lo and behold -- it wasn't a dead animal. It was a gigantic turtle. I turned on my turn signal, turned the car around and parked nearby. I approached the man in the road and asked if I could help. What can I say, I have a soft spot for the hard-shelled creatures.

When I say gigantic, I want you to picture the shell size of an average TV tray or Thanksgiving platter. He/she was a bigg'un.

A snapper turtle no less, and none too please with being poked and prodded in the middle of the road by some well-meaning humans. It was two guys and me. The original guy had been battling the turtle for awhile, and had been snapped at. He wasn't interested in getting bit. Nor was I. The other guy came with a hammer, apparently to prod the turtle to the other side of the road without being bit.

It was then that two guys came up and offered to move the turtle to the nearby pond. I took the hammer from the second guy and teased the turtle with it. He snapped on the hammerhead with such force it was incredible. At that same moment, one of the turtle movers came up and picked him up ... and hauled him to the trunk of their car. As the turtle felt unsafe being picked up, he retreated into his shell.

I returned the hammer to the second guy, thanked the first guy for trying to help the turtle and wished good wishes on the turtle movers, now with a car trunk full of angry, big, snapper turtle and on their way to the nearby pond.

So that was my morning, all before 7:30. How about you?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Food Coma

I love to eat different types of food ... but it must be good food, it cannot be *just* food.

For example: when I want good, home-cooked, down home country food, I do not go to Cracker Barrel. I go to Country Kitchen.

Country Kitchen is located at 19th & College. They have, bar none, the best meatloaf in town. I have the fried cornbread, green beans and macaroni and cheese to round it out.

And after ... ooooh, after .... I'm in a food coma.

Like now.

Tired. Want to nap. Hoo baby, that was goooooood food.