Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to work.

Today felt long.

I'm almost certain it was the lack of nap during the midday hours that I've become so accustomed to in these last few weeks. I mean, is there a better use of midday than nap? (All you non-single people, don't ruin my happiness. Yes, I KNOW what could be better midday, I'm just, well, nevermind, let's just say that's not an option these days.)

So midday has been a little rough for me. Lack of nap and all.

Had to come in and tackle email straightaway. 74 emails. Not bad for two weeks off. Only about ten from this morning before I got here, so overall 65ish emails for two weeks? Hardly a blip on my email radar. When I took off the 11th of December I had 183 in one day. Some people are just email happy. I am not one of them.

Looks like I'll be headed to Key West here in a couple weeks to catch up with a friend of mine, C. C, for those who don't know, was my Realtor (2x) and is a friend as well. She'll be down for a few days in January and I'm going to take the boat down for a night. Sounds like a good way to spend a January day, doesn't it?

Resolutions are still going well, although I had a bit of insomnia last night. I think it was pending stress for the workday today, although it has been overall pleasant.

Bought tickets to Jersey Boys and Willie Nelson for Mom and I when she comes to town in February. She is quite excited (and under 18+ inches of snow right now).

Today is Sharkmom's birthday ... Happy Birthday Jen! Now let's all officially celebrate JEN-uary!

I have a leg wax tonight. It is either leg wax or bush hog -- I have been growing these babies out for three weeks. I will not wait another week, it is horrible and I want to wear skirts again. I do love the underarm wax I had last week. The time saved in the shower is incredible! (I know, probably TMI, but this has been great!) After coming from a climate where no one saw my legs for six months at a time, a couple days' growth was no big deal. Here, it is warm, so I wear skirts a lot -- and the constant maintenance is driving me batty. So. Wax.

Nada else ... just ready to call it a day.

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