Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm So Praying For A Snow Day

So the weatherfolks in town are on high alert for the second time this week. This time it is snow. You would think that we were all going to die based on the weather predictions.

I, myself, just want a snow day.

I harken back to days of kid yore, when it nearly took a global catastrophe to shut down New Prairie United Schools. Sure, snow, no big deal. Ice, pfffft. Only 6" ... please. It practically took more than a foot within an hour's time of blowing and drifting snow for the superintendent to call off school. But when he did ..........


Free day!

So I myself would really like a day off. And I don't want to use vacation days to do it. So I am praying for snow, gobs of it, to fall. Ice too. Let's make it a real kick-ass storm. The kind of storm that I sit in my happy little house with my happy little tea or hot cocoa, with my furry little cats, sitting under my soft and warm blanket as I read my book, only pausing occasionally to look out the window and be thankful I am inside.

That is what I want tomorrow.

Plus I'll probably need a whole day to process tonight's LOST. I am so excited!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hump Day.

No new quotes for today.

Today was a normal, average day. Worked hard, got a little accomplished and moved on. I wish I could have gotten more done but I am thinking this is the way of my life. Each and every time I think I will get a whole lot done, I do not. When I think I am getting jackshit done in one day, I absolutely kick ass.

Tomorrow I am focusing on not getting jackshit done in hopes of kicking butt all day long.

After work, Sister called me. She was bored and housebound due to crapola weather here in Cenral Indiana. I told her I'd be glad to have dinner with her and we decided on Bazbeaux. It was very yummy, as normal. Had the Bazbeaux Special (garlic, basil, sundried tomatoes, mozzarella) on wheat ... with a small spinach salad to share. It was very tasty and very filling. Then off to MacNiven's where we had hoped to crash a co-worker's (Tom's) weekly get together. Alas, alack, Tom was nowhere to be found and so we had to enjoy our beers over conversation. It was lovely. We laughed and joked ... enjoyed the crowd watching and generally relaxed. Nothing like a midweek beer to make life happy. Especially when it is Bell's Winter White Ale. (yum)

Not much else happening ... rec'd a phone call from D9 and Nicholas tonight ... saved the message because Nicholas saying 'hi' is perhaps the cutest thing I have heard in ages. The way he says 'wow' just cracks me up too ... sounds like a total stoned hippie when he does it ... 'woooooooow' I just crack up.

Life is moving along. ....

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Weather in Indiana/Tuesday

So this evening I spent some quality time in my downstairs bathroom waiting for the apocalypse, i.e. tornado warning to pass over. It was me, the cats, my laptop, my purse and my cell phone. Minimally I figured I could call for help, keep the weather info updated, save the cats' lives and have some id if I were offed by a stray 2 x 4. See, always thinking of the other guy, that's me.

I took the Jeopardy online quiz tonight. Am now convinced I am a big idiot. I love that show though.

Today was a typical day. Attend meeting. Run around dealing with various issues. Fix stuff. Get 'the latest' from various sources. Have lunch. More organizing, filing, copying, answer questions from new person. More copying, more deliveries, more emailing. Then dinner with a coworker (before she goes to class) and back home to await eminent doom, i.e. severe weather!

I do think that the weather guys get a big ol'woody from all this weather nonsense. I'm a little disappointed in the WTHR coverage online, as it would not load current live feed. WISH had live feed but an annoying weather person doing the feed. I didn't bother to check Fox 59 or Channel 6 -- both have substandard coverage IMHO.

Today I received a rather disturbing email from a coworker. It was a GodTube video (yes, the Christian contingent has their own --tube). The jist of the email was that it was a letter written by a teenage boy who is now in hell because his friend did not share the word of God and specifically Jesus with him. Yes, people, a letter from hell on GodTube. CCM and I both received it and CCM asked if I was going to respond to this email with an email back. I said no, I wasn't. What is there to say when a coworker sends a teenager-in-hell-video? 'Thanks'? 'Nice message'? 'What happened to the loving God I knew?' So I did not respond. I'm sure she is praying for my soul tonight.

Oh, and recently overheard conversations:

(Monday edition -- location: outside of a computer lab)
Female: "I'm going to fucking break this fucking phone if you do not stop calling me. I told you not to call me anymore!!!!!"

my guess is she doesn't want to talk. call me psychic.

(Tuesday edition -- location: public space near computers)
Male (to female at computer): "I guess I'm still a virgin. I just stuck my fingers, er, hand in her ..."

seriously, do I need to hear this? TMI.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Emailed the Legislators

Rep. Brian Bosma is my state rep, Sen. James Merritt is my senator. Dear Lord, I do live north. Someone save me.
Dear Rep. Bosma:
I am disturbed and displeased to hear of the recent amendment to HJR-1 by Rep. Turner of Gas City regarding gay marriage.
As I assume you are aware, the Indiana State Constitution already prohibits gay marriage. Thus, an amendment to the constitution making gay marriage illegal is not only unnecessary but a waste of your precious time as a legislator.
It is important for this sessions' legislature to focus on property tax relief for homeowners and businesses alike. Any other work which stands in the way of this very important task is not only wasteful but is ignoring the will of your constituent base.
Focus on property tax reform and use your influence to encourage Rep. Turner to remove this amendment from HJR-1.

Statehouse nonsense or Why I hate my Legislature.

Although national politics are pretty meaty right now, I want to take a moment to discuss Indiana's state legislature.

Or as the late, great Harrison Ullmann once called them: "America's worst state legislature." (any errors in this quote are all mine ... Harrison was one of a kind)

This time I am really pissed off.

Today an amendment was filed onto HJR-1 to bar same sex marriage by Asst. House Minority Leader Eric Turner of Gas City (see article below). The original bill was to cap property taxes for homeowners at 1% of gross assessed value. Now with the amendment, it appears that the House Democrats either have to: a) call down the bill for a vote with the amendment tacked on, effectively forcing a vote on same sex marriage (which is, by the by, already illegal according to the constitution) or b) not vote on the bill which leaves the House Ds open to criticism on not being for property tax reform.

Definite kudos to Eric Miller and Micah Clark for the slam dunk on most efficient way to wedgewhack! a legislative session.

I, personally, am in favor of marriage for all who wish to seek it. Marriage to me is just as sacred regardless of whom is participating. Ultimately, though, I believe that marriage is much more of a CIVIL institution than a religious one. For example, the IRS. Do they care if you are gay when you file your taxes? No. They care whether you are married, single, head of household, etc. What about joint property holdings? Much a civil matter. Children? Since when has having children been based on sexuality, let alone responsibility? A lesbian woman or a gay man can easily mother/father a child ... ask me, I can point out plenty that I know that have. What about caregiving rights ... ah, this is where it becomes sticky. Look to the Adkins family for a prime example of why I believe that whether you are gay, straight, transgendered, etc ... you should be able to be married. And no, I'm not a fan of 'civil unions' unless all marriages are called 'civil unions.' Sounds a whole lot like separate but equal ... see Brown v. Board of Education for how that turned out.

Anyhoo, my hackles are up, I'm pissed off and getting on the email to my legislator now. It won't matter, he is one of the wedgewhackers but I will be glad to give him a piece of my mind anyhoo.
Monday, January 28, 2008

House GOP Kills Property Tax Amendment To Advance Gay Hate
The House Republican caucus led by Rep. Brian Bosma (R-Indianapolis) has chosen to kill a constitutional amendment proposed by Gov. Mitch Daniels to limit property taxes on homesteads to 1% of the gross assessed value, HJR-1, by choosing to file an amendment to it to bar same-sex marriages and the recognition of any of the legal incidents of marriage for unmarried couples, whether straight or gay. The mean-spirited, discriminatory amendment has been filed by a member of Bosma's leadership team, Assistant House Minority Leader Eric Turner (R-Gas City). It contradicts an earlier claim by Bosma that property taxes would be given the highest priority this session.The filing of the amendment by Turner has effectively killed Gov. Daniels' proposed constitutional amendment to permanently cap property taxes for homeowners. House Speaker Pat Bauer (D-South Bend) and his House Rules Committee Chairman Scott Pelath (D-Michigan City) announced earlier this session that the House would not be hearing SJR-7, the controversial gay marriage amendment which the House Rules Committee voted down last year. House Republicans have placed a higher priority in writing discrimination into our state's constitution than in writing into it permanent tax relief for the state's homeowners.Sadly, two other members of Bosma's caucus, Rep. Jeff Thompson (R) and Rep. Jackie Walorski (R), have effectively killed proposed hate crimes legislation, HB 1076, by filing killer amendments to the bill. The bill's chief author, Rep. Greg Porter (D-Indianapolis), has refused to call down HB 1076 because of the controversial amendments the two lawmakers have filed to the bill at the request of religious right leaders Eric Miller of Advance America and Micah Clark of the American Family Association of Indiana. Continuing opposition from the fundamentalist extremists is based on bogus claims that the legislation will create "special rights" for "homosexuals and cross-dressers" by allowing a court to impose harsher sentences on persons who commit crimes against a person because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and that it will impede the "free speech rights" of ministers to speak out against homosexuality. Indiana is one of only five states in the nation without a hate crimes law, putting our state in the sad company of Arkansas, South Carolina, Georgia and Wyoming.
Posted by Advance Indiana at 6:37 PM

Monday Monday ...

Woke up this morning with a blinding headache, called into work and said I'd be in later. Promptly fell back asleep until 10 a.m. but had completely weirdo dreams.

Some were about me leaving my job, some were about me living in Florida and some were about me (apparently) acting as either a secret agent or spy or private detective. All of them were weird. On the weirder side, I hadn't taken any of my migraine meds so these were self-induced weirdness.

Got to work just in time for lunch. I picked up CCM and PM for a quick run to Bazbeaux. I Love Bazbeaux. I had the veggie pizza although what I really wanted was the pizza ala quattro fromaggio ... basically pizza with four cheeses, bacon and mushrooms. A heart attack in a pizza, if you will. But I did not go down that road and survived the longing.

I weighed in today for the Mean Girls. 204.0 even. I lost .4 lbs this past week. Since January 7 (first weigh in), I have lost 4.2 lbs. I cannot complain. I don't know if it is the Mean Girls that are inspiring me or the fear of complete and total public humiliation if I don't show some progress. Either way, it appears to be working. I am going to the gym much more regularly and attempting not to eat so much garbage food that I know is bad for me. Sometimes it is the little things.

Today has been about tying up loose ends. I have two grant agreements in my hand today and need to make sure they receive the proper signatures. I need to file (which I totally hate) and make some copies for people (which I don't mind). The filing has reached a level of near impossibility ... now has taken shape into two stacks about a foot high. *sigh* I guess that A1 was right, I really do put things off that I hate.

Not much else to report ... a typical day in the life of me.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Madison's Visit ...

This weekend was eventful to say the least. As a person without kids but two cats, having a kid in the house is like letting a pyro play with matches in your closet while a firefighter stands at the closet door. Nerve-wracking to say the least.

Before you get the wrong idea, Madison was perfectly behaved as a 21 month old can be. She is picking up new words each day, so Aunt 'Layla' (her new name for me) had to watch her habit of dropping f-bombs everywhere. I think that was more of a challenge than actually having the kid in the house.

I am not sure how I became 'Layla' but that is how my name translated in Madison-speak. She puts together small sentences (go car .. for example) but most of the stuff you have to pay pretty close attention to before it comes to you.

MD, MM and Madison arrived at my house late on Friday night and we stayed up until 11:30 (yes, very late for me) talking and visiting. The next morning I got up around 7, as is my normal, and relaxed for a little bit. Around 8 Madison and MM came downstairs to hang out with me while MD had a few more moments of rest. We had a smallish breakfast because the plan was to go to BD's Mongolian BBQ for lunch around 11 or 12. After breakfast I sacked out again (small nap) and we got out of the house by noon. Had lunch, returned to the house where Madison was ready for her nap. At that point, MD went up to nap with her and MM and I headed off for some girl time at Target. It was nice to relax a bit with her and wander Target aimlessly.

After our return, Madison was still sleeping for a bit. When she awoke, we got ready to head to my gym for a trip to the pool. This was great fun. Madison loved the 'mushroom' fountain and little fountains at the entrance to the pool. Before we left to go to the pool, I had put dinner (roast chicken and veggies) in the oven. ...

After about an hour, Madison was done playing. Although it was warm in there, Madison was chilled. We packed up and headed home where D9 and Nicholas were expected for dinner. Yes, you heard that right, I invited another 20 month old over too. The ratio was two adults for every one child so that was about right.

Dinner was good, the kids enjoyed playing together and it was ridiculously cute. Lots of pictures taken, perhaps I'll post a few on here later.

The night ended early as Madison had played herself out between the pool and time with Nicholas, so I had everyone either shipped out or into bed by 9 p.m.

This morning was the traditional trip to Cracker Barrel and then MD, MM and Madison packed up for the trip back north.

It is quiet in the house now. There is no kid detritus strewn hither and yon throughout my house. Aside from the mountains of laundry created by having guests here, it is quiet. It is peaceful. The cats are sleeping for the first time in two days. I have the hum of the washer and dryer as my background music this afternoon.

As for the rest of the day, I plan to finish laundry and hit the gym later. Another Mean Girls weigh in tomorrow and I need to give it one final push.

MM and I always have the most interesting talks when she is here. We have been friends for 12 years (as long as she and MD have been together). We talked about marriage and kids ... and how I shouldn't always think the grass is greener on her side. She shared with me some things that have been bothering her about her own marriage and how she is handling them. I don't ever quite know what to say about these things to her, because MD and I have been friends since age 12. As much as I love him (and her), I know his faults (her faults) as well.

Holding Nicholas and Madison this weekend made me long for a child of my own, but there are so many things that must happen first, it almost seems like an impossibility.


Friday, January 25, 2008

Weekend preview ...

This weekend MM, MD and Madison are headed here from Michigan City, IN -- their home. The last time that MM and MD were at my house, it was quite a weekend ... so much so that now they are having another little one in six months:)

I wanted to kid MM about 'at least she won't get pregnant' this time while staying at my house but she is three months along and doesn't have much sense of humor on the subject. I still find it hilarious.

The jist of the story is that in early October, MM and MD came down for the weekend to celebrate MD's 34th birthday. I had agreed that they could use my house while I was gone (as I had planned on being out of town) so they could 'get away' without it costing a mint. As it turns out, my weekend plans fell through and I ended up in town. I gave them my bedroom anyway, as that was the original plan, since at that time my Sister was still living with me and she didn't want to think of MD and MM having sex in 'her bed' also known as my guest room bed. Can't blame her really, although I've found that hot water and Tide go a long way towards easing my germophobe nature on this subject.

So after they had left, I was changing the bed when I felt something hit my toe underneath the bed. I thought it was a cat toy, so I picked it up with my toes. No, it was not a cat toy. It was a Nuvaring. Yes, boys and girls, I picked up a birth control ring belonging in someone else's vagina with my toes. After shouting "oh oh oh My GOD!!!" about 10,000 times, I called them. MM answered the phone and I asked her if she had left any jewelry at my house. She paused a moment, said no. I said, well, this looks like a small child's jelly bracelet .... and she started hyperventalating. Thus, kid #2 was apparently conceived in my house. Delightful, eh?

So this time they are bringing Madison and MM is already pregnant, so looks like there won't be a second conception this time around.

As for the weekend, we may end up at my gym to play in the pool Saturday afternoon. It is 'bring your friends' weekend, so I can bring whomever I want for free this weekend. I'm pretty sure Madison will get into being in the pool as it is nice and warm in the pool area (85 degrees or so) and there is a mushroom-type fountain thing near the zero depth area. We shall see.

Not sure what else we are doing. On Sunday afternoon, after they leave, I will probably go to the gym again to sit in the hot tub and waste away into nothingness.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

What goes around ...

Plenty of people have no idea what I do with my day each day. When I say I'm the grantwriter, the questions invariably is: "well, how much money have you brought in?"

The answer is over 200K this fiscal (and over a million if you count all of it), but that's neither here nor there. That's my job, that is what I do. I write, I edit, I rewrite, I re-edit, I send out for final approval/edits and move on. There is only so much time one can write and rewrite before you have nothing more to say/to add.

As part of my job, I write the grants themselves. Some are easier than others and I have typically allowed *some* editing by people, particularly if I think they know how to edit. Yesterday I had a grant due. Just a little letter of intent, no big deal for any practical purposes, just a normal grant. The grant was for the whole case manager thing which I've described earlier -- it wasn't the most warm/fuzzy grant I've ever written and it probably needed to be.

I had given the final draft to the supervisor in charge of the program. Let's call her Jane. Jane, of course, is a very busy woman. Lots of employees and at this time of year she is busy, busy, busy. I knew this, so what I did for the grant was recycle some language we had used for an earlier letter of intent. In fact, all I did for one particular paragraph was cut and paste. No editing.

Today I get a rather shitty email from Jane telling me she wanted more time to review the proposal and included a copy of her comments.

For a few minutes I was pissed off. I had used what I had written before and what she had edited. I didn't take liberties with the document, just recycled.

Then after a trip downstairs for my daily 32 oz icewater in the morning (yes, pretty much cut out all caffeine), I go back to my office, print off her comments and then print off the earlier copy of the grant letter of intent that I had cut and pasted from into the new document. Mind you, she had edited the earlier edition and had approved it.

The very same paragraph she labeled needs rewritten was the one she had written before. After discovering this little bit of information, I kindly wrote her back and told her there was no need for someone to rewrite the letter of intent, it was gone but that if we were invited to participate in the grant application stage, we would take time to write and rewrite. I then attached a copy of the new grant application and moved on with my day, no longer feeling like some dumbass that could not write.

CCM said it would have been hard for her not to rub it in Jane's face. My response was this: I will await my opportunity to bring this up when she mentions just how poorly written that particular paragraph was in a later meeting. Then I will gladly bring out both copies and say something along the lines of: "well, I felt that since you had written this paragraph that you were comfortable with its' contents."

I'm not vindictive but I will stand my ground. What goes around ... comes around.

I am so hoping she brings this up later. ;)


Last night before I went to bed I came across a show regarding forgiveness and what it means to the person doing the forgiving.

I began to think about this again ... hadn't for a long time. In my early 20s I forgave my father for all the nonsense he put me through as a child, teenager and adult. Dad was an alcoholic (I refuse to call him an alcoholic now, as he hasn't had a drop in 9 years ... I call him a non-practicing alcoholic) and in my childhood, teenage years and early adulthood it was a series of one disappointment after another with him. From child support to visitation to 'being there,' my Dad failed them all. There was a time for many years I only saw him at Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter. I tried to even avoid those but my Mom said that we should try to maintain some relationship with him, even if it was fraught with disappointment. Finally, in my early 20s, I had enough. I forgave him for his many issues. I didn't go to him and forgive him publicly, I just took it upon myself to find a way to let go of my hurt, my anger, my disappointment and my bitterness towards my Dad. It was a turning point for me. A couple years after that Dad gave up drinking for good. He's been sober now for nine years and we have forged a relationship out of what was essentially nothing. I still have a hard time at points with the fact for nearly 25 years my Dad and I were on limited speaking terms but I am thankful now for each day we do get to be together.

In the spirit of forgiveness, I forgive you Hex. I forgive you for the many times you disappointed me. I forgive you for ignoring my feelings and hoping they would go away. I forgive you for ignoring our problems until it was too late. I forgive you for your letting your ex-wife come between us. I forgive you for treating me as your cook, your housekeeper, your laundress, your gardener and your nanny instead of treating me as your wife. Most of all I forgive you for disappointing me ...

Forgive someone today. Even if it is for your own self and not for them.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dating, part 2./rules for friends.

Dating, as I've described before, is torture. While I like having someone in my life and all the *sigh* benefits that come from that, the fact is -- to get to that point takes a good long while. First, I must be attracted to you and you must be attracted to me. Second, we must survive dating for a reasonable length of time. Third, I must know that you don't fuck every single woman that wanders by your office/home/gym/bar/etc. I've not had a disease, don't want a disease and have no interest in exposure to disease. What can I say, I am picky like that.

Today in our coffee klatch, PM, A1, CCM and I were discussing dating. CCM asked if I have been hit on in a bar. I say yes, then she replies that she has never been hit on in a bar. CCM is, in my humble estimation, an attractive female which receives her fair share of attention ... so this confused me. I then asked if she was always with one friend or two, rather than a group. She replied yes .... and this is where I made my point. Each and every time I have been hit on in a bar, it has been when I am surrounded by friends, laughing, joking, without a care in the world. I'm there with friends, relaxed and happy. Perhaps this is the key, I don't know. I do go on a lot of first dates and the reason for that is simple: as long as you can sit up, take nourishment and haven't been raised by wolves, I'll give you one date. If at the end of one date I am gnawing off my own arm to get out of the date, there will be no more. Over the years the reasons for not having the second date often relate to the not raised by wolves.

When I describe someone as having been raised by wolves, I suggest that he has not been given the proper 'home training' on simple graces such as: table manners, polite conversation, etiquette, proper tipping of waitstaff and avoiding inappropriate topics of conversation (such as the forever memorable "let's just skip this coffee thing and you can give me head in the car.") Heh. Needless to say, he had to deal with *that* on his own that night. And no, there most certainly was not a second date.

I have found most 'raised by wolves' men have been taught by male father figures/fathers to disrespect women and therefore never received what could be considered proper advice on behavior with women.

Anyhoo, our coffee klatches afford an opportunity for many laughs, good comradery and an amusing story ... and for that I am thankful. What great coworkers I have.

I remain optimistic that I will find someone for me ... all in its proper time.

As for rules for friends:

CCM and I have an ongoing list things we promise to do for one another if either one of us becomes incapacitated in any way. The things are as follows:

*Dyeing hair to avoid massive gray roots.
*Avoidance of all coats made of gold lame.
*Avoidance of all fur hats made of tiny pieces of fur from various rodents.
*Avoidance of scooters when we are healthy enough to walk.
*Avoidance of multiple layers of clothing when it is not cold enough to warrant said clothes.
*Avoidance of lime green spandex pants in public.

All of these rules have come into play because of various people we have seen out in public. Yes, public. Many conversations between CCM and I have been done in 1 look, generally followed by a nod indicating that "yes, that's one for the list." The list will never be complete as long as we have the tragically dressed to keep us amused.

Education Chronicles ...

Seriously, each day I am here I am alternately astonished and underwhelmed at the nonsense that goes on in an average educational institution. There is never a dull moment.

For example, stealing things. Last semester we had a computer tower stolen off my floor ... we have open computer areas for students to use out in the halls and one night, a computer tower was stolen. The thief managed to carry down both the tower and the monitor (one of the nice flat-screen jobs) to the bottom of the stairwell. When security came around to check on things, they found the monitor still sitting under the stairs but no tower. Looking at my own computer tower, don't you think it would be a bit obvious if you walked out with a tower under your arm? Really. The reason why I say thief instead of thieves should be obvious ... if you had a buddy to help you out with the computer, you'd probably get it all at once, right? Right. No one was caught.

One of the professors on my hallway had his coat stolen out of his office when he stepped out. Mind you, this professor is not what I would call fashionable. At All. Nice guy, funny, interesting but fashionable? Not on his very best day. His coat was an average, normal, no big deal windbreaker-like thing. Certainly not high fashion. Stolen all the same. They managed to get his PDA in the theft, which ended up causing him hours of heartburn as he realized so much data was in the PDA that he, his wife and children could potentially suffer identity theft because of it. No, no one was ever caught.

Today I heard a story from some years back where another thief was intent on stealing a gumball machine (yes, a gumball machine) from the 4th floor of one of our buildings. On the way down the stairs (yes, stairs, not elevator), the gumball machine was apparently dropped. Picture glass, gumballs, change and gumball machine parts everywhere and you've pretty much got it. No idea who did it.

Lastly, the past couple weeks have been a bonanza of activity around here. A 27" TV was stolen (again, not small ... fairly obvious ... hello???) and now a projector. I wondered aloud why someone would steal a computer projector then I was told that it can apparently hook up to a television and provide a 'big screen' experience for football watching, playstation playing, etc. What do I know?

There are so many WTF moments that go on here week in and week out. It amazes me at times that we do as well as we do in educating our students when so much nonsense happens outside the classroom. As I was told in my first weeks on the job here, if you want to keep something, lock it up. Don't leave your office unlocked when you leave it. Keep your purse hidden.

It was just last semester that I was panhandled by an elementary school kid on one of our sidewalks. He thought it completely appropriate to walk up to me, a complete stranger, and ask me for $2 for bus fare. I just looked at him, quizzically and asked him again what he wanted. He repeated his request and then I offered to call his mom for him. You might imagine that was not at all his interest. He wanted my $2 for something or another, who knows what. I wonder if someone else gave it to him. I also wonder what he had witnessed in his life to have the balls to ask a complete stranger for money. He was maybe 7 years old, wearing the uniform of the neighborhood school.

Last year around Halloween time, we had a kid come to school in body armor as his Halloween costume. After a little incident known as Virginia Tech, we tend to be a little sensitive about body armor on the college campus. He was escorted off campus by security ...

Each week there are stories of panhandlers, homeless folks sleeping in student lounges, car break-ins and a number of other things. Typical life in an urban campus, IMHO. I don't get upset, don't get nervous but accept that I can't leave valuables out and I don't walk to my car alone after dark. That's the best I can do. No sense in getting uptight.


The other day I was working on a grant meant to assist 'at-risk' students. We define at-risk students as those that are most likely to drop out of college without completing a degree. The risk factors are as follows: first generation college students, low-income, working thirty or more hours a week, single parent, undecided on an academic major or in need of one (or more) developmental course(s).

As I wrote down the risk factors I was thinking about my own early college days.

first generation college student check
low-income check
working 30+ hours/week check
single parent nope
undecided on an academic major check
developmental course nope

Four out of six? Yes, that was me.

When I asked the folks wanting the program why these folks needed additional help, I was met with 'oh they will drop out, have financial issues, won't finish college, too hard ... blah blah blah.'
Then I mentioned that I fit the criteria when I went to school and they said basically "yeah, right."

Was it yeah, right because my Mom was intent on me learning as much as possible from a young age? Was it yeah, right because I didn't "look the part" ... whatever that means? Or was it yeah, right because they honestly didn't want to believe that someone from these circumstances can succeed without direct intervention by a caseworker?

I must admit, I was aggravated. I finished college in four years. Finished my masters' in 2.5. Worked full time the whole time, as there was no other choice for me. I was paying for my education and desperately needed to keep the loans down as low as possible. Today I am still paying loans, and that is okay. That was my choice. But to say I could not have done it without a caseworker? Nah.

But to paint the lot of at-risk students with the broad brush of failure without intervention? Too much for me to bear.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back to Work. *bleh*

So I returned to work today not exactly energized to be there. Let's be honest, I was happy to be back, but only to see what had transpired over the weekend.

I was into my work and put in a good 8+ hours today but I could have been better. I must admit to being a perfectionist, as I know that most folks would say I did all I could do in 8 hours but I had hoped to get more accomplished. This is my personal disease.

I did manage to get the grant I was working on out the door. Yeah!!!

I did a little q and a with a friend of mine's coworkers today. The subject was state grants, of which I am intimately acquainted and so it was easy.

Had a nice evening with my Realtor, C. I hate to say she is my Realtor because it seems like I am moving, which I am not. She is a friend and we had a most enjoyable evening over sushi and wine at Kona Grill. Kona Grill is one of my most favorite places in the world. *sigh*

Then went out with CCM and D from work. I had called CCM following my night out with C and announced that I was out and willing to have a cocktail if she and D were meeting after class. Indeed they were, so I managed to get out and meet them for another glass of wine. Tasty, tasty, tasty.

It was not my intention to get a little buzzed on Tuesday night but hell, seems like a fine idea after all. :)

Now if I had the masseuse named Sven, life would be good. ;) (heh heh heh)

Monday, January 21, 2008

March of the Platypi

Found a new blog this weekend with help from another blog I love, FloatFloorRN. The blog is interestingly named March of the Platypi and can be found here: .

Although I know most, if not all of you, are not involved in health care, I must say I find ER blogs/medical blogs fascinating. Perhaps it comes from having my Mom work for hospitals, clinics, doctors' offices, etc. in varying capacities while I was growing up. There was always a story from that week, day or year which defied all explanation of the normal. Although my Mom is no longer actively in a healthcare setting (she now teaches those who will be in short order), my thirst for stories is not near quenched. Luckily for me I have a dear friend, MM, who works at an ER in Northwest Indiana. She and MD and of course Madison herself will be down to visit me here in Indy next weekend and I'll be regaled again with stories of various objects in various orfices, bilking the system and those folks that use the ER as their personal physician's office. I never fail to ask what it is that is the most strange thing she has found in someone's ass that month/day/year. The last time I asked I believe it was a small plastic child's plaything ... apparently in an effort to reach the prostate. Of course, he "didn't know how it got there." For the record, each and every time something has been in the vicinity of my ass, I am paying close, careful attention. But who am I? (Obviously not someone who shoves children's toys up her ass for one ... )

Until then, though, I'll stick to March of the Platypi and FloatFloorRN. I'll be adding March of the Platypi to my blogroll.

MLK Day/Mean Girls Weigh In

I have had the joy of having today off. I have had this day off plenty in the past, as I have worked for state and local government. Now that I work in education, I have the day off again. I have thought many times about Martin Luther King, Jr. and his contributions to our society but I bet the one he would have thought least about was the fact today is a day off for most people working in civil service of one sort or another.

Doubtless he would have encouraged us to give our efforts to other causes or needs, but, let's be honest, of all of us reading this, who has done something in his honor today? Not me, therefore I do not cast stones. I instead enjoyed a late wakeup, good workout, relaxing shower, enjoyable lunch, quick shopping trip and a return to home where I talked with my Sister and read my book, Loving Frank. To me, MLK, Jr. Day is often a 'spare' holiday, spared of family obligations (completely unlike almost every other holiday), I am free to enjoy my day in the ways I see fit. Not exactly Nobel Peace Prize winning efforts, mind you, but enjoyable nonetheless. Many many apologies to MLK, Jr.

As for tonight, I will finish some putting away of laundry, start another book (The Gathering by Anne Enright), watch some news and probably hit the hay early in hopes of convincing myself to hit the gym in the morning.

Today's visit to the gym was enjoyable. I got a good sweat on, listened to my iPod and watched a little of the Today Show. Thought more about the idea of a roommate and still remain undecided. What I don't want (to hurry along the process of debt-reduction) is another job. I have finally pared down my outside grant writing to a managable level (2 clients remaining) so that I can actually give them the attention they require.

Before now, I could not have said that. I let many things fall by the wayside for way too long ... hoping hoping hoping that I could find a spare minute here there everywhere to get my work done. Spare minutes in this life are often filled with menial tasks that make the non-spare minutes much less exhausting. For example, as much as I dislike spending my Sundays cleaning house, I am overjoyed to come home on Monday afternoons to a clean house to relax in after a long day at work. Thus, spare minutes were not only hard to come by, but inevitably hosed by some other minutia that required my attention.

Not much else to report. It has been a quiet day and for that I am thankful.

OH OH OH ... If you have a moment and want to surf on something cruelly funny, please check out Romeo's blog and the MLK, Jr. Day reference he has on there from Corpus Christi, TX. I laughed so hard I cried.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cloverfield ... Sunday ... Yesterday ...

Yesterday afternoon I spent with D9 -- going to lunch at the Istanbul Cafe (super yum) and checking out books at Half Price Books. Plus a side trip to Sam's Club so he could get some foodstuffs.

Lunch was phenomenal. We had the feta borek appetizer (basically deep fried phyllo dough with feta and herbs in it) and I had the Iskander -- basically lamb in tomato sauce with pita-like bread and homemade yogurt. It was spectacular. Then to the dessert ... which name escapes me but it is basically shredded wheat with syrup, nuts and goat cheese. Freakishly good. I had a light breakfast yesterday and after my lunch there, didn't bother with dinner. Nothing would have been near as good.

I did not find what I was looking for at Half Price Books. I had a few books to catch up on from book club plus a couple more that had recently come out in paperback that I wanted to read. We wandered in there for close to an hour, then we both became ridiculously tired thanks to the fabulous lunch we had just had.

Took off for Sam's Club and wandered a bit in there for him. He wanted to get some chicken and some cheese ... I looked through the books there too (no luck) and just worked my way around the store. After Sam's, he dropped me off, I went inside and promptly went upstairs to appease the urge to nap that had taken over my existence. It was probably 3:30 when I laid down ... and woke up around five with a text message from PM regarding the fresh powder (snow) that he was skiing on in Montana. I saw the text and promptly fell back asleep until 6:30. Ahhh.

I didn't do much last night, just played on the computer and whatnot. Caught the news and fell asleep.

This morning I was uber ambitious ... got up, got ready, hit the gym. After 50 minutes of sweating my ass off, I came home and ate some breakfast (I was STARVING), then plotted out my day of housecleaning. Generally Sundays are my days to clean house, do laundry and chill. I knew I had to get most, if not all, of the stuff done by 3:30, as I planned to join the Big Gay Mafia for a trip to see Cloverfield at 4:50 at the AMC in Castleton.

I swept, I dusted, I washed floors, I cleaned catboxes, I scrubbed cat dishes, I hauled trash, I did laundry ... I was a regular whirling dervish of activity at home. Felt great to get all that done. At 3:30 I was done with everything (save a load of laundry) and hit the shower.

Met up with the Big Gay Mafia and Mom at the AMC 'round 4:40 or so. I managed to run into Borders for a hot minute to pick up the books I have been wanting. I have already started one ... Loving Frank, a fictionalized account of an affair between Frank Lloyd Wright and one of his clients. So far, very fascinating. More on that as I finish.

Cloverfield .... hmm.
I love J.J. Abrams.
I loved Alias, love Lost.
Not sure about Cloverfield.
I do know this, though. No more movies at 4:50 p.m. that are rated PG-13. Too many inane teenagers for my personal tastes. I could have taken out my ovaries with a spork.

This morning's thoughts on the treadmill were again of my financial plan to become debt free by 45 (including house, student loans, etc.). I have joked for years that my last student loan payment will be made with my first retirement check but I think that maybe, just maybe, I can avoid that based on what I have planned.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sister's 31st Birthday!!

Happy Bday to my Sister ... who turns 31 today.

In sunny Cancun, Mexico.


Mean Girls Biggest Loser

So when FitnessNerd and the rest of the Mean Girls first suggested a Biggest Loser competition, my first thought was: No Fucking Way am I publishing my weight to the world. Lord have mercy, I don't even want to see that number myself.

Then I started thinking about my birthday resolutions I had made to myself. One had to do with spending more time with friends and the other had to do with my health. So, I sucked it up, agreed to be part of the Biggest Loser with the Mean Girls, and moved on.

The first weight was due on January 7. The only thing I knew about my weight on January 7 was that: a) it was not my highest weight ever (amen) and 2) the whole world would know. So it was published, I was personally horrified to see it in print, and then went on with my week. Knowing that a second weight was due the following Monday, I was determined, through word and deed, to make sure the number went down, not up.

I lost two pounds the first week. Yeah Me!!

Now I approach week 3. I don't get on the scale at any other time but Monday morning right after peeing and right before I shower, i.e. naked and bereft of any extra fluids.

This week has been hard for me because I have been so worn out by work and have probably eaten more than I should. I did, however, get back into the gym and sweat my butt off. Case in point, this morning.

I was working out and listening to my iPod as I read the news via closed captioning on the televisions in the gym. I had the iPod on shuffle ... whatever came on, came on, I listened to it. Then I heard Mary J. Blige singing Beautiful Day from her No More Drama CD. I listed to that twice this morning, just letting the lyrics wash me away into the land of bliss. There is something about that song that just strikes a chord for me these days -- perhaps it is the message of being thankful, perhaps it is the message that 'your life is good.' Not sure.

Now getting ready to start my day. I'm headed out with D9 today to lunch and a trip to Half Price Books -- hoping to find my next book club/wine club selection there today and save a few bucks.

Love to all.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Being a foodie.

I'm not one of those obnoxious people that eschews all restaurants below the four star rating. I am not a hopeless restaurant-a-holic ... some of the finest meals I've been served have been at friends' homes. I am, quite simply, a woman who likes to dine.

I can dine, for example, at Bazbeaux. Bazbeaux you say? Dine? Yes. For me, to dine is to relish the food, enjoying both the simplest ingredient to the most exquisite service. When I lived in Carmel, I lived about 3 blocks away from the Bazbeaux on Main St. I have to say, living that close to Bazbeaux is both good and bad. Bad because it is so convenient and good because a non-chain restaurant of any stripe close to home is heaven to me.

I'd be in there at least once a week, typically at night after a long day of writing. I'd be exhausted, tired of humanity and ready to scream. Then I'd walk into Bazbeaux. I would be recognized (as I was there often), and would ask to sit at the bar to eat my supper. This would result in my being served by Matt. Matt is a Herron grad and aside from managing the northside Bazbeaux, he also designs and builds furniture (see the Herron grad thing). He and his girlfriend own a house in Fall Creek Place and he never failed to tell me a tale of remodeling, work or life that would bring a smile to my face. Oftentimes he knew what I would order before I ordered it and he'd hand me the remote to the TV above the bar. I'd flip to something like Mythbusters and we'd chat for the next hour over this that or the other. Having a friendly face at a restaurant is an essential element of the dining experience. To this day when I walk in there, I make sure to sit whereever he is working (typically the bar) and enjoy my salad and pizza with one of the most interesting people I've met.

Other restaurants where I have found that the true meaning of dine comes to mind: Santorini's; Oceannaire; Palomino; Oakley's Bistro and (forgive me) the Turkish restaurant at 86th and Ditch. Pleasant servers, options to relax and enjoy your food without a constant sense of 'rush.' Often when I think of dining I think of my dear departed friend Reg. Reg and I worked together when I was at the State and developed a good friendship. He introduced me to Jamaican Blue coffee (seriously, life's best) and the fine art of dining. I had always 'eaten' before ... but his commentaries on food, wine, taste, and all of the pleasurable things that a good dinner out can bring opened my eyes to the art and soul of dining.

Reg has been gone now, five years in March. I still think of him often, especially in posts like this when I think of our many lunches at Palomino -- long, leisurely lunches with engaging conversation, fantastic food and outstanding servers.

I've tried to concentrate this new year on dining more and eating less. I recommend it.

Irresponsibility Makes Me Fucking Cranky

Today I encountered what some will refer to as the 'helicopter' parent. In other words, they circle and circle the 'child' even while said 'child' is legally an adult.

Let me talk a little about responsibility because I seem to encounter so little of it lately:

1. If you (age age 17) and your girlfriend (at age 17) are man and woman enough to not only have sex but to get pregnant and decide to keep the child then:

a) You should raise the child. Get jobs, both of you. You wanna be called a man, be a man. Take responsibility for your actions. In word and Deed.

b) Your parents should not be getting up in the middle of the night for feedings because 'you are tired.' Toofuckingbad. Boofuckinghoo. If you want sympathy, you'll not find it here.

c) Your child, oh grand poobahs of parenting, is not a pawn to your silly little games. It is a child. She needs cared for. She needs you. If you can't do it, there are MILLIONS of families out there which want, need, desire and are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to take care of your child. Either take care of *your child* because it was *your choice* or ....

d) Spilling cum in some chick does not make you a parent. That makes you a sperm donor. Keeping the child rather than aborting it does not make you a parent. It makes you capable of pushing a six pound child out of your crotch. Being a parent involves responsibility, sacrifice and dedication. Time for you both to grow up.

e) Of Course I Was Not Excited To Hear Of Your Impending Parenthood. You are both now 18. Juniors in high school. No jobs. No education. No skills. No fucking clue. What is to be excited about?

2. If your son receives a letter from his college in December announcing he is on Academic Probation and will not be able to register for Spring classes until he sees an advisor, IT IS NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS A PARENT TO WALK HIM TO SEE HIS ADVISOR. He is in college now. Let him fuck it up if he wants to. There are plenty of jobs out there for uneducated people. Most suck. Perhaps he needs that lesson.

a) If he made an appointment with an advisor and missed it HE IS IRRESPONSIBLE. Hello?

b) If he didn't bother to show up to meet/make an appointment until the end of the first week of classes, he won't be admitted into this session. Is this your problem as a parent? No. Is it his? Yes.

c) You, as a parent, getting irritated because someone is not here to see you when clearly your son missed his scheduled appointment, didn't know where he was going in the first place and you didn't bother to make another appointment is not my fault. I will direct you to someone who *possibly* can help, but again, the advisor that is not here today (because he's not scheduled to be here today) is not the problem. Your son's lack of responsibility is the problem.

3. I am tired of hearing that this person or that person cannot be held accountable for their actions because of their fucked up childhood. To that I say: fuck you and you and you. Take responsibility for YOURSELF. There are plenty of counseling services out there for little/no money. There are seminars and courses offered at your local library for free. Education is readily available should you choose to avail yourself of it. Pick YOURSELF up.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Let's Talk About Dating.

Dating: a primordial way of meeting someone new by spending time with them to determine your compatibility on such important topics as food, family, friends and employment.

I hate dating.

Dating to me is a form of torture. It is similar to waterboarding, in my estimation. Just when you think you are safe, you feel like you are drowning again ... in eminent danger of dying. Dating has followed two very similar paths for me: 1) he really, really likes me. I do not really, really like him or 2) I really, really like him and he does not really, really like me. Either/or is unacceptable.

For example, nearly 18 months ago I gave up dating for a few months because of two horrendous back to back blind dates. The first date and I went hiking in a State Park here in Indiana and followed it up with dinner. Innocuous, right? WRONG>>> actually, it was somewhat muddy that day (as the forest _often_ is) and I wore clothing appropriate to potentially muddy terrain. Each time I had mud on me from, well, hiking, he would point it out, point out how messy I was and then wonder aloud why I would wear such *nice* clothing for hiking. (a tshirt and khaki shorts ... all fully washable). Two hours of this. TWO hours. Then upon our return to Indy, he suggests that perhaps we should have some supper. I agree, and offer up some suggestions near the area where the cars were parked. He says, no, "I want to go to Applebees. Applebees is my favorite restaurant." Yes, he did say that. He was NOT kidding. Needless to say, there was no need whatsoever for a second date.

The other date involved coffee. Having learned my lesson on hiking and Applebees, I agree to meet this guy at Starbucks. He was 29, I was 32. Before he even sits down, he starts telling me how he likes to date women between 25-35, although 'women over 30 are all neurotic and want to have kids right away. You know that their ovaries are drying up.' I kid you not. And yes, he knew my age. It was a very short date although I must admit, I stuck around longer than I would have generally because I was increasingly curious how this man functioned as a human with his backwater way of thinking.

So I stopped dating for awhile.

Have been dating again now for about a year. Although I am interested in sharing my life with someone, I'm not interested in just any someone. That's easy to find.

So I hate dating.

Big Time Blogging ... i.e. out of myspace, into the world.

So here I am, breaking into the bigtime world of blogging. I've been blogging for some time on myspace, but I find that limits me in a way. Yes, limiting.

For one, I censor myself on there.
For two, it's myspace, for goodness sakes. The audience is limited.
For three, well, it's time I put on my big girl panties and joined the world of blogging.

A little about me:

I'm 34, single, educated, working full time and have my own business. I'm a writer by trade and a foodie in the secret places of my heart. I like to dine rather than eat. Yes, I eat, daily, but would much prefer a dining experience. I'm one of the those annoying people that has cloth napkins at each meal.

My friends on here, Fitnessnerd, Maestro, Romeo, Blanche and the Mean Girls Under the Stairs, all have blogs I read religiously. I love to hear the latest on their lives.