Saturday, January 30, 2010

The purr-monster hath awakened.

This morning I woke up around 5.  Insomnia is a weird thing for me, strikes at odd times and often, like today, it strikes when it is conceivable that I *could* be awake but I so don't want to be.

And then there is Caesar.  Sweet, 10 year old Caesar, who is a true loverboy when he wants to be.  He is purring so loudly I can barely hear myself type.  I need to put him on tape (boy, that just aged me) or something because his purr is something I cannot imagine doing without.

Loud, growly and almost symphonic in its tonal changes, his purr transcends the average happy cat purr.  His purr is that of a much bigger cat but he works it nonetheless.

As soon as I'm up, I turn on the bathroom sink for him (just a little bit) so he can get a fresh drink of water.  After I do this (and today, I crawl back into my cozy bed), he starts his happiness symphony which resonates throughout my bedroom.  He is lying on my "guest" pillow, just purring away.  Ahh, the sounds of a happy kitty make my heart sing.

It is a part of the soundtrack to my life and I love every moment.

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