Monday, May 24, 2010

LOST (and how six seasons changed my world)

September 2004.  Premiere of LOST.  Location?  Sister's apartment-over-the-bookstore, Warsaw, IN. 
I was staying at her place for work.  At that time, I had my own business and had just gone out on my own that spring.  Business was going well, life was good.  I was married.  Had one stepson.  It was the weekend following this premiere that sent me into therapy for over a year.

September 2005.  Premiere of LOST, Season 2.  Location?  My rented house, La Porte, IN.  I was separated from the Hex and trying to figure out my life. Still in therapy, still trying to figure out the next steps in my existence.  Lost?  I was, indeed.

January 2007.  Premiere of LOST, Season 3.  Location?  My rented apartment, Carmel, IN.  Divorce final one year earlier, I'm back living near friends.  New job.  New life. 

January 2008.  Premiere of LOST, Season 4.  Location?  My condo, Indianapolis, IN.  Two years post-divorce, still picking up the pieces of my shattered life. 

January 2009.  Premiere of LOST, Season 5.  Location? My condo, Indianapolis, IN.  Feeling better in year 3.  Dating someone good, enjoying our time together.

January 2010.  Premiere of LOST, Season 6.  Location?  My rented apartment, Fort Myers, FL.  New job, new life, new location.  Life is good. 

LOST intrigued me from the very beginning -- names of characters were common to my political science background (Locke, Rousseau) and literature (Henry Gale, Sawyer). The backstories on each of these characters was rich, colorful and always had an angle. 

There were times in each of these seasons that I needed to cry about something going on in my life.  Each season had touching moments when my tears would flow freely, releasing the torrent of emotion I had bottled up inside.  Then there were the cheers -- when my characters did something incredible and I could share in their joy.  Some days, in those darkest hours, it was the only joy I felt all week.  While the characters were LOST, I was lost as well. 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lost in thought

Have you ever found yourself lost in thought about your own life?  Maybe if one decision had been different, one movement different, how things may have been?

Not regret ... no, I don't live my life by regrets.  I try very hard to think things through throughly before I come to any decisions. 

This week, as I was lying in bed one morning before the alarm went off, I was thinking about people I've dated.  Given that I've written a few days ago that I wish I had someone in my life, this was something of an extension of that thought.

Distance and time away from a situation can often bring to light details which weren't quite there initially. 
Thinking about those I've dated since my divorce, many of the guys have been a mistake from day one.  They didn't fit my criteria of what I want -- they were, for lack of more pleasant terms, convenient.  Now remember, I said MANY not ALL.

If there is ever a bible verse appropriate to these thoughts it is: "for everything there is a season."  Some were right for a season -- and some were entirely wrong for a season. 

The right ones -- I'm glad we dated.  The wrong ones -- I'm glad we dated.  If for nothing else, sometimes the wrong thing is just the right lesson.  Lesson learned: Keep your eye on the prize.  I won't name the right or wrong ones ... those things are best kept close to the vest. 

With eyes firmly fixed on the prize -- I go forth. 

Friday, May 21, 2010

House Hunting in Florida

subtitled: Things To Do To Waste Your Time

On offer three on house three.  Believe it or not, there is a recession going on.  Oh, you didn't hear?  Huh.  Seems that the buyers in Florida didn't hear either.

I'm finding houses I like -- a plus.
I'm approved for a mortgage -- a plus.
Houses go on and off the market in moments -- a minus.

Not sure if House 3 is It per se, but it has potential.  I like what is there and could make it my own fairly easily. 

Now, for some crazy house hunting nonsense:

I've seen homes in APPALLING condition for 75K+
I've seen home in great condition for less than 100K
I've been in houses with three bedrooms and two bathrooms -- while two of the bedrooms and one of the bathrooms had a separate, outside entrance and no interior access to the house.
I've said "Oh Fuck NO" more times than I care to admit publicly.

No other news to report except I have the notion that Maestro is right.  You can get revirginized.  I'm fairly certain that will come to pass soon enough for me.  Not sure what I will do to celebrate -- perhaps wear white without snickering? 

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Oh fer crying out loud.

So a friend of mine posted this on FB.  Says he agrees with the article.

And yet ...

yet ...

(wait for it) ...

lives with his girlfriend (and her kids) with his son.  Set an example much? 

Ai yi yi.  Do as I say, not as I do.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Florida makes me laugh.

I only wish I had thought of this first.

House, no house, House, no house

The real estate market here in Fort Myers is just this side of crazy.

Lots of houses on the market and investors on the lookout. 

I found a house I liked, wanted to put an offer on it but would have been the fifteenth (yes, 15th) offer on the  property.  And the bidding went higher than I wanted to spend.

I'll keep you posted.  Right now, I'm in the apt until further notice.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Good grief, stop with the whining.

I generally like the secretary, ahem, administrative assistant in the office.  She generally is pleasant to talk to and decent enough at what she does. 

I also rarely ever ask her to do anything for me.

Today I asked her to fill out a FedEx envelope for me.  You'd have thought it was the motherfucking apocalypse.

It has taken ten minutes and counting.  And she's still whining.  There is going to be a throwdown by this afternoon if this shit doesn't stop.