Monday, March 31, 2008

Opening Day ...

Duh, almost forgot ...

Opening Day at Wrigley Field today!!


(It has only been 100 years, after all ... )

The Dark Horse ...

All this talk of my dating trifecta has left friends, like Scully, wondering what is up with the guy formerly known as the 'hot golf guy.'

The answer is: Not Much.

To recap, the hot golf guy and I had a pretty cool start to dating with an immediate attraction and introspection on both of our parts. It was good until ... well, it was bad. He basically went MIA with the excuse that 'work' was all he could think about, had no time for anything else, etc. Until Friday night (we will come back to this), I hadn't seen him in 6 weeks. So, not much. I got tired of waiting for lame excuses and decided to get back into the dating game.

Which brings me, handily, to this weekend.

I had plans with IrishBoy to hit a late movie on Friday night. I had the entire family coming over for Easter (yes, belated) on Saturday so I wanted to get the house in order Friday night and thought a late movie would work with IrishBoy. As it turns out, he had previously scheduled plans to help a friend move on Friday night and said that Sunday would work better for him so we rescheduled to Sunday night.

I was at home, cleaning away when I received a text from the golf guy. He wants to see me.

Hmm, I think. We text back and forth a bit and I tell him to come over.

We spend a couple hours together and I mention to him that I am not happy with the way things have gone and if he wants to date me he needs to show up. We close the discussion with 'he will try better.' As of this point, I have no feelings one way or another it will happen. I've seen what his promises have been in the past and if past behavior is any indicator of future behavior, I'll see him in another six+ weeks. Maybe. Thus he is the dark horse running beside the dating trifecta.

Saturday is a non-stop race to get the house in final order, get cupcakes made, get ham done, etc. for family to show up. It was a decent time although I must admit to biting my tongue on several occasions to avoid more family strife. Most of the bullshit had to do with the young cousin (18) who has procreated with his girlfriend (18) and the care of their young baby (3 months). Debacle. If I think about this too long I will become enraged.

I call the young'un on Saturday late afternoon and invite him over for dinner. I have leftovers for days and just want to drink my wine in peace. I made some oven grilled sandwiches with ham, brie, spinach, grilled onions & mushrooms on sourdough and some salad & deviled eggs for side dishes. Between he and I we finish 2 bottles of wine and have a nice evening. I sent him home around midnight and crawled into bed, knowing I have a date in the morning.

Sunday morning at 10:30, I meet the artist at South Bend Chocolate Company downtown for a coffee (& bagel). We had a nice time but I can say that I hold no great attraction for him. We could be good friends, that is my sense. He wants to do something later this week.

Sunday night's date with IrishBoy is postponed until later this week ...

Went to the gym last night, got a good workout in, then hopped in the pool and swam a bit. After my swim I hung out in the sauna and whirlpool then called it a night.

Insomnia last night thanks to a million racing thoughts. Lots to get done this week.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Date Trifecta

I must have lost my frickin' mind.

I have a date tonight with IrishBoy, a date tomorrow night with the young'un and a date on Sunday morning with the Artist. Yes, boys and girls, a date trifecta.

All this for a chick that truly hates to date.

Tonight is a movie, tomorrow dinner and a movie and Sunday is brunch. Sunday afternoon I plan to take a nap, a nice long one.

Tomorrow the family descends like locusts on my lovely home. I will have 19 people at my house for Easter dinner tomorrow. I'm sure it will all be very blog-worthy so be prepared for the madness that is my family.

Yesterday wasn't anything special. Work was, well, work and after work I commenced with my Sam's Club run with D9. He had massive amounts of groceries to buy and I wandered somewhat aimlessly adding this and that to the cart. The only 'must-have' item was a ham or two for Saturday's festivities.

Post Sam's Club, I went to Meijer and finished up the shopping. Came back home, unloaded groceries, fixed dinner and called it a night.

Oh, and funny of yesterday:

CCM asked if I had ever heard from 'he who must not be named' again after he said he'd call.
I said no.
CCM replied: "What a pussy."

I laughed so hard I nearly choked. Thanks CCM. You Rock.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bell's Oberon on Tap. Happy Athena.

I must confess to a particular addiction: Bell's Oberon on tap. Bell's is a brewer out of Kalamazoo, MI and makes, IMHO, spectacular beers. My single favorite beer in the whole world is Bell's Oberon, their summer ale. It is an unfiltered wheat ale with touches of orange taste in it. Tonight was the 'tapping' of the Bell's Oberon at Scotty's Brewhouse at 96th St. and my date with Bachelor #2 was held here.

Bachelor #2, hereinafter known as IrishBoy, was totally fun. He had some of the most politically incorrect jokes, all of which made me laugh hysterically. I laughed pretty much the whole two+ hours and completely enjoyed myself. There is nothing like laughter to make me glad I met someone.

We had Oberon (of course) and spent two and a half hours telling stories and laughing at each other's jokes. At one point, after I described my upcoming Family Easter, he begged to come to be introduced as my boyfriend just so he could see the madness firsthand. I got a big laugh out of that.

We may end up out on Friday night ... I've been contemplating getting my work done around the house tomorrow night and doing something fun on Friday night so this may be Date 2 for IrishBoy.

I have another date lined up for Sunday with Bachelor #3, hereinafter known as the Artist. Yes, he is an artist, full-time. Very interesting.

Now I am home, happily ensconced in my bed, with cats nearby ready for bedtime.

What a good first date. :)

Point Thirty-Eight Special

A1 provides the funny for the day with her happy talk of the group Point Thirty-Eight Special coming to town for a show.

".38 Special?," I say.

"You haven't told anyone else this story yet, have you?" asks CCM.

And so a 22 year old was educated in the name of a rock band. Let it never be said that the Misfit Toys do not offer public service.

Migraines Suck.

So I left work at 4:30 last evening and headed home. My *only* wish last night was for one of those pairs of 'grandma' sunglasses (you know the kind I am talking about, pure black and the size of 3/4 of an average grandma's head) so I could drive home without my head exploding.

I managed to get home, promptly got into pjs and took the blessed Imitrex. I don't know who came up with this magic formula but a million blessings on them, their family, their neighbors and anyone else that vaguely knows them. I *heart* Imitrex.

Woke up at 7 when my sister called me to announce she was going grocery shopping on the north side, did I want to come? Answer: No.

Slept again until 8:30 and crawled out of bed, feeling shell-shocked and dizzy, and meandered downstairs for food. Ate some grapes.

Sister came by to see me and pick up stuff that had accumulated at the house for her. I was back in bed by 10:30.

Thus the happy happy joy joy fun time life of a migraine sufferer.


Have a date tonight with Bachelor #2. Will post on this if/when it becomes necessary.


Lockdown drill at work today. A half-hour spent locked into my office, lights off, blinds closed ... hey, it was just like yesterday except no potential shooter on campus ...

Not much else going on. I still have a vague headache today but it is nothing like yesterday so no complaints here.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I have a migraine.

As I sit in my cave-like office, shades drawn, lights out, I wonder how I will be able to stand the light on the drive home.

I used to get migraines often, so often that I actually sought help from a neurologist to figure out the root cause of my headaches. After going through the typical 'triggers' of a migraine, we (the neurologist and I) determined that both hereditary (Mom and Dad both have migraines) and stress have a great deal to do with why I have headaches. I think the change in weather today coupled with some latent work stress has pretty much knocked me flat today. I attended a meeting with sunglasses on, for goodness sakes.

Going home, taking my Imitrex and calling it a night. No movie night with the Big Gay Mafia although the movie looks great.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday (here we go again)

Today ended up being better than I had anticipated.

I had kicked out the young'un last night because I knew I had a meeting with my boss this morning and had not prepared my report for the past couple of weeks. I spent some time doing that before bed last night.

So I get to work a little early to put the spit polish on the report and wa-la, I get an email from my boss saying we really don't need to meet, he'll see me later. AMEN:)

I felt completely free as a bird after that.

I had research to do today, so I spent the better part of the day researching grant options and possibilities. I also had meetings with some faculty on the upcoming Innovation Grants that the college is doing. I am thinking I deserve 50% credit for each but will refrain from the ego-trip:) Both ideas presented to me today were quite good, they just needed some finesse. With any luck, I finessed the ideas to the point of implementation and both will come to pass.

After work I was going to Dyngus with Sister at the Chatterbox but decided I wanted to cash out on the couch instead. I watched some television for awhile then became distracted by both cats staring intently out the window. No birds on the birdfeeder nor squirrels on the tree so I was perplexed. My ducks have returned!!!

Last year when I moved into my condo I was pleased to find, shortly after moving in, a pair of mallard ducks had a nest near my back porch. As many are aware, I LOVE ducks so I enjoyed feeding them last year on the porch and throwing bread out for their feeding time each day. It became a ritual of sorts, with the ducks eventually quacking outside my window or my back porch door if I was not out 'on time' for feeding. So today I saw them, quickly got some bread, and headed out the patio door for some quack time. They are shy, as expected, but with any luck over the coming weeks we will become reacquainted.

After duck time, I headed in to change for a trip to the gym. Kicked my own ass and enjoyed myself. Post gym I talked to the young'un and am now wrapping up my day.

The plans for the week include a movie with the Big Gay Mafia on Tuesday, date with Bachelor #2 on Wednesday, potential dinner with D9 on Thursday and Friday night will be spent alternately quaffing large quantities of beer and cleaning the house in preparation for the family coming to town on Friday. May end up out with the young'un again on Saturday, not sure yet.

Pretty good day overall.

Other Stuff of Record

Went out with the young'un again last night ...

He had asked after our date on Saturday if he could see me again and I had said yes. So he texted me during the Butler game on Sunday and asked if we could go out Sunday night. I say 'yes' and tell him I'll call after the game. After all, I've got hollering at the television to do and my bulldogs are counting on me to shout like hell.

Post game, wearing my crankypants, I tell him we can go out that night but he should be aware that I have laundry to do and need to fix my downstairs toilet first.

What a patient one he is as he took this all in stride.

So he comes over 'round 7 and helps me (read: hands me stuff) fix the toilet. It was a simple repair and was over within a half hour or so with minimal water on the floor. I double checked the repair, no leaks, and we were free to go to dinner.

Had a nice dinner out, got some laughs from a nearby table and our server. Came back to the house, watched some TV and talked. I sent him on his way at 10.

Nice guy, fun night. I suppose I have put up all the barriers again after my experience with 'he who shall not be named.' He and I will go out again later this week barring his travel schedule to Texas for work.

I have another date scheduled with someone else for later this week.

As PM said, fall off the horse seven times, get up eight.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Wearing My Cranky Pants

if you are easily offended, please read another post. Thank you.

Alrighty then.

If I would have known the fucking Butler was going to get from the officials today I would have suggested a good lube-ing pre-game and at halftime. Tennessee's players all but gang raped them in the paint and had more hands than a horny guy on prom night. For two of Butler's players to foul out while Tennessee had no one foul out is laughable at best and downright insulting in the least.

Butler played a consistent game, although they had some persistence issues which ended up costing them the game. These include minimal rebounding and missing free throws. If either of these had been corrected, perhaps the game would have been different. Although with the officiating as it was, I am sure that Butler would have had to rebound from the other goal or shoot free throws from somewhere out in the parking lot for these officials to have accepted it.

As for Tennessee ... fuck them.

Went to Church, Elderly Woman Passes Out

Seriously, the roof did not fall in but an elderly woman a couple of rows ahead of me literally slumped to the floor during the Alleluijah chorus. I am not sure if this means God had a misfire on the bolt of lightening ... as I walked out (that was the last song), at least five members of the church's 'medical team' were assisting her.

I haven't been on the inside of a church in I have no idea how long. I am thinking the last time may have been Christmas 2004 when Hex was singing at the Cathedral downtown but I am not for certain. That seems about right though.

As for why I went: the idea called to me all week. I suppose as a person that grew up in the church, Easter holds a special place in my heart. It is a time of renewal and rebirth and I think that appeals to many of us as we consider our lives.

Today's message was, as expected, centered on Jesus' resurrection. The pastor who gave the sermon had some style in his presentation and even included a recording of Ernest Hemingway in the sermon. Fascinating.

As for the church itself, I went to East 91st St. Christian Church, a place fairly close to home. I chose the 8 a.m. service because I was awake and I didn't think there would be the hordes of people that would go to later services. It was busy, as expected, probably 300+ people there (last week's attendance was 4,700 -- wow). I went to the 'traditional' service as that is what I am comfortable with. Growing up Baptist is just about as traditional of a service as one can get and when I find myself at more contemporary services I feel completely at loss and confused. To put this all in perspective, this wasn't the largest church I've ever attended (that was in Lexington, KY at my cousin's church) but it was a lovely experience.

I am curious to know this church's position on matters of social and societal issues. In my personal life I don't believe anyone should be shunned on the basis of their sexual orientation, race or other mitigating factors so a church that subscribes to those beliefs would not be the one for me. There are a number of events at this church which could enlighten me on their belief structure and I may take advantage of them to learn more. It would be nice to have a church close to home but distance is no overarching factor if intolerance is preached here.

I am curious what this week's attendance will be. 4,700 on Palm Sunday is seriously big. To put that in my perspective, that is 1/4 of my hometown showing up at the same place on Sunday morning. Whoa.

This afternoon I'll be watching the Butler game with Xena and Maestro. I am so looking forward to this.

Talked to Dad today and reconfirmed my trip to FL at the end of April. He is excited, as am I. He's finished a number of projects since I was there in Dec (screened porch, remodel of master bathroom, remodel of master bedroom, fence ... etc.) so I am looking forward to seeing all of his work. I am also looking forward to some beach time and sunshine. Ahhhh.

Have a great day. :)

'you popped my e-cherry'

That was the quote from the 28 year old I went out with tonight. I laughed so hard I thought I'd choke.

He was very fun and I laughed so hard. We went out to dinner at Longhorn, then to the Carmel VFW for a rousing bout of shuffleboard. I kicked his ass, two games to three although in the first game he totally schooled me. Great time.

I don't know what to say about him other than he exceeded all expectations. When I was 28 I would not touch a 28 year old with a ten foot pole as they all seemed fickle and irresponsible. This one seems to have his head on his shoulders but with a fun side too.

He asked me if we can do something tomorrow and I said yes. We shall see what the light of day brings. I informed him that bball was my priority tomorrow, especially the Butler game ...

Yes, Athena went out with a guy six years her junior. Whoa. Hold the phone.

Nothing more to say except I had a ball. Great guy, fun time ... we shall see!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

IU blew it. And other nonsense.

Of course I was happily ensconced in March Madness yesterday ... watching game after game. The night's finale was IU, with whom I had high hopes.

Eric Gordon has no place in the NBA. With his half-hearted attempts at shooting, lackluster guarding and overal morose tone, it was like he was playing, well, wait a minute ... in the NBA. Oh, never mind, he does belong there.

IU completely blew this game. Arkansas, while a very strong 9 seed, was fairly evenly matched to IU. IU, however, chose to play as they had in their last 5 games ... for shit. I'm sure the Kelvin Sampson shadow hangs high over the players, however, a shadow of a known cheater should be a small shadow. From all reports, the players wanted another coach and now IU has a 10 member 'blue ribbon commission' to pick a new head coach. It is a a classic cluster and IU showed just how miserable they have become in last night's game.

Enough basketball. Some of you don't watch it anyway and I know that my diatribes must be boring the living crap out of you.

Going to the gym today. Need to get the house in order for next week's Family not-Easter. Nap. Date later. More on that as it warrants mentioning.

One cat (Caesar) is already napping on the couch. Perhaps I will join him. :)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Brackets, Friday, March Madness, Etc.

A big 'welcome back' to A1 who returns to us from Texas and Mexico after a nice, long spring break. I would be more jealous but: a) I head to FL in a month and b) she is kind enough to house-sit for me while I am gone. Mucho thanks A1. Also, as a side note, the more I think about 'George' and your friend's roommate, the closer I am to not ever wanting sex again. Gah!

So March Madness and Brackets, I am so very there. Today Butler won and Gonzaga lost so I am pretty much in my happy place. I am, like Maestro, so very fucking sick of Butler being referred to as 'Gonzaga of the Midwest' by various sportswriters. As I said succinctly before, Suck It Gonzaga.

I spent some time watching the games. So far on my brackets I suck, but have gotten some games right (WKU vs. Drake) which probably offed others brackets. I also had Gonzaga (of course) going out first round but that is more out of spite than any mythical superpowers I may or may not have.

I plan to watch more games. Oh Happy Athena.

In other happy news, the Chatterbox downtown is hosting a Dyngus Day celebration on Monday. For those that are not of La Porte or South Bend origin, Dyngus Day is a traditional Polish celebration the day after Easter. In La Porte it is celebrated by a bar crawl complete with City TransPorte doing a 'route' from bar to bar all day/night long. The Tavern Association pays for the City buses to run from tavern to tavern and there are various festivities at each. Talked to Sister, I think we shall Dyngus on Monday at the Chatterbox. Be prepared for another 'dear body' post on Tuesday if that plan goes through. I am already thinking I am woefully understocked in bottled water and ibuprofen.

For those who may be interested in participating, there will be a Polish band there and of course drinks for days. A chance to see yours truly completely smashed and polka-ing is something not to be missed!

Have a date this weekend ... will keep you all posted if that turns out to be anything worth mentioning. He is a young'un ... and I think I am crazy for saying yes but with recent events of those my own age I must say that it doesn't appear that 'inconsiderate fuckwad assweasel' is limited to any one age or completely removed from another. More later.

No family Easter this weekend. Family Easter is next weekend at my house. I will welcome any and all family craziness stories on this blog for ridicule/commentary by readers. As for me, I am totally stocking up on booze for next weekend. I will need it.

Received ridiculously cute pictures of my cousin's children in the mail today by way of Easter card. Cannot believe I am related, even remotely, to anything so adorable.

I gave a presentation today to about twenty people regarding grants today. It went well, in fact, so well I now have a few meetings next week with various faculty to get some grants started. I am very pleased.

That is all folks, have a fabulous day and weekend!!

Suck it Gonzaga.

'nuff said.

Rant 2.

Before you all think that I've become a screaming, raging beotch of mythic proportions this week, please note that I've been having a pretty good week. Generally caught up on sleep, happy with my life, enjoying the start of spring, hanging out with friends/family, etc. But there are some things which must be said and require a rant.

Wasting my time.

There is nothing quite like wasting my time to make me intensely, emotionally angry. I, like all of you, have a limited amount of time in this world. I can 'make' no more, much like I can 'make' more money, more friends, more plans, etc.

To quote a Van Halen song: "you can spend my money but don't you waste my time. It's my time, my time."

How I choose to spend my time is wisely. I hang out with friends, read, go to the gym, relax, etc. How I choose *not* to spend my time is waiting on someone to show up who doesn't respect my time.

The only good news of the evening was that I spent a lovely dinner and walk with Bev, got to pet a totally cute dog, and finally, finally, caught up to my Indianapolis Star reading. I've been 1-2 days behind all week.

As for the person that wasted my time:

No more. Nada. Not one frickin' minute. Done. Begone!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Time to Go to Florida

Yes, boys and girls, I have finally, successfully, negotiated a short week away from this place I call 'work' to Florida. Now I need to line up my housesitter and away I go. cannot wait. Not going until the end of April, early May but this will give me enough time to be all in my happy place about a vacation. Then to stockpiling vacation days for Sweden in July. Then, heck, who knows?

A quote was slipped under my door today by, I suspect, PM. "What we think or what we know or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do." -- John Ruskin.

Today I mostly ran around like a chicken with my head cut off. Meetings from 2-4, although the 4 didn't end until 5, so more stuff to do here than I'd care to do now. Will probably drop everything, go home early and hit it tomorrow. My brain is tired. The good news is that I believe that some things _were actually accomplished_ in these meetings. I know, I know, don't tell everyone.

Tomorrow is the first day of spring, hooray, hooray.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Rant

PM, you are an instigator. This is why we are friends.
Today was a day like any day at the office, with the small exception of my utter ass-kiss this morning of a couple of funders. Yes, I am shameless, no, I have no excuses for my behavior. What can I say, I am a big fan of getting funds for my organization and if that means I need to layer on the lipgloss and pucker up, so be it. That's my job, in a nutshell.
Oh yes, my rant.

I don't want my readers to think I'm getting soft in my old age so I will now spend at least one post per week on something/someone/some action that drives me absolutely batshit. Today's rant is all about doing what you say.

I think it is a measure of a person if they follow through doing what they say they will do. I will admit I offer very limited 'slack' in this policy ... I believe if you say you'll do something and do not do it, I immediately think less of you as a person.

No, I'm not kidding.

If you say you'll call, call.
If you say you'll come over, come over.
If you say you'll go to lunch, go to lunch.

If you aren't interested, busy, whathaveyou, that is fine. But I hate the utter bullshit associated with: "I'll do X" when clearly there is no intention, past nor present, to do so. I, like nearly every other human I know, can deal with rejection. No, we (the collective we) don't like rejection, but who does? But I'd rather have rejection all day rather than the wishy-washy, pussy-nonsense of "I'll do X" and then ..... nothing.

So I give a shout out to all of those I know who tell it like it is: Fitnessnerd, Blanche, Romeo, Xena, Maestro, Scully, CCM, A1, PM, Angela, Sister ... this one is for you. You Rock. You tell it like it is, you do what you say you'll do and you aren't ashamed to say no. This is why we are friends. Who loves you, baby? I do.

And to those that don't do what they say ... well, they aren't worth mentioning any more on this blog. I don't have much patience for bullshit. In fact, I think that patience just ran out ... now!

Scully, seriously, how do you deal with this gray rain bullshit every fucking day? It has rained here for nearly two days and I am ready to pull my hair out in chunks. How? How do you do it? Cancun? A tanning bed? (please, you are as white as I am sister, I know we both burn in a second) How on earth do you do it?
I am still needing to plan that trip to Florida. I am thinking perhaps the third weekend in April. Yes, I know I need to get on it.
Maestro, hope you are having fun in Ireland, my friend. Bring back a redheaded Irishman for me to toy with, will you? (pretty please with sugar on top!!) [no, I won't promise I'll be good!]
Fitnessnerd, read your blog. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt (and divorce papers for that matter). You need anything, just shout. And call me next time you are going to Olly's mid-afternoon ... I needed a beverage today.
Romeo, darling, please do not blog about ingrown hair on your scrotum. Thank you. XOXO.
Blanche, I am disappointed there has been no Dolly CD review on your blog. I am waiting patiently.

Now I think I'll relax in my bed with my cats and call it a night. g'night all :)

St. Patrick's Day

Otherwise known as an excuse to drink, but this chick lives in a glass house and therefore will not be throwing stones.

I did not, however, drink yesterday.

I know, I know!

I was completely worn out (still) from last week and the weekend and after bypassing two sets of perfectly good plans, I came home, ate some cheese/crackers, crawled into bed and read. For about an hour and called it a night.

Yes, dear readers, I was asleep by 7:30 and that is no joke. Slept like a complete rock until my alarm went off this morning ...

Today I plan on getting some grantwork done, doing some suck-up time to (potential) funders and paying bills. Try hard not to be jealous of me.

Nothing else interesting to report, however, if you get a chance, check out FitnessNerd's blog for a leprechaun story like no other ... I highly recommend. If you do not laugh at, during or after the story, your sense of humor is broken and you need to be fixed.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Week Ahead

This week is all about finishing projects. I have paperwork a mile long to get done for some previous grants and have a few grants that must get completed before the end of the month.

Thus, I will be just as cranky as ever.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Turn Left at the Serpent

Yes, these were part of actual directions given to CCM to guide me from Jungle Jim's to IKEA in Cincy. They were, and are, my most favoritest directions EVER. Next time someone gets lost, just tell them to 'turn left at the serpent' and see what happens.

Yes, there was a serpent. Yes, I turned left.

Jungle Jim's. Holy Shit Batman. If you have not been there and are a foodie in the _least_ amount of the term, drop everything, get in your car and drive as fast as you can to JJ's. I described it to D9 as such: "just do yourself a favor and beat off before you go in there or you'll make a mess on the floor."

Acres and acres (no shit) of foodie paradise. Over 1200 kinds of beer. Many, many more kinds of wine. Whole sections of the store devoted to ethnic cuisine. A fruit and vegetable section that I was not sure of fully 2/3 of the stuff in it. Any type of anything one could possibly need for a party and then some. I am probably going to need another trip soon. I was/am in love love love with this store.

Approximately the size of two-three Super Walmart-type facilities, it is a foodie paradise. I wandered, gaping maw, pushing the cart silently as I took in each area. It was almost more than I could take. I did buy 12 bottles of wine (and a big honkin' thing of minced garlic ... mmm) for all of $48. Yes, you read that right, $48. And the wine is mighty fine.

As Angela and I were checking out, CCM approached a nearby group of cashiers and asked them where IKEA was from there. The directions included the aforementioned turn left at the serpent. On our way to IKEA there was a warehouse sale at the Frontgate/Ballard Designs/TravelSmith outlet stores. If you have not seen any of these catalogs before, check 'em out. Then know that most anything in them could have been had for approximately 80% off at this warehouse sale. It was out of control. I ended up buying a couple pairs of khakis (summer is coming) and stared dumbfounded at all the various goodies everywhere else. It was too cool.

At IKEA ... traffic cops, parking attendants, police ... it was a world class cluster but boy was it fun. It was busy in there, although I must say that it was no busier than the IKEA Schaumburg on the weekends so I was okay with it. The weird part of the trip was the *whole* families that came to shop. Literally, grandma, grandpa, kids, grandkids ... families of 6 or more people everywhere you looked.

I ended up buying some organizer stuff (pant hangers, hangers for guest closet, jar for flossers ... etc.) and a pillow for my bed. It is quite beautiful. By the end of the day, I was exhausted.

Got home at 5:30 and sat around for a bit. I was hungry for Bazbeaux and knew I wanted to pre-shop a goodwill or two (yesterday was 50% off day), so I called D9 to see what was up. He was game for Bazbeaux and pre-shopping, so off we went.

Did not find much of anything at the Westfield Goodwill, although I did find a few things at the Carmel Goodwill. Then we went to dinner at Bazbeaux and enjoyed the tasty BOT with pepperoni and pineapple on wheat. MMMM. I was able to say hi to Matt, my favorite Bazbeaux guy, so all was right in the world again.

Went home, did some cleaning, crashed around midnight.

On Saturday I was up early-ish, waiting on D9 to pick me up for our goodwill trip. At Goodwill I purchased some miracle gro potting soil, a Coach backpack ($15), a receiver for my DirecTV, and an iPod transmitter for my car.

Got back home around 11 and immediately ran to Sam's Club and Meijer for party food. I got back home just before noon and set up the party area (my garage for all the goodies) and got food prep going. I hopped in the shower at 1:10 and was ready for guests at 1:30.

About 10 women showed and it was a good group. We laughed and joked, it was a fun time. Lots of stuff came and went from my house, now I need to make a final drop at Thrifty Threads with the remainders. Last guests left at 7:30 (party officially ended at 5), so I was pleased with that. I always want to know if people had a good time and I think everyone did.

After all guests left I did the normal party clean-up and loaded/ran the dishwasher. Put the house back in order (left the garage for today) and practically crawled into bed, was asleep shortly after 9:30.

Woke up today around 8. Went downstairs, got the paper, ate breakfast, called Mom. Crawled back in bed around 11 and stayed there until 3. Now I've been doing laundry. I did get the garage stuff packed up and ready for Thrifty Threads. Lots of good stuff in there !!

I've got lots of paperwork to do this week but I am happy that the grant is turned in :) Yes!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wed/Thurs/Road Trip

So as you may have gathered from my last post, I had a hell of a good time on Wednesday night. The 'players' in the evening included (1st group) CCM, PM and Angela. The second group consisted of PV and his coworkers. What fun, what fun. Need to do that again soon. PV and I have tentative plans for some upcoming Friday nights (when I can get happily late into the evening without worrying about getting up the next morning). I finally started feeling pretty decent around lunchtime, ai yi yi.

Today was all about getting work done so I could take tomorrow off. Yes, I am taking a Friday off to play. I so need it.

Finished the grant today. Have it fully ready to be turned in bright and early in the a.m. I had the TOJ's edition bound and it looks nice. Big ass document, but it does look professionally done. I am a rock star.

Cleaned off the desk, worked on getting some final things together for reporting at the end of Q1.

Talked to the boss, had my one on one. Good meeting, it went well.

Ended up out in the TOJ tonight and had dinner with the Clerk-Treasurer. I had forgotten a publishers' affidavit and that is a big no-no to miss that, so I had to run out there anyway. We had a great talk. I had always thought highly of her husband but after our dinner tonight I think even more of him. Then went to the Rathskeller for awhile to see Sister and Boy Wonder ... and to see Chad Mills play. Good time, PM showed up for a hot minute before he went out with the boys. Nice time, good music. Did not have beer though ... still had work to finish.

So I spent the last 90 minutes at Kinkos making copies. The copymeister. Now I am back home and have printed directions for tomorrow's trip to ....


Yes, CCM, Angela and I are road-tripping to Cincinnati to pay homage to IKEA and Jungle Jim's. I have heard that Jungle Jim's wine selection is the thing that good orgasms are made of so I must see it for myself. Am very excited. Of course, IKEA, but that, quite frankly, goes without saying.

After our return tomorrow, I need to focus my sorry butt on cleaning this house for the party on Saturday. I know it is not messy to most people but I am not most people when it comes to my house cleaning OCD issues. So, need to get to it and kick some ass.

Saturday a.m. I am running around with D9 for a little bit, then back home for party hostessing duties. I imagine there will be folks that stick around after the party to help finish off the wine, so I am very excited about having people over. :)

Sunday is the normal. No big whup.

Dear Body

an open letter to me from me (style courtesy of Maestro)

Hi body.

Hi Athena.

Body: Thanks for taking those ibuprofen this morning.

Athena: You are welcome. I noticed my head was hurting and thought I'd do some preventative medicine.

Body: Oh yes, speaking of preventative medicine, thanks for the grease-filled breakfast and diet pepsi this morning too.

Athena: Sure. I noticed a slight upset stomach this morning and thought I'd quell that with some biscuits and gravy from the cafeteria. The diet pepsi was an extra helper to the ibuprofen.

Body: Now about last night ...

Athena: Yes?

Body: Do you really think you can party like you are in college anymore?

Athena: No, but occasionally I like to pretend I am young and stupid.

Body: Well nice job on that last night. Wasn't going out with one set of friends enough last night? Why go out for the second time?

Athena: Well, I must admit, I wasn't quite ready to go home when I did the first time.

Body: Well, obviously.

Athena: And, well, when you receive an invitation to go out again with a friend you know is a *fun time*, well, you go.

Body: And you did.

Athena: Sure did. Sorry for getting you to bed so late and up so early.

Body: It is okay, but don't make a habit of it. You know you can't survive on 5.5 hours of sleep.

Athena: Yes, I know. ;)

Body: So are you feeling okay now?

Athena: Sure am. A little tired though. Lots of beer + little sleep = tired me.

Body: Anything you have to say for yourself?

Athena: Biscuits and gravy + diet pepsi + ibuprofen are this girl's best friends today. That and I'll probably be out with the second friend again sometime in the very near future.

Body: So should I get some sleep in the meantime?

Athena: Oh yes, you should.

Body: Anything else?

Athena: Damn I had fun!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tax Nonsense!

Oh, and GREAT NEWS!!!

I may well be done with my tax nonsense!!!

I need to make a backup copy for my accountant on a zip drive and drop off the files, zip drive and other assorted nonsense to the accountant.


Some guy's business and an ass crack. A Love Story.

PM has a job that most people would find silly: he asks people for money. He is, much like me, a professional beggar. Well, today PM had the day from hell and I must blog about it because I have laughed about this for pretty much the last 12 hours.

PM loves his job, hence, 'a love story.' He is good at what he does and has managed to get some money for the college. Today his assignment was getting a pledge signed by a donor.

The donor was an older male, literally nearing the end of his life. PM showed up at his house, knocked on the door and waited, nearly 10 minutes and no answer. A guy shows up, checks out PM and lets him in the house ... a friend of the donor.

PM goes in, does the 'hi, how are ya?' routine and has to help unwind the donor from his oxygen line. Then he proceeds to give the donor his gift. While he is putting the gift together (a stained glass panel), PM breaks off a piece of it. He manages to fix it and sits back down, relieved to have not broken the donor's gift. Then, the donor is sitting by now in his chair, one of those 'lift chair' things that the elderly seem to have an affinity for. Anyhoo, PM sits down and notices .... the donor's 'business' is in full view. Yes, boys and girls, PM not only unwound him, tried to break his gift but now he gets to look at the man's junk.

His elderly junk.

So PM finally gets to leave but is sufficiently scarred for life.

He is telling A1, CCM and I are howling with laughter. Then, we pull up to a stoplight in downtown, approximately Ohio and Meridian. We notice a rather surly Donatos pizza guy delivering pizza. Just as we are all commenting on his (very) obvious surliness, he turns around and .... wait for it ... his ass crack is out there bigger than life. We all shout "OHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Yes, to recap: PM not only saw an old guy's junk, but he was treated to the sight of a surly pizza delivery guy's ass crack.

Yes, PM loves his job.

No Country For Old Men

Went to see this last night with D9. Holy Shit.

What the Coen brothers once did for a wood chipper (Fargo), they have now done for guns (NCFOM).

Javier Bardem completely and utterly OWNED this film. If I saw his character walk down the street, not only would I pray to evaporate immediately, I would pray that he never knew I once existed. His work here was nothing short of amazing. Seriously, his character made Hannibal Lecter seem like a Muppet.

I'm glad I saw it although I had some pretty wicked nightmares last night. Woke up in a cold sweat more than once.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Busier than I even thought I was.

Well, frick.

Got to work today and as per normal, checked my calendar for the week. Let's recap what I knew about my week to begin with:

Dinner/movie with D9
Grant due on Friday
Party prep/cleaning for Saturday
Work stuff

Now let's add in some other fun!

Monday: dinner/movie w/D9
Tuesday: clean for party/prep for party; work stuff
Wednesday: out with Misfit Toys after work; work stuff; final edits on grant due on Friday
Thursday: meeting with boss at 9 a.m.; book club; party prep; copy/deliver grant
Friday: vacation day, party prep
Saturday: party prep; party; comatose mess
Sunday: pray for sweet release of death

Oh, what? Yes, free time? You were saying?
No, no time for you this week. Perhaps on Friday.


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Of sleeping in, gym time, naps and laundry

I love Sundays. I typically do not leave the house, preferring to have a day at home to chill out and relax before the week starts over. This week will be a long one for me (explanation later) so today it was all the more important to find my peace today.

Changing the plethora of clocks last night around the house was a good thing, although this morning I woke up highly disoriented. I could not believe I slept until 10! I did have a raging bout of insomnia in the middle of the night where I mentally reorganized my office (yes, OCD is a bitch), thought about my week and what I wanted to accomplish. I tried at first to just let the mind float (as sometimes this works and I fall back to sleep) but last night my mind needed to exercise its OCD for awhile.

Got up this morning, made some breakfast and read the newspaper. I started laundry (as per normal), refilled the bird feeders and settled in with the paper while listening to the birds. Today I saw 2 beautiful Blue Jays outside my window ... I was so very happy. I know Blue Jays are the bullies of the bird world but I do love them. So gorgeous. That got me daydreaming of my garden and summer and ... well, I was in my happy place once again. *sigh*

Finished up the paper, flipped laundry a few times and got ready to hit the gym. It was noonish and I went to Lifetime to get 45 minutes in on the treadmill. I had added some new music to my iPod last night so I was psyched to listen to the new stuff. Got my walk on at the gym, came home, made lunch. Flipped some more laundry, went upstairs to hop in the shower and was distracted by my cat, Cleo, still in the bed where I had left her at 10. I decided she had the right idea and I crawled *back* into bed for a nice nap. 3 hours later, I am awake, needing to shower still and need to flip some more laundry.

After shower, I decide I need to get to Meijer for some groceries for the week. Trying to eat better and that would involve less restaurants (boo) and more cooking/groceries (sigh).

Back home again, unpacking groceries, laundry (still ... yes, a lot), cleaning the kitchen and getting stuff organized for the girl party this coming Saturday. As I clean out drawers, closets and cabinets I realize I have a whole hell of a lot of stuff I am not using. Begone!

Called D9, made plans with him for his bday on Monday. He had mentioned a movie on Monday but I'm not sure that is going to work with his plans so I offered up sushi. I know, big brave sacrifice on my part, right? ;) More like, hell yeah! So going to Asaka tomorrow night for a whole hell of a lot of sushi. mmmmm.

Texted JD (yes, he is still around), checking in on his golf show this weekend. He did well, above goal, so I'm glad it wasn't a total waste of a weekend for him.

Now just getting ready to do some edits on a grant I have going in this Friday. Yes, that is my stress for the week. I am not to wigged out yet but am always nervous about putting in a grant app. I want it to get funded and I tend to take it to heart when it does not get funded. I know that is silly, as not every thing I have ever written has been funded, but I just put my heart and soul into these ...

So with the thought that I have a grant to finish, taxes to finish, a party to prepare for and family drama surrounding Easter (oh please, don't ask ... my family wears my ass out at times), I will be so very ready for next Sunday when I am doing party clean up, laundry and chilling out yet again.


Saturday, March 8, 2008

All About Me

Today was all about me.

Got up this morning, practically bounced out of bed. It was going to be a 'me' day and I was in my happy place.

I went to the gym, put in 30 minutes on the bike then another 40 on weights. I started lifting again last week and while I am lifting practically a gallon of milk, I am happy with myself for doing it again. I loved to lift in college (and even took weight training as a gym credit ... along with golf and ballroom dance) but in recent years I have fallen off the wagon in favor of just cardio. While I've maintained a minimum strength level, I am disappointed with myself for just how *little* I am able to lift now. However, looking to the positive, I am lifting again and do enjoy it. When I lift I often think of my former trainer, Chad "the enforcer", at NIFS. He used to kick my ass and now when I get in good form I think of his lessons. Money well spent, even if that knowledge has sat on the shelf a few years.

After the gym, I came home, ate some breakfast, read the paper and got in the shower. Got ready to meet Bev for a much-anticipated trip to the Flower and Patio Show. Soooo beautiful :) I was in need of some 'spring' and the smells and sights of numerous flowers did the trick. I purchased some gerbera daisies (orange) for home ... gerberas are my favorites:) I also purchased Mom's Mother's Day gift. Yes. It's early. But a good deal was to be had and it is something she has wanted awhile. Don't know if she reads this so I'll just say that she will like it!! :)

After F & P Show, met Bev at Castleton Grill for lunch. We had a great time and parted ways way too soon as it was time for my pedicure (!) and brow wax at Aveda. My toes look lovely, btw, and my feet are ever so soft. Love love love pedicures. The brows are much neater as well and I'm glad for it.

After finishing Aveda, I had time to run home for just a hot second before heading *back* to Lifetime to meet up with PM and his kiddos. It is a free family/friends weekend and he has been dying to check it out. The kiddos had a fabu time in the children's play area (with his son requesting I stay and watch them play ... and I did) while PM got the full tour of the place. He is pretty fed up with his gym and constantly waiting in line for equipment (been there, done that, La Porte YMCA and NIFS ... not again!) so I imagine he will be checking out Lifetime pretty closely.

Following the tour, I headed my way and PM/kiddos headed theirs.

Tonight has been about gaining access to my iTunes account and adding some new songs to my iPod. Yeah, I know, I am way too exciting. I should hold back. Picked out about 15 new songs and we shall see how many more I end up adding. :) iTunes may be my new crack addiction.

It is, however, all about me today and I have loved every minute.

Going to go lie in my bed now and read a book. :) Oh Happy Place. Oh Happy Me.

Friday, March 7, 2008

The White Farmhouse

When I was growing up I spent many weekends at my Aunt Lindy and Uncle Wayne's house. They had a daughter, Krin, their youngest child, who was four months older than me and we grew up much like sisters. To this day we remain close, although our lives have had divergent paths. She's the mother of a fifteen year old son, twelve year old twin sons and a six year old daughter and has been married fifteen years ... all the while I have been going to college, working, getting married and getting divorced.

This story isn't so much about us, though, as it is about my Aunt Lindy and Uncle Wayne's house.

It is a simple white farmhouse with black trim located on a county road in La Porte County, near Mill Creek. In my mind's eye I can still see the many outbuildings that dotted the two acres the house sits upon and thinking back, some of the best memories of my childhood were here.

It was here I learned to run from chickens after you take their eggs, it was here I learned to ride a gocart and it was here that I played many hours of house/school/life in one of the outbuildings. My earliest memories are of this place, a place I knew as well as my own home, and can actually still picture better than my first home.

Its circle drive, welcoming me back, calls to me at times. Those simple days of mudpies, pigtails and sunshine, running barefoot through the yard and into the nearby corn and soybean fields take me back to kidhood in a minute.

Remembering the big Newfoundland dogs, Daisy and Janey, so big and scary to others and so friendly and sweet to us. Remembering playing tag with my cousin and friends, running until we couldn't breathe. Remembering parties, laughter and whispered conversations through heat vents well past bedtime.

This is the house where I first played Atari, as my parents didn't believe in video games, sugared cereal or being indoors when it was nice. I had my first bowl of Capt'n Crunch there and after years of only eating Raisin Bran, Cheerios or Chex, it tasted *awful.*

It is also the house where I remember profound sadness, first in kidhood, then as an adult. My Aunt Lindy was killed in a car accident right outside that house, one horrible Thanksgiving morning when I was nine. I can still remember praying for her soul and for my cousins to survive. I remember seeing Krin after the accident and realizing how close it was she came to death and how close I was to losing my best friend.

Twenty-one Novembers later, my Uncle Wayne was killed in a car accident ... quite similar to Aunt Lindy's. Uncle Wayne had been a father figure to me for many years and without his presence, the house was e m p t y. No welcoming "hello there kid!," no big hugs, just an gaping shell of a house that seemed to weep for its residents as much as I did.

I used to drive by the house every time I was home, honking if I saw his car in the drive or heading down to his bar to say hello if he wasn't there. Now as I drive down that county road, whispers of my childhood dreams float in the air ... bringing me back to times long past.

Now that white farmhouse stands alone, outbuildings long gone. I heard recently that there will be an auction of the property, sometime late spring. A part of me died that day ... and a chapter of kidhood will be closed, finally, permanently. I miss those days of laughter in that old white farmhouse. The smell of my aunt's perfume, the bearhugs of my uncle and the carefree days of youth brought to a close with a bang of a gavel.

Nothing to Report Here, Nothing to Report

I've been sick in bed since Wednesday mid-morning. Nothing real exciting to report except my addiction to Paula Dean's cooking show has been renewed again. God knows I love a woman that uses butter with impunity when cooking.

Yesterday's shows were about cooking for her son Jamie's first wedding anniversary party and a girl party. These are the things I learned: 8 tablespoons of butter in a quiche is not too much, it is just right and heavy cream, grenadine and gin makes a fine girl drink.

Needless to say, I am sure my ass gained five pounds just by watching her show.

Other than that, I settled in with the cats, who were delighted that I was home. We all napped together and we watched some decorating/food network shows.

I am back at work today, feeling good.

This weekend is pretty laid back, although I do have some work to do around home.

Tonight is finish accounting/taxes. I am so over this shit.
Tomorrow I'm headed to the Flower and Patio Show tomorrow with Bev! :)
Then pedicure and brow wax.
Then back home to clean house/laundry.
Sunday is more of same. Next week is the girl party at my house and I need to make sure the house is in order.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

White Knuckle Driving

Last night I had a town meeting that I *had* to attend. I only have a few of the 'must attends' per year and last night was one of them. So I left work and drove out to the TOJ, a trip that normally takes 40 minutes from Indy. Last night, one hour, forty minutes. White knuckles, numerous cars in the ditch, 5 mph in town driving, 40 mph in a 70 zone driving on the interstate, you get the picture.

The meeting was (thankfully) short for me, as I only had to present for ten minutes or so until this local know-it-all began peppering the Council with questions. I might add that I've now done this presentation six times and he hasn't bothered to show up until now. It was delightful. He could not follow what I said to save his life. While I spoke English, he heard Swahili. I thought I was never going to get out of there. Thankfully I answered his questions in such a way he began to hear English and it finally shut him up.

Then I headed back home. Again, white knuckles, again, cars in ditch. Again, praying that I did not spin out/hit anything/lose control of the car. One hour, forty-five minutes later I was home. Thankfully home.

I was greeted by the cats when I got home ... both wondering why I was not home for the second night in a row. So I called them upstairs and we cashed out in bed nearly immediately. My head was throbbing and I just wanted some peace.


Today at work was short. I woke up with the headache, felt like crap and went to work anyway. I got some basic nonsense done (grant outline, checked email and returned phone calls), took some ibuprofen and went home before 10:30. Spent all day in bed sleeping. I am feeling better now but will probably cash out early again tonight.

Two Things

One: I wish today were a snow day.

Two: I went home sick from work today. Feel like shit.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Monday Monday (na na na na na na)

Although I have a pretty high falutin' title here at work, the truth is I have no administrative support. Basically I rely on the kindness of others when I need something done. Some days it works, some days it doesn't.

A few weeks ago I had to mail something out. I rarely mail anything, as most of what I do is electronic, so I had no envelopes. I wandered down to the nearest secretaries' office and asked for an envelope. Mind you, I had written, printed, signed and had the letter ready to mail. Was asking for no help, only an envelope. Well, the secretary that I encountered was apparently pissed off that I asked for an envelope. She goes into this long winded discussion on how my boss should order my supplies for me and why don't I have envelopes, blah de blah blah. She gets me an envelope. Then I ask her if I can borrow, yes Borrow, a pen to address the envelope. She then repeats the whole 'why doesn't my boss give me envelopes or pens. Who is my boss anyway?'

I reply: "The Chancellor, and he does not order my office supplies."

She shut up.

Well, there is a certain someone in my hallway that doesn't have to go thru this shit each and every time *he* wants supplies. PM just wanders down there, flashes his pearly whites and gets what he wants. No commentary, no bullshit, no nothing. Yesterday he went down there and asked for 50 envelopes and to quote him "and the hottie (work study student) counted them out for me too!" I, as well as A1, have taken to sending PM down there to get what we need. Much easier than the bullshit we go thru to get a simple frickin' envelope.

Yesterday was a long day. Got to work about 7:30, trying to get ready for a meeting I had that afternoon on a National Science Foundation grant. The folks I'll be working with are known far and wide for their lack of follow-thru so I knew I had to get my ducks in a row. Realized about mid-morning that I had forgotten my zip drive at home (that I needed for Monday night's meeting) so I drove back home at lunch and picked it up.

Last night's meeting. *sigh*

This client has been working with me about 3 years at this point. I knew them when I used to work for the Department of Commerce back in '99 -'01 and had become good friends with the clerk-treasurer. During these last three years there has been constant turmoil in the Town Council. Literally there was not one person left on the Council that I had worked with the first time I came to town three years before. Well, after November's elections, the entire Council changed again, as did the Clerk-Treasurer.

To say they are clueless is to insult the clueless of the world. We were to meet at 7:30 at the Town Hall. I get there around 7 and do a little reading while I wait for folks to show up. I notice people going into the hall about 7:15 so I head in. I meet everyone in there and notice one former council member there as well. Turns out he is not part of the council, but the council relies on him for his 'knowledge' in the town's matters. When I say 'knowledge' I want you to think 'doesn't know jack shit' knowledge. This is the same guy who swears he is a Native American chief but his own dad said he didn't have a drop of Native American blood in him.

So anyhoo, after answering each question at least three times, phrased three different ways, they thought they wanted to do something entirely different with the funds they had left. So I wrote them an extension letter, finished up their grant paperwork and got the hell out of there by 8:45.

On my hour, thirty minute drive home I called the engineer that had been working on the project. I leave him a voicemail and don't expect to hear from him until today. About ten minutes later he calls, wants to know about the meeting. I explain the whole thing to him, including the fact they will be using another grant administrator (who has, btw, no clue either). So he was completely perplexed on what to do, especially when I called the town council president's expression 'bewildered' during the entire meeting.

Got home round 10:15, fired up the laptop and finished the edits on another grant. I have another town meeting tonight but it should be quick and easy. Cashed out about midnight.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Shoes, Bulbs, Garage Clean Out, Iced Tea on the Patio

I had no plans this weekend. I had a few options out there but was feeling the need for 'alone' time.

Friday night I get a call from my Aunt N and Cousin T who reside in Terre Haute. They are over in Plainfield and want to know if I'd like to come to dinner. I say yes, sure, and get in the car. For all of you that bitch and moan about my commute up I-69, I state: Hwy 40 to Plainfield is a greater hell. For one thing, about 300 stoplights, none of which are synched. Secondly, two lanes, each direction with precious little in the way of turn bump-outs ... thus creating a stop situation at nearly every cross-street.

It was awful.

We had a nice dinner but I vowed not to leave the westside until the majority of the traffic had died down ... so consequently left around 8. Headed back home and realized I had my gym clothes in the car. Went to the gym around 9 and sweated my ass off until 10 on the treadmill. Hills were the program, pain was my feeling.

Went home, cashed out.

Saturday morning I woke up, ate breakfast, read the paper and crawled back into bed to read. Sister called to go shoe shopping, so I got myself up and ready to go. We shopped for awhile then met up with Boy Wonder for lunch. After lunch, more shopping. Back home by 3 and off to napland until 7. Got up, hit the gym again and came back home to chill out and read. Bed by 11.

Sunday was GORGEOUS here ... high of 67. I met D9 and Nicholas for lunch at an Indian place and was overjoyed to find they had saag paneer (spinach with goat cheese). YUMMMM. After lunch we went to the park and had intended to watch Nicholas play, however, he had started a pretty serious nap in the car and we were loathe to wake him. So D9 and I sat around and talked for awhile until my phone rang ... it was Alma who was picking up the washer and dryer from my house.

I went home, met Alma and had about a tenth of my garage back in a matter of minutes. It was glorious. I planted the rest of the spring bulbs that I did not get to plant last fall (it was so nasty so quick), swept out the garage and refilled the bird feeders. I also pulled out the patio furniture and parked my happy self on the patio with a big glass of iced tea. It was magnificent. After it got dark I went to the gym again and worked out.

Not much alone time but I did get some things done that I needed done. Feeling much better.

This week is crazy busy again ... hoping to find a moment of sanity before Saturday but that is looking unlikely at this point.

Should be able to drop off taxes by Friday!! :)