Thursday, November 2, 2017

Meh with a side of meh sauce.

I am in an odd place in my life right now.
I love my job, where I work, my coworkers.
I generally like my students (saying love seems creepy here, and not the right word).

I am not wild about where I live. Close to work, sure. Nice enough, sure. I miss having a house, a yard, a way to get my frustrations out. Apartment living limits those things. Also, I am sick of my upstairs neighbor and her incessant clompy-ness as she walks about.

The town is okay, as small towns go. It has shopping (albeit limited), it has some activities, it has various ways to spend time. I miss having a 'real' grocery nearby, as well as a Target, Kohl's, Ulta, Marshall's, Trader Joe's, Costco.

I am sick of living apart from HoosierGuy. I know something has to give. Living apart is not good for us for the long term. I am tired of it. His job search is not going spectacularly well here - which is another stressor. I miss having my life partner around to talk, to laugh, to enjoy.

I miss my family. Being 7 hours away makes for lonely times. I wish they were closer, or I was closer. Not seeing my nephew regularly is terrible.

I am not making friends like I'd hoped I would. Coworkers, sure, I like them. Let's be real though, it is hard to develop friendships with coworkers if they are not all that into it. So there's that.

I am just not in a good place, I guess. It seems that when one part of my life is good, the others fall apart. If this is being grown, it sucks.