Friday, February 29, 2008

And I thought *I* had dated some freaks ...

I must share this story because it nearly caused me to drive off the road today. Many thanks to A1, the coworker who has, no doubt, dated the most freaks *ever*.

After an especially hilarious lunch with Angela, PM and A1 at the Shelbi Street Cafe (Bistro?), I was driving the gang back to campus. A1 had shared a number of stories over lunch which were, in turns, gross and hilarious. A1 has the perfect deadpan voice to tell the stories with, which only adds to the hilarity of the moment.

A1 says, well, you remember PPP. I say, 'what?' She says, 'you know, Ping Pong Paddle.' I, PM and Angela answer resoundingly: 'no.'

Turns out A1 had a rather good date with a patent attorney and had invited him back to her place for a little make out session. While they were making out in her room (fully clothed, mind you), he excuses himself to go to the restroom. Upon his return, he is carrying her hairbrush. (yes, hairbrush). He explains that had he known that things were going to go that far on this date, he would have brought his own ping pong paddle for her to spank him with but since he did not bring it, he thought perhaps her hairbrush would do the job.


Yes, indeedy, dear readers, not only was she with a bona-fide spanking fool but he normally brings his own hardware for the job. But alas, alack, without his prized spanking tool, he rifled through her bathroom in search of a suitable replacement and came up with ... her hairbrush.


Now, dear readers, this is where I pause, because, let's be honest, how many of us have had the spanking conversation on the first date? Let alone brought our own hardware for the job? Seriously. I cried with laughter. It was all I could do to drive the car.

I make no comment nor pass no judgement on those interested in spanking. What I find hysterical is that he apparently felt quite at home searching her bathroom for a suitable spanking replacement for his beloved ping pong paddle.

And thus, in the history of dating, he became known as PPP. And no, there wasn't a second date. Although, for the record, I am certain that A1 could have spanked his ass with authority. ;)

Thursday update

After my sighting of a flock of robins, spring fever has taken full hold of my soul.

Yesterday I had lots to do, not much time to do it in, so I came in early and had lunch at my desk. However, during my lunch break, I had a shoegasm. A shoegasm you say? What could that be?, baby. Sandals. All 800+ pairs of them. Online for my viewing pleasure. OH My God, it was glorious.

Last year I basically killed off most of my sandals. I could wear them to work all summer long and so I did. Most of them looked pretty ratty by the end of the season so I threw them out -- about 6 pairs of sandals went out the door. Now I am in need of new sandals and with this spring fever I have, I am eager to get my sandal-buying ways on. I was hoping my partner in crime (in sandals) would be around today for a quick trip to ogle the sandals down at Carson Pirie Scott or Nordie's but she had a sick kiddo this morning and wasn't in until afternoon. I had to hold myself back. So, it was and I found several pairs that made my heart happy. I may need to venture down there to check them out for myself.

After my shoegasm, I was nearly giddy with pleasure. PM thought I was a nutjob, having had spoken of sandals since we first saw each other at 8 a.m. However, he had a bit of the spring fever himself yesterday with a grass-green dress shirt on that practically screamed Spring! as he walked through the door.

Damn I love sandals. I am getting a pedicure next Saturday and can hardly wait.

As I was leaving work to head to my hair appointment, I get a call from HR, wanting to have dinner. I was on the phone with work (yes, I know, leaving work, on phone with work, wtf? I Know!), so I had to call him back. Turns out he wanted to have dinner and I was all about that, but had to explain that it would be 8 p.m. or after by the time Evolution had finished doing his magic on my head. HR was cool with that so I went off to the gym.

I worked out first, hopping on the bike to get a quick 6 miles in. Man, my ass is sore today! Sore ass = small ass? I don't know, but I sure hope so. I finished up and had about 20 minutes before I was due in Evolution's magic chair so I chilled out in the salon, relaxing, reading my magazine. It was lovely.

When I first sat in Evolution's chair, he asked me what I wanted this time. Each time is different ... sometimes more color, sometimes less, sometimes more trim, sometimes less. Obviously I was suffering from intense spring fever so I told him to bring out some summer on my head.

He totally did and I LOVE IT!!! It is a whole lot more blonde than I expected but at the same time, I am completely in love with it. Evolution, a million kisses and hugs my friend. You are a rock star!!

As per usual, we spent our time together (2.5+ hours) talking of all things religion, life, personal experiences, family, etc. I think the reason why Evolution and I get along so well is that we are both on continuous journeys into knowledge ... the more the better. I learn so much from him when I am in his chair. Last night was all about Islam. We talked about the concepts of heaven and hell for Islam and how in Islam, heaven is open to people of all faiths, quite unlike Christianity, which shows only one path to heaven. I was quite surprised to hear that Islam says there are 7 levels of heaven, as there are 7 levels of hell. Ever heard of the phrase, 'I am in 7th heaven'? Bet I know where that comes from now. Interesting. Very interesting. Then we discussed a pagan ritual he will be attending soon (yes, pagan, I tell you, Evolution is one amazing guy).

At about 8:15 I roll out of his chair (I had been there since 5:30), and head back into the gym to change clothes for dinner. I call HR, suggest Santorini's and offer to pick him up in 20 minutes.

Ah, Santorini's. *sigh*

It should be said that I *love* Greek food. I could eat Greek food pretty much any day of the week.

The food was made only better by my company. HR is truly a brother in spirit to me. He and I share a lot of the same feelings about people, have similiar viewpoints on issues and each time I am with him I utterly enjoy it. We talked all about Lost and our theories on it (boy, he blew my mind with a couple of them) and generally enjoyed what was a lovely supper. Thanks, H, for the invite to supper and for the lovely company. You were just what I needed.

After dropping HR off, I drove home listening to music, singing in my car. It was a lovely end to a great day.

Ah, spring!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Blogs I read

As you've all probably noticed, I have a list of blogs on my page that I like. Some I look at daily (hello FitnessNerd, Scully, Maestro, Romeo, Blanche) because they are my friends, some I look at daily because I need a jolt to my senses (Accidental Mayor, Advance Indiana, Ruthholladay) and some I just peruse on occasion (pretty much everything else).

Each Wednesday, though, I make it a point to hit The Stranger's website. That is when Seattle's only newspaper prints their weekly edition online. No, I've actually never held a copy of The Stranger in my own hands, I have read it exclusively online. I got hooked initially through another columnist I enjoy, Carolyn Hax of the Washington Post, who does a rather humorous advice column, quite unlike the Ann Landers of yore. Hax would often refer the weird, odd or sexual questions to Dan Savage at The Stranger. Well, given my unyielding curiousity about damn near everything in this life, I began to read Dan's column weekly. Then I went back through the archives and read all the columns. Then I picked up his books. I must say that Dan Savage is one of the most direct writers I've ever read and, given his subject matter, it is essential that he is so direct. After checking in with Dan each week, I began to read other articles and columnists at The Stranger and have developed addictions to other features such as I, Anonymous, Mistress Matisse, and Drunk of the Week. Truly, if you are having a down day, Drunk of the Week will typically make you howl with laughter. We've all been there and (some of us) have been lucky not to get caught on film. enjoy.

As for Good Vibrations, well, sometimes we need to take things into, ahem, our own hands. That site is most likely Not Safe For Work. :)

If you know of a site I ought to be reading/checking out, let me know!

Flock of Robins

Yesterday as I was driving to the gym after work I spotted a flock, yes flock, of robins. About 40-50 of them, all together, just hanging out on a tree and nearby ground. I wanted to shout: SPRING IS COMING!!! OH THANK GOD!!! But I did not, content to smile in wonderment of a sign of spring.

Yes, I am aware that the robins are not the official bird of spring ... that, in actuality, it is the red-winged blackbird that signals the return of spring. However, there is a joyous moment when one sees a bird one has not seen in many months and it is apparent that they are in a migratory pattern north ... meaning only one thing: a warm up is coming.

I don't know about any of you, but February is my hardest month of the year. It is cold, it is gray, it is dreary and it is, for the shortest month of the year, nearly never-ending. As a friend said yesterday, 'there is not enough seratonin for this time of the year.' She is right. There is not. Honestly, Indianapolis would be a happier place in February if Lilly would agree to dump copious amounts of Prozac into the water system for the month.

Yesterday's accomplishments included getting a proposal out the door, getting a workout in and finishing a book I had started on Sunday afternoon. Strangers In Death is the title and the author is J.D. Robb. It is a series of books (read in order ... like Sue Grafton) about a homicide lieutenant in 2060. Actually, the series starts in 2057, I believe, but I digress. The characters are well-written, the plotlines twisted and with each successive book I become more invested in the story. If you haven't read J.D. Robb, I highly recommend. As for the workout, I pushed myself and feel really good today :)

Tonight is an appointment with Evolution, my fantastic stylist. It is cut/color time again and I think I'll have him put some blonde in for a 'spring/summer' look. He typically mixes in three colors so I am always surprised by the color but exceedingly happy with it at the same time. After the hc and color I'll hit the gym again. I'll need to stretch after spending 2.5 hours in the chair !!

Tomorrow night looks like a trip to a client's office ... ugh. Not exactly thrilled about visiting a client on Friday night but there appears to be future work involved (!!) so the possibilities of paying off the house in four years very much appeal to my inner miser. Yes, I know I keep saying I'm going to drop the outside work but if I can keep it to this pace (one grant per round) I can probably juggle what I need to juggle to make it work.

Other weekend tasks include the removal of the washer/dryer from my garage, another tile estimate (this time by a client who does side work), planting what is left of my bulbs from last fall (sprouting in my garage ... it got too cold too quick here to get them all in the ground) and general slackassery.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The peaceful silence of no cell phone

I remember the days of not being tethered to an electronic leash. Those glorious days of not having a pager (ha! that seems like 1000 years ago), a cell phone or some other such device tracking one's every move. It has been years since I was out of touch with either work or home for more than a moment.

Yesterday was a day of no cell phone for me. I had left it (inadvertently) on the kitchen counter in the morning. At about 82nd St. on I-69, I realized it was not with me. First, panic. Then acceptance, then finally .... peace. Yes, glorious peace.

It is not that I am unreachable without a cell phone, quite the opposite. When I am at work, I have, at minimum, my desk phone and email to reach me. At home, my home phone and email. In the car, yes, the only way to reach me is by cell phone.

As I settled into my day, I realized just how much this electronic tether binds me to tasks. I feel the need to answer it when it rings. To respond to texts when I receive them. To pay close attention to make sure I have not missed a call.

Without it, I am free.

When I returned home last night after work, I got dressed for the gym and headed out. Before I headed out, I reached out for my phone and nearly put it in my purse. Then I thought, wait ... enjoy your time ... be without it. So I did. I went to the gym, sweated my ass off and enjoyed my iPod. When I came home, I noticed I had a couple of voicemails. I listened to them as I ate my supper and determined neither call needed returned at that time. I read my book, watched a show and called it a night. It was glorious.

... and today I left it at home again. I can't decide whether I did it on purpose or not, but all the same, I will enjoy another day of glorious silence.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blessed Silence

I forgot my cell phone at home today ... was trying to get out the door, focused on getting breakfast made, trash taken out and kitty food refilled and left it on the counter.

I think I will enjoy the silence today.

Blessed, beautiful, gorgeous silence.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Unsolicited Advice

Thanks, I'm good. No, really, I did not ask for your opinion. Oh, you thought so?

No, I did not.

I have had my fill of unsolicited advice. Nothing like the whole fucking world thinking they know the whole story, know how your life could go based on their limited information and offering unsolicited advice based on their limited knowledge/understanding.

What is that quote I've heard so many times before? Oh yeah.

'Some people get all their exercise jumping to conclusions.'

I am good. Thanks.

I am ready to fucking scream.

Weekend overview in few words.

Family in town, chaos ensues.
Texts from JD's* friends, bullshit for days.
Family does not meet JD, drama drama drama.
2 Rooms painted, neither room fully put back together.
Oscar party w/drunk Fitnessnerd liveblogging ... need I say more?
Change name for hot golf guy from Nick to JD, so Fitnessnerd can get over his moo-cow on the subject.
Need to focus on work. Lots to do. Upcoming deadlines looming.
Taxes, gotta finish taxes. Hate doing taxes.

And I am completely exhausted. Lots of stuff to do this week, need to find time to do it all.

-- me.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Of deer, paint prep and Lowe's trips

Last night after a rather long return to work, JD was heading home when a deer found his car and decided to destroy it. Needless to say, he is having a mighty shitty day. When I asked if he was having venison steaks for dinner (as it is the least the deer could do seeing as s/he had just caused major damage to JD's car), his reply was that the deer had gotten up and ran away. How rude.

I spent last night with friends, Bev and Laurie, at McCormick and Schmick's then headed home to get some paint prep done/see Nick for awhile. The visit with Bev and Laurie was fun as always, we laughed for a couple of hours prior to them going to a play at the IRT. I meandered home, stopping at Linens 'n Things to return a bedskirt/duvet I had purchased earlier for another one ... yes, I was having buyer's remorse. After picking out the duvet/bedskirt, I headed to Lowe's to buy four gallons of paint. Yes, Four. Two gallons for my bedroom walls, one gallon for my bedroom ceiling, and one gallon for my guest bedroom ceiling. I had already purchased the guest bedroom color when I moved into the house a year before ... but wanted to see if I could live with the color that was in there already (no).

Mom and Cousin B arrive later this afternoon for the weekend. I am already mentally checked out.

The paint prep consisted mainly of taking down pictures, wall hangings and curtains and moving furniture around to make sure they could easily paint the bedrooms. My office now looks like a bomb went off but I am okay with that :)

CCM is coming by this weekend to clean out my garage of washer/dryer and table/chairs. Woo Hoo!! Spring Fever, baby!!!

not much else to report, life is good. I am tired today though ... woke up about a dozen times last night for no good reason.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Family Descends Like Locusts.

My family (meaning Mom, Stepdad, Grandma, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins) mostly live in the La Porte area, about 2.5 hours away. I have one Cousin and his wife that live here, as does Sister. I also have an Aunt, Uncle and Cousin that live in Terre Haute and Dad, Stepmom, Stepgrandma, and Stepbrothers live near Tampa, FL in Riverview, FL.

Thus, the family doesn't have easy access to just 'drop by' unannounced, they typically plan a trip at least a month in advance and then I prepare myself mentally for the invasion.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family. Please note, however, my failed experiment at living back in La Porte for a year failed mainly because it was too much togetherness for me. Yes, at that time I needed family support but I also needed time alone. The time alone was much harder to get when you have: a) a local phone number and b) a local address.

So moving back to Indy, er, Carmel, was a move that allowed me to still be close to them but far enough away that they had to plan their visits. This is the ideal distance.


Tomorrow starts the invasion. Mom and Cousin B will arrive mid- to late-afternoon. They plan to start on painting my bedroom and guest bedroom tomorrow, with the idea to finish on Friday. I've invited JD over to meet them on Thursday evening. On Friday afternoon, Cousin K drives in from La Porte. She is in nursing school and has clinicals until 1 on Friday so she can't get away any sooner. On Friday night we will meet up with Cousin D who lives here in town for dinner. Then on Saturday, Aunt N (Mom's sister), Uncle R, and Cousin T will drive over from Terre Haute to visit with my Mom and Cousins for lunch. On Saturday night I expect that Mom, Cousin B, Cousin K, maybe Sister, maybe Boy Wonder, myself and JD will go out to dinner and for entertainment later that night.

On Sunday, the family should leave mid-day (as per normal) and I'll have a date with JD in the afternoon. Movies, dinner ... thinking of seeing Vantage Point ... it comes out this weekend and I thought it looked good. Nothing like a romantic date to a political thriller movie, right? :)

As for today, I have plans with friends Bev and Laurie for happy hour at McCormick and Schmick's. I have some work to do at home for paint prep as well ... all that and see Nick as well. A good day :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Spring Fever

I admit it, I have Spring Fever. Something about that 55 degree weather on Sunday coupled with the fact I opened windows in my house for about an hour has sent me into a spring fever frenzy.

My garage is atrocious. I am storing stuff for both my Sister and CCM and it needs to go ... either in the attic or out of there. In early January my Sister and I put stuff in the attic of my garage from her pile o' stuff in my garage, however, we did not put everything up there because she 'might' need access to it. After this weekend, it will all be up there if it can fit. I need room to sand and paint my patio furniture.

Same for CCM's stuff. She said she was going to move it to a friend's house and I will try to make that happen in short order. I have enough people at my house this weekend to get this stuff up and gone and that is what will happen.

I spent about an hour in my garage last night organizing my stuff some more and thinking about what could go up in the attic until further notice. I may be paring down some stuff I have in the near future just to get to the 'zen' garage I am hoping for.

Looking over my glass stuff last night I realized that I really need to get back to that too. I love to play with glass and make my stones so yet again I will need to get stuff cleaned out for a proper workspace for that.


Quote o' the decade courtesy of a student in the restroom:

(The setting: women's restroom; time: 5:00; I am inside, out of view; student enters, talking to herself)

"Damn, why is this bathroom so hot? Every other room here is cold. Well, at least my pussy won't freeze"

At this point, I burst into laughter. Student stops dead in her tracks, aware now she is not alone. She runs out of the bathroom. I laugh harder.


Also had a great talk with Scully last night. Big shout out to Mineral, WA, the only town on earth that makes New Carlisle look like a metropolis! :) I'll work on getting out there, would love to see you!


This week is all about getting ready for the family to arrive on Thursday. They will get here sometime Thursday afternoon and will leave on Sunday. My Mom and Cousin B will be here to paint my bedroom and guest bedroom and cousin K is coming on Friday afternoon. Then apparently my Aunt N, Uncle R and Cousin T will come over from Terre Haute on Saturday noonish for lunch and to visit.

Busy weekend. Lots to do.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

So what is it you really want in this life?

I've spent a lot of time since my divorce thinking and rethinking what it is I want -- in life, in a relationship, retirement, the whole nine yards. Everything from children to where I want to live to family to sex was part of my thoughts. Basically, what I wanted was to realize what mistakes I had made in the past, how I had made them and how I could change my life to better fit what it is I wanted.

Last year there was an Oprah show on The Secret, a book detailing the power of attraction. I had Tivo'd the show and watched it at the suggestion of my cousin B. As I watched the show I began to think more and more what it is that I *want* for myself. I was in a place in my life where I had everything I needed. I had a great job, a new condo, nice car, and the best in friends and family. Truly, I realized then as I do now, that I am blessed in so many ways.

I had what I needed but knew I wanted more.

What I wanted, essentially, was a life partner. Someone to share my days and nights with, someone to laugh with, someone to have a life with ... including marriage, kids. I made a list of the 'ideal man' for me. Included everything from education, age, kids/no kids to whether that person had been married before.

It took me a few days to figure it all out. After all, it wasn't a grocery list I was making, it was a list for my future life partner. It wasn't easy ...

So I am revisiting this list with JD. Finding he meets the criteria ... and scared out of my mind.


This weekend I did something completely out of my normal character.

When JD suggested I visit him at a golf show in Cleveland, I must admit that I was interested in seeing him but ... Cleveland? Seriously. WTF is in Cleveland? Sure, Rock and Roll hall of fame but .... yeah, I got nothin' either.

He first suggested it on Tuesday, knowing he was leaving on Thursday. I must admit to initially blowing it off, as my need for self-preservation is pretty high. I don't open up my life easily, I much prefer to keep a healthy distance from hurt. The idea of dropping everything (okay, nothing, I had no plans this weekend) to visit a guy I am dating in Cleveland seemed like opening myself up to allowing him into my life further.

So I thought about it.

He asked again on Thursday. He told me he'd like me to come up, would even spring for half a plane ticket if I wanted to fly in. I looked at flights, looked at prices, looked at routes.

Ultimately, flying to Cleveland from Indianapolis involved either flying to Chicago or Dallas (!?!) prior to flying to Cleveland. This further investigation highlighted my initial opinion of Cleveland -- WTF City.

Finally I made a decision. I was driving to Cleveland. Only one problem stood in my way -- a late Friday afternoon meeting with my boss. I don't need to tell you that I don't miss meetings with my boss because: a) I like having a job and b) I am fond of paychecks.

Then ... 5:15 p.m. on Thursday night, an email to reschedule my Friday meeting to Tuesday. A sign, if you will. I am supposed to go to Cleveland.

I head in on Friday morning, rearrange my day to move a lunch meeting to mid-morning, change my timesheet to reflect some hours off on Friday afternoon and get some paperwork out the door. By noon I am pulling out of the parking lot, heading out to Cleveland.

Four hours twenty minutes later, I have arrived in Cleveland.

I call JD, am asked to deliver a credit card machine cord to him at the I/X Center (the convention center/hall space about the size of downtown Indianapolis ... and I am hardly exaggerating). I head up to the room first, drop off stuff then head out to the I/X Center. See JD for a hot minute and head back to the hotel. I plan to hit the treadmill (I have been sitting for 4.5 hours), grab a shower and be ready for dinner when they (JD and some guys he is sharing a booth with, Brad and Rick) arrive after 8.

They return and we head out to a place across the street: Harry Buffalo's. Harry's is a fairly stereotypical bar/food place, similar to a BW3's if I were to make a comparison. The service started out good, but about mid-meal it went from good to shit and never returned. The company was good though and I laughed at the stories. I missed the one call I was waiting for though ... from my Sister.

The next day started early, with JD heading out to the I/X Center and me heading to the gym to get my workout in before I start my day. After the gym, I was able to talk to my Sister.

Big News: Boy Wonder asked her to marry him and she said yes. Wedding in 2009, Spring or early Summer. :) I'll be the Maid of Honor and am completely pleased to do so. I am just so happy for both of them.

So after talking to Sister, I poke around Cleveland, or at least the area I was in. I went to the mall, wandered through countless stores and just generally had a great day. On top of my mess around time, I hauled my files upstairs to the hotel room and managed to get all my files ready for the accountant. I still have data entry to do, but trust that it is no longer the hot mess it was prior to this weekend.

JD, Brad and Rick returned around 6:30 and we headed for Lone Star for supper.

I wore jeans and a v-neck shirt. Now you know me, you know the 'girls' ... but our waiter was determined to get an up close and personal look at them. He served every bit of food from my corner of the table (way in the back). He responded to my every whim but only after giving the girls an appreciative once-over. I would say 'glance' but he was wayyyyy more obvious than that. It became a table joke. I should have accepted a tip from him for as much as he stared.

This morning was pretty perfunctory ... got ready, had breakfast, got on the road. I wanted to catch up with a P.E.O. sister, Lori, but all I had was her email and Bev wasn't answering her phone. By the time Bev called me back, I was pretty much in Columbus and wasn't turning around. I got home around 2:30 this afternoon.

So yes, I traveled to Cleveland for JD. It was a wonderful weekend and I am glad I did it. I learned more about him and he learned more about me. We share many of the same wants and many of the same fears ... and the most interesting thing is that he meets so many of my 'wants' on my list. Very Very Interesting. Ask and ye shall recieve.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Active Shooter Training/Emergency Training

There is something decidedly spooky about planning to attend a safety training the day after a school shooting.

I had been steadfastly avoiding safety training (I am stubborn ... and edited the hell out of the damn manual so could practically recite it at will) but knew that there would be an upcoming drill on campus and I did not want to be unprepared. I put on my calendar that I would attend this Friday's safety training which comes complete with an Active Shooter video. This is also known as "What the fuck to do when someone decides to mow you down in the workplace."

The video was spooky today, especially in light of the shooting in Illinois yesterday. I'd like to say this stuff doesn't affect me, but that would be wrong. I'm not nervous or scared to go to work, none of that, more like more aware of what could go wrong here. I've thought about where I'd hide, how I'd conduct myself and how I could potentially save my own skin if need be.

The training was good, well done. It helps that I personally like our Director of Campus Safety and that I have worked with him on a couple of grants. He is a former military cop and has seen his share of craziness. Unprepared, he is not.

So here's the question of the day ... to all my friends out there ...

Do you know what you would do? How you would react? Where you would hide? Where you would run? What if the shooter were right outside your door/classroom/cube?

I know what I would do ... but that doesn't make me bulletproof. It only makes me prepared.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

"Gurrrrrrrrrrl, you have a delivery over here."

K, who runs our front desk/entry area, called me yesterday with the message that I had received a delivery. I text JD, ask him if he has sent anything, he denies it.

I finish up the task I'm doing, head over to the other building to see K. Indeed, a flower delivery, from MacNamara's no less. I open the card ... "Just thinking of you ... JD" I open the package and the most beautiful bouquet of roses and carnations in a gorgeous red vase is there before my eyes. They are spectacular.

I get back to my office with the bouquet and have rec'd several questions about the origin of my flowers on the way over. I answer all with "they are from a great guy I am dating." I head back into my office and text JD about the flowers, thanking him for them.

I spend the rest of my afternoon working like a dog on a grant from Cloud 9. I managed to finish up the grant I have been working on and sent it out for comment.

JD and I had dinner at my house and watched American Idol last night. My first time ever watching this show and he is apparently into it. It was mildly amusing but I was glad I did not have to hear anyone sing.

I guess all that forgiving and throwing out my old lingerie did help bring about change in my life after all. Very cool.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Inner Feelings (i.e. why I am constantly joking)

Last night JD called me out on it. He said I use my sense of humor as a shield when I don't want to talk about a subject.

He is right.

It is easy to avoid talking about your feelings when you have a sense of humor. Specifically a sarcastic sense of humor, as is pretty prevalent in my family and friends. I know that money can't buy happiness but a good sarcastic comment can elicit a ton of laughs.

I can't help it. I am a laugh junkie. I love to laugh and make people laugh. And laughing and making people laugh prevents the 'serious' conversations that have to happen from time to time.

When I spent my year in therapy while I was with the Hex, my therapist told me that my sense of humor was probably the one thing that saved my sanity. She said even in my darkest moments in therapy I was often able to make a joke to lighten my own mood, let alone the session. She was right. While Superman might have a cape, I have my sense of humor as my shield.

I've used that shield pretty effectively to prevent people from getting too close.

When JD and I were on the phone last night, he asked me some pretty direct questions about me and how I felt. I, of course, used my standard avoidance tactic. We finished our conversation and hung up. Then he text'd me. Asking similar questions. I answer back that I'd rather talk about it on the phone. He said no, I generally answer the questions by text better (true, because it is too hard to make a joke via text). I reply back that of course I do, I have time to think and respond. So this goes on and on. I am fairly certain we text'd 30 times. All sorts of questions, all sorts of answers. The crux of it is: I like him. A Whole Lot. He likes me. A Whole Lot.

Whew. *That* was scary.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

4th Date ... whoa.

I know, I know. It is all too surreal to contemplate. Me on a 4th date? Without there being a 4th guy? I know!

JD and I went to Texas Roadhouse last night in Noblesville for dinner. We talked more about life, where we have been and where we want to go. The conversation (pre-, during and post-) was about four+ hours long so I'll nutshell it: despite all the hardship he had growing up, he has pulled himself up into what he is today.

It is by my own acknowledgement that I have pretty much run as far and as fast away from commitment since Hex. Sure, I've dated here and there but there was never anyone I could imagine spending extended periods of time with, let alone see them a few days in a row. Two days in a row has pretty much been the maximum since the divorce -- and that was rare.

There is this level of comfort with JD that I find mystifying. Not only has he been around, but I've *wanted* him around. It is more than a little freaky. Last night he told me his first impression of me was that I was very conservative, perhaps stuffy, and probably not a lot of fun. God only knows why he asked me out again if that was my outward appearance. :P

Work is going fine, just trying to kick things out the door. I am ready to be done with a couple of projects but the pace is going slower than I'd like. I will probably have to lock myself in my office today.

I went to the gym yesterday and worked out. It felt good but I was tired at the end. Today I have a night meeting in TOJ that starts at 6. I am hoping to be done with that by 7 and back to Indy to hit the gym before bed.

Yet again there was dire predictions of snow out the ying-yang but again there was jack shit for snow. I am tired of the weather people hyping the 'big snow' when what we really get is about .5" of nothingness followed by about an hour of freezing rain. Whoop dee ... does this really require a "Snow Team" to figure this out? Apparently all of you failed your meteorology classes in college. Perhaps future work as a roadside psychic will pay off better.

Monday, February 11, 2008

3rd Date (also known as Uncharted Territory)

Yes, JD and I had a third date. He had a long day yesterday at work as neither of us had gotten much sleep on Saturday night/Sunday morning so we text'd back and forth all day long on Sunday with this that and the other. Some funny, some serious. At one point, he text'd me and asked if 'If he wanted to see me again today would I think he was weird.' I text'd back that I wanted to see him as well and that makes both of us weird.

He came by last night and we talked and talked. He makes me laugh so hard. He has the best voice ever. I told him to just read me the phone book and I would be happy. ;) As scared as I am to say it or type it, I really think I could be falling for him. Wow.

So, dear readers, here I am in uncharted territory. Not only have I been on three dates with the same guy in four days, I want to see him again today and it will likely happen. What happened to the independent me who never wants to see the guys she dates? Wherever she went, good riddance, this is too much fun.

Holy Shit.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Terre Haute Rendevous/Athena Relaxes.

Yes, people, my life has gotten desperate. I went to Terre Haute for some peace and quiet.

I decided early in the week I needed some 'away' time from Indy but, quite frankly, didn't know where I wanted to go. I knew La Porte was out, because there is a level of madness present there that I would not get any peace and quiet and probably a lengthy inpatient stay at the mental hospital after the weekend was over. Seeing as I am hoarding my vacation/sick days like a squirrel in fall, I had to rethink the weekend.

Asked the Mean Girls if they were interested. No response. K, they aren't interested.

Sister is in Vegas. Other friends are busy. Not going to La Porte.

This leaves .... drum roll please ... Terre Haute.

My aunt, uncle and cousin live there. Terre Haute is a backwater burg of nothingness couched by interstate but you can get to darn near anything in town in ten minutes. Seeing as I was tired of waiting in traffic, waiting in line and in general waiting, it seemed appropriate. I knew I was just going for Friday night (one can only do so much time in Terre Haute, unless you are locked up in the federal pen) ... I wasn't sure what I was doing Saturday, but a phone call from JD (see Friday's post) offered a date on Saturday night. Interesting. A man that calls back. WTF?

So anyhoo, I head over to Terre Haute for a quick night away. I love to stay at my cousin's house. One, it is cozy. Two, every creature comfort is available and three, it's not my house so I don't have to: do laundry, clean, iron, and other bullshit activities I would talk myself into doing if I were at home. At Cousin's house I can just chill.

Friday night we had some yummy chicken & noodles and a wonderful sausage/potato soup with a hearty bread. Then we headed to Kohl's where I purchased the living crap out of organizational stuff. (yes, my OCD is on high alert currently with the 'spring cleaning' season approaching) We headed back to her house, unloaded her purchases and we talked 'til about ten then I headed into the guestroom to read. It was heaven. Nick called about 10 to firm up plans for Saturday night and we talked for a little over an hour. I cashed out around midnight.

Woke up early, stumbled around and finally found the living room. I parked my happy self onto a recliner, grabbed a stack of magazines and started reading. I was in the happy zone. The only thing that may have made me happier at that point might have been a nice houseboy making me breakfast but I digress. Cousin got up around 8 and we talked about what we were doing that day. We decided that there was much shopping to do for the new paint/bed linen project I have been working on for my bedroom. It will be a blue-green with a large chocolate brown stripe painted around the room. Found the bedding I *love* and made a note of its location, bought some accessories and picked up paint chips at Lowe's.

Had a GodAwful lunch at this place called Mulligans. Never again. Not even if I am reduced to eating dirt. No.

Returned to Indy 'round 4, unloaded the car, chilled. JD was to be here at 7:30 for dinner (Bravo) then a movie (Juno).

He texts ... he'll be about a half hour late. That's fine, I am reading a magazine, am ready, just relaxing a bit. I ran the sweeper before he came (good first impressions and all that) and picked up the little bit of stuff that was around. Looked acceptable, IMHO.

We went to Bravo, declined the hour wait time there and he drove us to Goodfellas, a place on Olio Road near Geist. Very good, worthy. I had the baked ziti and it was fabulous.

By this time we aren't going to make the movie, so he drives me back home. I invite him in for a beverage .... we laugh, talk, joke. We share family stories, dating nightmares and discussions about people we work with ...

And suffice to say, it was a very good second date. ;)

Friday, February 8, 2008

Raised By Wolves.

Okay, so John has not called since Saturday. I am officially writing him off as Raised By Wolves.

Had lunch yesterday with my former boss, S. It was, as always, a lovely lunch punctuated with peals of laughter and new and fun things to discuss. She is a complete delight and I think the world of her. We had been laughing and talking for about 1.5 hours when we realized what time it was and we both went back to work. I am thankful each day that we have remained friends.

Dinner last night was at Sakura with D9, Nicholas and Sister. Sushi :) Yum! Nicholas was well behaved and fun ... it was a good evening. The funniest part came when he apparently took a good look at Sister's chest and announced, quite clearly, 'Boobies.' I thought Sister was going to blow a gasket she laughed so hard. D9 was horrified, I tried to appease him by saying that Nicholas had said 'poopy' but I think he knew what Nicholas had said.

Met someone new last night ... a coffee date. His name is JD*, he's 35, divorced, no kids, 3 dogs. We talked for about two hours at the local Starbucks and he asked if I'd like to go to dinner. I said sure, a tenative date is set for Tuesday. I will keep you all posted. Nice guy, funny and interesting. Attractive. Who knows?

Planning on heading to Terre Haute tonight to visit with family ... I have been needing to get out of town and don't want to head north, as the weather sucks at this time of year and I am unwilling to clear off more snow than I have to. So visiting with my cousin ... I want to see her new floors (wide-plank hickory laminate) and new furniture.

* = names changed, as always, to protect the innocent.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Being Happy ... Some Thoughts.

Last night's dinner with Bev and Laurie brought some news of mutual friends. One of these friends is, well, not anyone I'd consider a friend but she is more than an acquaintance and not an enemy, said the following about one of her friends:

"We were once roommates but after I moved out, got married and had kids, she didn't have time for me. It was like she was filling her life with all these activities so she didn't have to realize just how lonely she was at home alone with no one there."

After Bev told me this and how flabbergasted she was at this friend's statement, she said she didn't know what to say. I said I would have said this: "I have never felt more lonely than when I was married. When I am single, I accept that I will be alone sometimes and actually like that time. But when you are married, there is an expectation of togetherness and when that expectation is unfulfilled, you become lonely. I'd much rather be lonely and alone than lonely and married."

So I began thinking of my own happiness.

I am happy being alone. I am happy with someone. I am happy with friends. I am happy with family. I really love my life and can't complain.

When I was *most* unhappy was when I was married, was counting on my husband to be a companion to me and he always had other obligations which made me feel like I was last on his list of priorities. To this very day, the Hex emails me at least twice a month, wanting to get together for lunch, dinner, whatever. I find it endlessly fascinating that the Hex, who once had no time for his wife, now has time for his ex-wife.

So lonely to me is not alone ... it is the broken promises of commitment that are reasons to be lonely.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

'If you lick my shelf, I will be wicked pissed'

That quote was from Tuesday, brought to you by A1, referring to a splash of ranch dressing on her boobs that PM had said he could lick off. It was extremely funny.

This came after a meeting on Tuesday morning where PM asked if he could use Becky (he and his boss' administrative assistant) for an hour or so with another guy. Yes, it came out of his mouth just like that and yes, Becky, PM's boss and myself HOWLED with laughter for about five minutes. PM was mortified.

Today was an average, normal day in the life of me.

I did some background work on upcoming grant proposals, visited a tech lab for the first time and worked with science faculty on a grant proposal.

Had lunch at Paradise Cafe with A1 and CCM. When we arrived it was not raining. When we left it was pouring and we had no umbrellas. It was most amusing to run back to the car (approx 1.5 blocks away) in the pouring rain, laughing most of the way.

Aside from that, I went to dinner with my friends Bev and Laurie. Bev and I have been friends for a few years and she introduced me to Laurie, her coworker on a project. Needless to say, we have lots of fun together and laugh for about two hours straight. Tonight we went to McCormick and Schmick's downtown for their happy hour specials. Tonight was a good night to spend with friends as I have been needing some downtime.

That's all folks ...

Super Tuesday/Super Tired.

Monday night I could not fall asleep. I was wide awake until midnight or so, just bright eyed and bushy tailed for no good reason. Finally forced my eyes closed around 12 then proceeded to wake up every hour or so until my alarm. I felt like complete shit yesterday.

I had a couple of meetings, all were fine, nothing remarkable except I rec'd some kudos from the boss for working out another partnership with people we need to get to know better.

Came home, ate supper, read for about an hour and cashed out.

Yes, in bed at 7:30 and slept until 7 this morning.

I'll talk about the caucuses/primaries later today. Still waking up.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Meetings Suck.

Today was meetings, meetings, meetings. Mindless, senseless, boring as all hell meetings.

Actually, I can't argue that the first meeting of the day was this way. I had it with a coworker ... and basically begged his assistant to rearrange our meeting so we could go to Starbucks. I knew my afternoon meeting would be endless pain and suffering only assuaged by massive quantities of caffeine. I picked up D. and away to Starbucks we went. We worked up a grant proposal (which I know need to write and make sense of), bullshitted about work and came to the same conclusion: work is not life. Life is what happens outside of work.

The afternoon meeting. Sigh. How I prayed for the sweet release of death. Thank God For Starbucks. I don't want to get into it (as I have already lived this suffering) but suffice to say, I felt my brain slither out of my ear, crawl to the floor, wither and die.

Lunch was the highlight of the day, as it often is.

Had dinner with Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, Sister to celebrate Uncle's bday. Abuelos. Yum.

After supper I came home, changed clothes and went to work out. I feel better.

Not much else happening. More tomorrow.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Return from the Land of GI Distress ... / Sunday.

Aside from a lunch date on Saturday with John and talking for hours, I ended up with severe GI distress. (and btw, nothing is more horrible than GI distress than GI distress with someone you've just met)

The kind that one thinks every fart is suspect. Yes, I was close to the dreaded shart. I spent several hours in the restroom at home ... chillin'. I had planned on a nice evening with FitnessNerd, etc. at St. Elmos and a trip to Ike and Jonesey's for 'culture' but after cancelling with them for St. Elmos (no sense in eating something you aren't sure is going to stick with you past 20 minutes) I began to feel better. I hung out at home, with occasional trips to the restroom then about the time I heard they were getting their dessert, it started up again.

No thanks, I'd rather not shit myself in public. Call me selfish. ;)

So I hung out at home, ended up falling asleep around midnight after an hour of GI-distress free night. I sure was not going to bed before all that ended. No thanks.

So today I got up early -- 'bout 7:30 and started laundry. Did laundry for a few hours then went to the gym, dropped off recycling, dropped off some stuff at Goodwill. Did a Sam's Club run and headed home for a late-ish lunch. Showered, headed to Starbucks for a nice cup of coffee and a book reading moment. Came back home, flipped on the TV and finished laundry.

Now I've finished with the Superbowl (Yeah Giants!!!!), I am getting ready to get my bed back together and call it a night.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

La Porte is the Center of the Universe

For years I have been told, sometimes jokingly and sometimes seriously that my hometown is the Center of the Universe. Last night, I believed it.

I had plans with my Sister and her BF to go eat sushi at Sakura. I Love Sushi. Then I noted her calendar and asked her if she'd like a romantic evening with her honey (since she had plans for the rest of the weekend) and she said yes. So we amicably cancelled our sushi plans. Then she reschedules, because his brother was coming along. Then brother cancels, so she recancells. I tell her at this point that I am getting dinner elsewhere because this is getting weird.

Ended up at dinner with D9 and Nicholas at El Rodeo, a locally owned restaurant chain. It was yum but that is another story.

Came back home 'round 7:00. Not in the mood to just sit at home, I decide (after a bit) to get out of the house. I decide I want a beer but I don't want it from just any old place, I want to go back (went there for lunch yesterday) to Broad Ripple BrewPub. I change out of work clothes, get myself together and away I go.

I get there about 8:30. It is ass-packed (i.e. not room for one more rear end in the whole place). I finagle my way to the bar to order a beer. As luck would have it, there is one open stool next to this guy. I ask him what he is having (because it looks very tasty) and we talk beer for a minute and he asks me to sit down. I do.

He introduces himself, his name is John*. We start shooting the shit about this and that, I ask him what brings him here tonight and he says that he took the day off work, wanted to just relax and decided to come over for dinner and a beer. Turns out he works at a former employer of mine and we chat a little bit about what we do. I note the coincidence at our job paths and move on. Then he mentions something about going to see his parents 'up north.'

'Up North' in Indy parlance, means generally three counties. La Porte, Elkhart or Noble. The rest of the 'Up North' counties all have a sizeable city (Gary, Valpo, South Bend, Fort Wayne) that people will generally say where they are from. Not so for La Porte, Elkhart and Noble.

Anyhoo, I ask where 'up north' is. Turns out it is La Porte. He grew up approximately one mile from my house, graduated from New Prairie High School in 83 and his dad used to employ my next door neighbor.

Oh yeah, you can imagine my utter shock. It was like old home week in bizzarro world. There were approximately 1000 other instances of 'oh yeah, you know ___?' 'me too!' It was unbelievable. Seriously, what are the odds of meeting someone in Indy who went to my same high school (graduating classes of 150), lived approximately a mile away from the house I grew up in and knows people I know?

So we end up talking until closing time. Yes, dear readers, Athena closed down a bar. It has to be about ten plus years since that happened last.

I gave him my number, asked him to call me.

* = as ever, names changed to protect the not so innocent.


As a side note, I told my Mom this story this morning. Apparently my stepdad helped dig out John's parents' basement when they moved to their home.

Oh yeah, La Porte is the Center of the Universe.

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Weatherman's Big Woody Was For Naught

We did not get jack for snow last night. All this 8-10 inch prediction nonsense for maybe one measly inch of snow? Seriously, that's not enough to get even the most excitable child to say more than 'meh.'

We did, however, receive some ice, which of course translates easily into red hot panic here in Central Indiana. Two hour delays were the order of the day, combined with some school systems calling the whole thing off. Truly, it was overkill.

1-2 inches of snow do not make me panic. Ice does not make me panic. I grew up in NW Indiana in the 'snow belt' ... i.e. Lake Effect Land. Until you've seen 12" of snow fall in 6 hours and it doesn't appear to be letting up then there is nothing to complain about. Most of the time here in Indianapolis I just accept that there will be red hot panic when it appears that there will be snow (shocker) in December/January/February/March. I accept that the weatherpeople will get all up in arms over a weathersystem that brings jack for snow but 'looks like a big one.' I accept that there will be runs on milk and eggs at the stores.

On the flip side of the weather, is LOST.

OMG. My mind was reeling from all the Missing Pieces mini-episodes that I had watched, coupled with last season's finale and what I now know about the season opener. I was AWED. Back and forth in space and time ... I'll say it again. I love JJ Abrams. I love Damon Lindhof. Love Love Love. This is the best damn show on TV. I am reminded again why my evening stops when LOST comes on.

LOST didn't disappoint. I'll be rewatching the episode this weekend thanks to my trusty DVR. :)