Sunday, January 31, 2010


Constraints is a funny word, isn't it?  Universally thought as negative (time constraints, money constraints -- all limiting), constraints is a word last night used by Mary's mother to discuss why now was the time for me to start my Ph.D. program.

"You'll never have any less constraints than you do right now," she said. 

Constraints meaning a husband, children, a mortgage.

She's right.  With that one turn of phrase, she made my mind whirl in a thousand directions -- all making me realize that sometimes "constraints" aren't necessarily negative.  I wouldn't ever say a husband, children and a mortgage are negatives, but yet, defining them as constraints does make me think.

I'm applying to Florida International University in Miami for my Ph.D. in Public Administration, with a minor in Political Science.  I need to retake the GRE (horrors!) but am steadily compiling my info to send in to them.  I should be completed by the end of February, then just waiting to hear.  I hope I get in.  On the work front, I have permission from my boss to adjust my work schedule accordingly, which makes for that commute to Miami once a week much more doable.

In other huge, unbelievable, Thank-God-I-Am-Living-Where-I-Am news, Mary's dad offered to work with me to get a paper published.  I am absolutely floating above myself today at the thought.  I am where I am supposed to be.  The stars have aligned.

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