Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ya know, for a girl who used to like to blog (er, blather)

So, two *2* whole posts all of last year.

No posts to date this year.

What does this tell you?

(go ahead, take a moment, I'll cue the Final Jeopardy music)


yes, you are right, PhD coursework!  Lack of sleep! No willpower to blog! Exhausted beyond measure!

And to be honest (gulp) I didn't realize it had been this long.

So an update is in order.

Still in the PhD program, this is the last semester of coursework.
Still an insomniac
Still with darling HoosierGuy
Added one cat (Tom, Thomas, To-mas, Greycat, the Big One)
Still living in NW Indiana
Still riding the South Shore regularly (no good stories lately, alas)

Anything new?

Well, I have a paper that will be presented at a conference in April.  I nearly have a dissertation topic nailed down.  I have arranged to write another paper this summer with another faculty member.  I am working on a couple of papers with another faculty member.  I am a TA for a statistics class (no laughing please), I am a research assistant for the other part of my job.

Did I mention I don't sleep well?  ;)

Things I don't do:

see my friends as often as I'd like (I miss you guys)
drink enough beer/gin/wine (I miss this too)
sleep enough (maybe some day)
cut back on caffeine (I gave it up before but I NEED it now)
worry about working out (I give my heart a workout via stress)
get enough reading done at any point in time (I'm perpetually behind)

So that's me.  How are you?