Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Rules of the Road (according to Athena)

Hello gang ... it was a God Awful ride back from Chicago yesterday afternoon/evening and one I cannot possibly relive again without a stroke. I saw so many instances of bad driving that my road rage went from just 'come on' to 'fuck you motherfucker' inside of twenty miles. Nearly 5 (!) hours later I was back in Indy.

Road Rules.

1) The far left hand lane is for passing. If you are not actively passing anyone, get over.

2) There are no designated pace cars in highway driving. If people driving over the speed limit bother you, I recommend becoming Amish and buying a horse or two. That pace of life better serves your needs (and mine).

3) Truck drivers, this one is especially for you. I know that you *want* to pass each other on the highway. Don't. You have precious little in the way of acceleration, take forever to do it and generally make a whole bunch of people wait. I've heard that trucks passing each other on the highway is comparable to old people having sex: too slow, takes a while to get to speed and no one wants to watch it. All True.

4) If you choose to ignore rule 1, be prepared to hear me shout something obscene at your car and greet you with my universally-applied one finger salute. I may also shout other obscenities if you look at me completely dumbstruck and/or irritated. Get a clue, get in the right lane. Thanks.

5) Brake tapping in heavy traffic is both unnecessary and uncalled for. Penalty: one severed foot.

Thank you.

Interesting signs on the way to/from Chicago though.

One the way into Chicago, on I-65 "Jesus is Real"
Opposite side of sign, going into Indiana: "Hell is Real"

Guess those folks are gonna get you to believe in *something*.

On I-94, around Hammond, there was a sign for Exotic Meats. It had an address, phone number and directions ... and a picture of a large bear on it. I understood all that. The part I did not understand about the sign was the picture of the elderly Chinaman on the other side of the sign. I am concerned that they are selling both bear meat and old Chinaman flesh in the same place and that creeps me out. Soylent Green, I say. *ew*

Thursday, May 29, 2008

In Chicago ...

here for a conference.

Got here early.

Had dinner at Gibson's. (thanks Sister)

Flirted with cute boy.

Had three glasses of very fine merlot.

Flirted with another boy.

Went to Embassy Suites.

Flirted with third boy.

Am now tired and in bed. No company.

Conference tomorrow.

Merlot = Yum.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Repeating myself (again and again)

I felt better after my open letter to Jack so now I'll compose an open letter to the Hex. This post may get a touch rant-y so bear with me.

Dear Hex:

Or should I say just "Hex."

Your emails of late have come far more frequently than I care to receive them. Right after we separated it was a couple times a day, then after we divorced just once a day for a while then a couple a week, then finally it dropped off to once a month or so. Lately it has been at least twice a week. Last week, however, you did a one up. Yep, three times in one week.

Each of your emails come with a theme. The theme is consistently: "why can't we be friends" with an occasional "I miss you," "Your garden is looking great!" or "Don't you remember the life we shared" mixed in for my reading pleasure. Here's the deal, Hex, apparently you haven't been listening since July 15, 2005: I AM OVER THIS SHIT.

On the day I filed for separation, July 15, 2005, I was done. Done Done Done Done. I had been to counseling (alone, because you would not go) for nearly a year. I made plans to move back to La Porte (La Porte For God's Sake!!) rather than live in the same city as you. I knew that if I lived in Indy you would find a way to know where I live and want to 'see' me nearly constantly. So I moved. To La Porte.

Still you found yourself driving up to La Porte regularly, hoping for another chance. The same way you hope that your endless emails will afford you another chance. Let me tell you this: the chances of you getting another chance with me rank up with the following scenario.

% chance of being struck by lightening x % chance of winning PowerBall x % chance of winning Hoosier Lotto x % chance of the aforementioned three happening in the same day.

If all three things come together for you in the very same day I would still say: "eh, no thanks." So consider that before you invest in a lightening rod and buy some lotto tickets.

For some reason you felt the need to remind me this week that we had shared five years together. THANKS for that. Yes, I am aware those are FIVE YEARS I WON'T EVER GET BACK.

I've been ignoring your emails for the past year. I have nothing to say to you. I have said all the things I ever care to say to you. I am done explaining why things didn't work between us. I am done hearing how good your business is doing. I am done discussing your family. I am done receiving the 'soulful' eyes across the restaurant table as you tell me "it could have been so good, it WAS so good." I am done.

For the record, there are many things about our life together I enjoyed. As I weigh the good times versus the bad, I realize that life is short and I deserve happiness as well. That is why you are called Hex and not Husband.

Please stop emailing me. Stop emailing my family. Stop stop stop stop. We have been officially divorced since December 27, 2005. That should have been the clue that it was/is over.

Since you won't listen, I won't send this. You haven't listened yet to a word I've said, why in the hell would you start now?

-- Athena

Peeing razor blades.

So I have a bladder infection again, second time in two months. 'tis misery, really. I spent countless minutes in the restroom at work today before I decided: 1) my bathroom at home is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 times cleaner and 2) I needed to see my doctor, STAT. So I saw the Dr., got the script and am now at home, in jammies, blogging.

Not much happening around here.

I think one of my neighbors has been matched to me in the past on That is a little bit more than strange. He is better looking in person. Has a nice dog too, Gracie.

I filled the birdfeeders. Watered the garden.

Finished some paperwork due for some grants I have going on. Have a little more to do.

Need to pack for Chicago, leaving tomorrow mid-day for a one day conference on Friday. That ends at 5 p.m. At O'Hare. Color me pleased ... or not.

I may go to IKEA tomorrow night. This pleases me.

Dinner with Sister tonight at Bravo. Yum. Watched the ducks and geese, very peaceful.

Mom and Cousin Kay in town over the weekend. Staying with Sister instead of me. (yeah!!!)

OH, there was something from yesterday I did not report.

Dear God.

One of my coworkers (not named in this blog, nor will he be) and I generally exchange pleasantries. I know him to be a big ol' perv, so I avoid him except for the occasional hello and whatnot. Yesterday, as I walked in, I saw him ahead of me in the hall. I said hello, he said hello, then he started to unbutton his shirt RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Literally, I got a full frontal of his exceedingly hairy chest. Then he playacted like I wasn't there when I called him on it. Then he made some lame excuse that he had to change into other clothes for work. IN THE HALLWAY>>>> ???? Do You Not Have An Office With A Door???? Sweet Jeebus, why do I always attract the weird fucks?

I may need a stint in therapy after this. I told CCM, A1 and PM about it and they were all suitably aghast. Tom just laughed at me. He said he would have liked to see my face. Well, Tom, my face looked like this: :O I was mortified.


So PM tells us today that Tom has asked to include the weird fuck from above in our occasional beverage outings. I ixnayed it poste haste, as did A1. As CCM was not in town, she has not voted, but I think she'll be saying 'oh hell no' as well.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What a weekend.

This weekend I had precious little plans ... I had some plans to go out with one of the guys on Saturday night. Other than that, nothing planned.

Saturday I got up at a reasonable hour and made a list of errands/tasks that I wanted to accomplish before Tuesday morning. Granted, I knew that the list was horribly long and that I might not get everything accomplished but it gave me a pretty good idea of what I would be doing.

I ran errands all Saturday morning then came home to do laundry and some gardening. Between Saturday and Sunday, I finished putting in the garden (cucumber, green beans, peas, lettuce, zucchini, basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, yellow and red peppers), weeded a bit and filled the birdfeeders for the enjoyment of my cats.

I also put together some flowers for the yard (impatiens and geraniums) and hung a couple of hanging baskets (geranium and fuscia) for my viewing pleasure.

On Saturday night I went out with the young'un to dinner at the Nickle Plate up in Fishers (yum) and from there we commenced to the VFW for shuffleboard and beer. We ended up just drinking beer, getting harrassed by Eddie, an 81 year old WWII vet. Eddie wanted me and the young'un to get married and I mean immediately. As this is not in my plans for the young'un, I politely demurred. Eddie was funny and made some great jokes and hell, he's 81, if anyone can say what they want it is an 80+ year old. You all think I say what I want now, wait until I am 80+.

Sunday was all about a few more errands, chores and an eyebrow wax. The eyebrows look a hell of a lot better, IMHO. I finished up the garden stuff. I then went upstairs and cleaned out my dresser of all the 'winter' stuff and changed it out to the summer stuff. I also pulled out quite a bit that is going immediately to Goodwill, as I am sick of it or don't want it. I laid in the sun for about a half hour and tried to just relax.

I took a nice nap, then cleaned out my guest bedroom closet for Monday's tasks. I finished laundry.

Monday was all about tearing out the guest bedroom closet. Yes, I took down the plain white wire closet thing, patched the holes and repainted the closet. I have a new closet organizer that is going in there, I just did not do that yesterday. I also stained the window seat in the guest BR as it was looking rough. In between paint drying and stain drying, I cleaned out my office closet. It looks much much much better. I now have a pile of stuff to get rid of plus a ton of paper to shred. I have filing yet to do but I am hoping to get that done on Wednesday night. We shall see. At the end of the day, hot, sweaty and tired, I drove to Qdoba and got a burrito for dinner. I was starving.

Repainted my toes, collapsed into bed.

And that was my weekend. :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mtg with the boss

Had my one on one today ... typically done bi-weekly but today it has been a month since we met.

After I had accounted for the past month I realized there is a good reason why I am tired. Holy Fuck Have I Done A Lot This Past Month.

Want to sleep now . . .

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I make PM blush (also known as 'I Rock')

This is a blog about today. What a most productive and fun day it was, although by the end I was dragging ass. Please allow me to explain.

While I was in FL, A1 was kind enough to housesit for me. PM, CCM and A1 came up with what they thought was an ideal prank on me. They hid a pair of PM's boxers in my house and a kama sutra video in my guest room VCR.

When I came home and was doing laundry, I noticed the boxers in the laundry with the sheets from the guest bed, I promptly called A1 and told her that she had left some boxers at my house and I'd return them to her. She stumbled and mumbled around, apparently having forgotten the joke. PM, A1 and CCM confessed at work the next day. A1 was concerned that I'd be upset if she had an overnight guest at my house. I said no, it brightened my day to know that at least *someone* was having sex in my house, even if it wasn't me. We all got a good laugh out of it.

So I've held onto the boxers and video since that time.

Today in the development staff meeting, PM, myself, Stan (PM's boss) and Barb (development admin asst.) were sitting in Stan's office going over weekly stuff. About 10 minutes into the meeting, in a pause in the conversation, I pull PM's boxers out of my binder and slide them over the table at him, saying nothing. Stan and Barb nearly go bug-eyed at the sight and PM turns bright red. Stan and Barb race each other to ask what it is all about. I begin laughing, PM begins laughing and we spill the story. Much laughter ensued. PM said he is rarely caught off guard and I got him. I am very proud of myself.

Thank you, A1 and CCM, for keeping my joke a surprise. :)

The video has another purpose, to be revealed later.

I had a three hour conference call today after that meeting. I would describe it but I don't think it is nice to torture others so I will pass for now. If any of you annoy me, I am going to describe it minute by minute the next time I see you. Fair warning.

In other news, Tom returned from his week off. The funny surrounding this event was his father/daughter trip to the hinterlands of upper Minnesota to the boundary waters area. Apparently as part of a deal he makes with his daughters, after their first year of college they are required to go on a father/daughter trip that he plans and chooses. The first daughter went camping and was able to stay in a bed in a cabin. This daughter, not so lucky.

He had planned a canoe trip for them involving tents, freeze dried food and canoeing from one lake to another, carrying the canoe between lakes. Apparently the first day it snowed like crazy, then rained. Day two it rained. On Day three, having exhausted every last piece of dry clothing each of them owned, and seeing his daughter tear up, he called it off. They canoed back to the outfitters, turned in their gear and drove down to Chicago, staying in a Marriott downtown for the remainder of the trip. I do believe this is the only reason why she is speaking to him today. Daughter #1 had told her dad that she guessed that at the end of the week, they (daughter #2 and Dad) would not only not be speaking, but would come home separately. Thankfully, a warm and dry Marriott in Chicago saved the day.

Good news of the day comes to us via the National Football League: Indianapolis is the host city for the 2012 Superbowl. Make your reservations for my guestroom now.

Met D9 at Sam's Club for a food run. I am his gateway to Sam's Club as he has let his membership expire. I bought some string cheese, nothing more. I am certain they will pull my membership just because I didn't buy a boatload of crap I don't need :).

Did some work on a proposal for the college regarding college readiness. Ran the numbers, they look good but I'm sure they will be reviewed and beaten forty ways to Sunday before it is all said and done.

Tomorrow I plan to finish that up and get on the IU website regarding my Ph.D. Yes, that idea is still alive and well. I figure if the college is willing to pay for it, I might as well get one. Twisted logic, sure, but what else am I doing with my free time except thinking up practical jokes? Maybe the time could be better served.

Thursday is a big review day for one of the grants I work on ... we are picking potential scholarship recipients. I am not looking forward to it. I do not know why I volunteered to do it. I must have slipped and hit my head in the shower that morning or I was needing someone to abuse me. Either way, I'm fucked, and not in the way I'd like.

OH ... and got my final client's proposal funded. I now have my final two clients for my LLC and the hope remains to be completely out of the side work by the end of 2009, which would coincide nicely with the start of a Ph.D. *sigh*

Nothing else to report. May have dinner later this week with the young'un and the possibility remains to go to the race with the 'j' from last weekend.

Must plan a trip to the Indian buffet with Maestro. Romeo, you interested? Sometime next week over lunch??? (yum yum yum yum yum)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Open Letter To Jack

(this is an open letter to the 'golf guy' -- Jack. Many of you have asked questions about him and what is happening and I haven't had any sort of answer. Since I am tired of answering questions and even more tired of his nonsense, this letter will have to suffice. This letter may contain an excessive amount of unpleasantness, you have been warned!)

Dear Jack,

Falling for someone is a really fucked up thing. I had thought after things ended with the Hex that I was pretty much destined for the dating thing for life, perhaps with a random hookup thrown in for good measure. Then you came along.

You were funny, interesting and just as sarcastic as I am. I fell for you and hard. Hell, I drove to Cleveland to see you. Who the fuck drives to Cleveland?

After about a month of good and happy times, you retreated into work. I'd hear from you now and again, each time assuring me that you were still interested, that you were still buried in work. Finally I gave up, told you it was over. I was done.

After a few weeks I called you. Believe it or not, you had been on my mind that whole time. Yes, I had been out on dates with others. Dating is what I do and what I know. Dating is an easy way to avoid a relationship.

So I called and you expressed surprise that I called. You asked to see me again. I said yes. We set a time. You didn't show.

And nothing.

And you called again, when I was home cleaning the house. You asked to come over, I said sure. I warned you I was in the middle of stuff, you said you didn't care. We talked for awhile, you asked for another chance, assuring me that things would be different this time. I said yes.

That was dumb on my part. Nothing had changed, the same old same old nonsense. Too much work, too little free time. Plenty of time to text me, no time to talk. No time to see me.

I continue to date.

Last Wednesday I get a text from you, wanting a date on Friday. I respond with yes, that sounds nice. You text back saying you'll call me on Thursday to confirm.

And Nothing.


I've sent you a couple of texts, the jist of them being WTF? As of now I've heard nothing from you. I expect to hear nothing from you.

I don't know if you are mentally ill, married, living with someone or just plain fucked up, at this point I don't care. After I am done writing this post, you officially do not exist to me. I am deleting your phone number. I am deleting all thoughts of you. You are nothing but a bad memory.

The funny part of all this is that I thought you had potential. Silly me. I won't make that mistake with you again.

--- Athena

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Roller Derby Kicks Ass

I say this now and forevermore: Roller Derby Kicks Ass. If you have not seen a Roller Derby in person, by all means get off your dead butt and go see one. The most fun you can have in public for $10. Loved the competition, loved the announcers, loved the overall campiness of the entire event. Naptown Rollergirls will have another bout on June 14. Be there or be square.

In response to 'Titsworth' in Maestro's blog, I got a giggle out of Plays With Sirens this week and his plea to 'vote in his pole.' I saw the typo, began to laugh, made a comment on his website then laughed harder when I realized just how rude 'vote in my pole' sounds ... :) Heh heh.

Yes, occasionally I have the sense of humor of the average 7th grade boy. So be it.

Friday night was, as expected, a no show no call from 'J' the golf guy. Seriously, I think he is mentally ill and/or completely fucked up beyond all words. I ended up out having a beer at the Rathskeller with FitnessNerd and Maestro, then came back to the house and the young'un called. He came over for awhile to shoot the shit, then I sent him on his way.

Saturday was spent mostly in bed, as I was in my happy place there. I had planned on going to the track on Saturday before the Roller Derby but realized that I would be giving one or both the short shift if I committed to both. So I finished my laundry and did other household stuff before going to the Roller Derby to celebrate FitnessNerd's bday.

We (FN, big gay mafia and friends) tailgated the Roller Derby. Seriously, you have not lived until you've tailgated a Roller Derby. It is surreal and funny and having to hide our booze from the security brought back many a memory of ... well, never mind. I'm not sure the statute of limitations has run out on that yet. :)

After the Roller Derby, I headed up to Broad Ripple to Boy Wonder's house where he and my sister were busily painting and cleaning in preparation to put it on the market. I hung out there for a few hours, shooting the shit on the front porch. Very relaxing.

Today was all about sleeping in then heading to the track to watch the cars go 'round. I did have sightings of Danica Patrick, Sarah Fisher, Tony Kaanan and EJ Vogt. Supposedly Jason Priestley was there (he is part owner of a race team) but I did not see him. There was a whole lot of people there and it was a pleasant day all around.

After the track I took myself to Bazbeaux downtown and had pizza. I read a couple of magazines and relaxed there.

I'm now home, comfortably blogging from bed.

Hope you all had a good weekend. Shout out to FitnessNerd for his bday this weekend, to Jay at Plays With Sirens for my hearty laugh of the week and to the Naptown Roller Girls for a kick ass way to spend a Saturday evening.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

No more 'J' names.

With apologies to my friend Jay at Plays With Sirens ...

Seems that all I am doing lately is going out on a series of dates with guys with 'J' names. The young'un has a 'J' name, the golf guy has a 'J' name and the latest, my date from this past weekend, has a 'J' name. I am beginning to think I am meant to date people with 'J' names.
I am, however, leaving the number of 'J' names at three, as how it stands now, I could get in real trouble if I call one 'J' the other 'J's' name. :)

This week has gone by fast but I think that is mostly because the past two weeks have been insane in my life. What with traveling to FL, returning to Indy, heading to La Porte for a funeral and Mother's Day weekend, I am glad to be back in Indy. I don't know that I will leave its' friendly confines for awhile now.

This weekend should prove to be interesting. Supposedly I am going on a date with the golf guy 'J' on Friday night. Yes, he has crawled out of his cellar and asked me out for Friday. I will, of course, make other plans, given his propensity to be a horse's ass. I suppose you are wondering why I'd say yes to the date if I know all this. Pure curiousity people, that's all. So secondary plans will involve me, out to dinner followed by a trip to the bookstore. *sigh* Happy life. Saturday and/or Sunday I plan to head out to the track to watch the cars go 'round and 'round. I love the people watching that the track affords at this time of year and for $10 + the cost of food, I am in for all day. I'll probably pack a cooler with food and beer, as per normal. I am thinking I will be doing this with the 'J' from last weekend. Then Saturday night is FitnessNerd's birthday celebration complete with butch chicks and femme boys. Yes, we are going to see a Roller Derby (!!!!) and they (note: not Me) will follow that up with a trip to a drag bar in town, Illusions IV. This is a place where drag queens go to die. Unsuccessfully. I have been there once and no longer feel the need to do that nonsense again. Yes, yes, I know the drinks are cheap but when I feel my life fading before me, it does not matter how cheap the drinks are.

Sunday may well be a return trip to the track (hey, what the hell, right?) and the ever present laundry. That is if I don't do laundry on Friday night when the golf guy flakes out for the ten millionth time.

Life is good, no complaints. The stuff I mentioned in last post is still going on, nothing I can do about it so I watch and wait.

Have a fabu weekend!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

'How long before my soul gets it right ...'

Driving back to Indy on Saturday from La Porte, I was listening to my iPod in the car and the Indigo Girls song 'Galileo' came on. One line stuck with me all the way back and has stayed in my consciousness since: 'How long before my soul gets it right?' In the light of death, I often think about the 'next place' we go, and with that in mind, this song speaks to reincarnation and paying for past life sins in this life. If you get a chance to listen to it, let me know if you enjoy it as I do.

I was in La Porte from mid-afternoon Wednesday through Saturday. It was a hard week in so many ways.

My uncle's funeral was sad, however, after nearly two years of being in a nursing home and many close calls, my tears were shed long ago. After the service at the grave, my Mom, Sister and I walked through the cemetery to see if we could find another grave, my Aunt's mom, Jo. Jo lived down the street from my Grandma and I spent many hours at her house, listening to the radio and playing with her cats. She was, in many ways, another grandparent to me. When we found her grave, we noticed the date: 5/8/1989. It was nineteen years to the date of her death that we were at the cemetery for my uncle. Each of us left our rose from his funeral on her grave ... I spent the rest of the day ruminating on her life and how she had touched mine.

After the funeral and dinner, we (Mom, Sister, Stepdad, me) went back to the house. Sister and I napped while Mom and Stepdad went on some errands. After I woke up, I called up some folks to see what they were doing and was stimied. I did get ahold of Madison's Mom and Dad and spent the evening with them and Madison. We had supper and laughed and joked as always. It was a very nice end to a very trying couple of days.

Friday was spent with family. Breakfast with the family, then the 'girls' (my aunts, mom, cousins and my sister and I) went to a local store to shop. I found a few things that I liked and purchased them. Friday night was spent at a fish fry at the local VFW.

Saturday was donuts at Cousin Kay's house, then visiting my Grandma, Aunt Kay and cousins Michael and Angela and seeing their kiddos, Henry and Charlise. After visiting, I returned to Indy and got my laundry on. Am still doing laundry today.

The hardest part of the weekend, though, is something I really cannot discuss here. Suffice to say, I am fine but it affects me in a sideways-kind-of way. As things progress, I will explain further. I know, it is teasing to say it in this way, but that is not its' intent.

I had a date this weekend as well ... and it went spectacularly well. :)

Finally, a special prayer for FitnessNerd's family ...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

So much to discuss ...

It has been a wild couple of days in the life of Athena.

I returned from gorgeous, sunny, beautiful 80s Florida into 60s Indiana.

I am considering relocating ... not immediately, but in a couple of years. The more I am in Florida, the more I realize how much I like it there and how much I'd enjoy living there.

Back to work, back to stress. Same old, same old.

My uncle died yesterday. I head to La Porte for a funeral on Thursday. Although he had been sick for a few years, it is still 'final' and that feels weird.

I'll be in La Porte all weekend for Mother's Day. I may well need electro-shock therapy upon my return to Indy. I haven't been back since Christmas.

Sister is ready to blow a gasket over wedding planning.

Saw my former college roommate and her family yesterday before they flew back to Oregon. She looks so happy and her husband and children are fabulous. Lucky girl.

I voted today.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Athena in her happy place

Beer on Dad and Stepmom's deck in my jammies -- Riverview, FL

View from my beach chair -- Bradenton Beach, FL

Athena at Blind Pass Beach, FL

Florida ... in pictures.

Toes in sand -- Blind Pass Beach, FL

Looking for sharks' teeth -- Blind Pass Beach, FL

Bradenton Beach, FL

Athena's happy place ... Bradenton Beach, FL

The first of the 'fuckload' of chickens. About 15 chickens live in this makeshift cage.

The second of the 'fuckload' of chickens. Note the four small black chickens and two geese in the cage behind it.

The third 'fuckload of chickens' ... oh yes, there are more, many more. This cage contains both chickens and guinea hens.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Shopping, the Beach, Beer.

So my stay in Florida has been a lot like this: shop, eat, sleep, shop, go to beach, drink beer.

I am practically jello at this point I am so relaxed.

OH OH OH ....

I swear I saw Kitty Ducharme at the beach today!!! Now it was the 'retired, living in Florida for 30 years' Kitty Ducharme, but truly, it was. I could not get a picture of her, but trust that she was blonde as blonde can be and extremely tan.

We went to Blind Pass Beach today which is about an hour south of Dad in Sarasota County, FL. It is a very nice, not very crowded beach with lots of sharks' teeth to be found. I found a monster one today and I was so very proud of myself. I also found plenty of little ones. It was a good day.

Tomorrow we head to Bradenton Beach. More sun, more sand, more happy Athena.

All is good.