Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Things are ...

well, I'm scared to say they are going well, really. I mean, every time I say that, something gets enormously jacked up and I think: "WTF, why did I say things are going well? Why didn't I just say things are 'less jacked up than normal.'"

So things are less jacked up than normal.

Wish I would meet someone nice to date. Am beginning to think this move to FM was all wrong w/out being married. I mean, I could date a hell of a lot of 80 year olds here, but really, I don't want to see that until I'm 90 or so. Then I'll go out with the young'uns, also known as the 75-85 year old set. I'm working on this problem though and perhaps I'll get crazy lucky. Or I'll have some good stories to tell for future blogs. Whatever.

After 3 1/2 weeks of not shaving my legs, I am FINALLY, finally getting that leg wax I've been talking about. It was supposed to happen Monday but had a delay due to overbooking. I cannot possibly date anyone with hair this LONG on my legs for fear that I would accidentally show the enormous forest that has grown on my legs. Truly shameful if it weren't for the fact I planned this and I know the end result. I will either be pleased as punch or in traction later, I'll keep you posted either way.

In other news, I went out for pizza last night at a local pizza place/sports bar: Stevie Tomato's. The bartender there, Chris, has been great to me since I started going there right after I moved here and last night, he had my beer before I even asked for it. Big ol'shout out to Chris, Stevie Tomato's and a packed house last night for 1/2 price pizza night. He rocks (and I tip him accordingly).

I thought I would end up out later, but came home, crawled into my warm bed and was out like a light. So much for me being a party girl in FL. More like more of the same.

35 degrees here this morning. Ridiculous. Coldest weather in 30 years. Am Not Impressed.

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