Monday, July 25, 2011

The moving truck is headed north.

Saturday was the big moving day.  The movers arrived at 8 and left right before 11. 

I am left with: an airbed, bedding, clothing, some cleaning supplies, snacks, and some household stuff.

I slept a few hours after they left, then was in bed by ten that night -- sleeping until 10 Sunday morning.  I was/am exhausted.  Now for a week of 'see ya later' lunches and dinners as well as a few peaceful days.  Next stop: Tampa -- to Dad's house for the weekend.

Advanced Camping -- that's me this week.

Friday, July 22, 2011

6 Word Fridays: Love

This week's word is love -- how lovely, yes?  Thanks Melissa!

These past six years, I've often
thought of love.  What it is,
what it could be, what it
should be, what I want it
to be.  Since my divorce I
don't allow fanciful notions of love
not anymore - I want to see
it, feel it, taste it, know!

I've been with Hoosier Guy now
for eight plus months.  Learning, listening,
finding what I was missing before.
Turns out, I didn't know love,
I didn't understand what it means
to GET love as well as
GIVE it. Learning the love languages,
knowing which one appeals to me,
finding out which one he speaks.

My love language -- acts of service,
his love language is physical touch.
I move next week -- to him,
to 'our' space, he's worked hard,
to transform a dusty storage area
into a beautiful home for us.
He is speaking my love language,
and I am ever so thankful.

So, Hoosier Guy, this Friday is
for you -- my love, my darling.
Your acts of service for us
mean more than you can know. 
You've cleaned space, hauled trash out,
stained and sealed paneling, painted trims,
painted a chimeny, painted a bookshelf,
replaced ceiling tiles, hung ceiling fan,
painted walls, sanded floors, sealed floors,
planted flowers, hung lights, placed lights,
and installed welcome mat - for us.
There are other things, 'surprises' you
call them, which I'll see soon.
Acts of service - you love me.

I love you, my Hoosier Guy.
Thank you for making our home.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Out of the blue

When I moved to Fort Myers a couple of years ago, I knew that my first college roommate had grown up here (we went to college in Missouri), but that she didn't live here anymore.

We reconnected on Facebook.  Then a few months ago we attended a friendraiser/fundraiser for our alma mater here in town and finally ran into each other.  She had relocated back to Fort Myers and we both hugged about a million times and chattered like magpies at each other.  Promises were made to reconnect and somehow, we both lost track of time.

She called me today, said she had meant to call me a million times (as I had her), but she was calling to have dinner/drinks.  She asked what I was up to, what was going on, etc -- so I told her I was moving, next week in fact, and she wanted to have drinks sooner than later.

So Monday I'll have drinks with her -- and I can't wait. :) 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Moving Update

Kitchen is done, except for junk drawer and a few decorator items which seem to defy packing (I think they hide when the boxes/tape come out, and return when I say "eff-this, I'm done for today").

Good news from yesterday, yours truly has a graduate assistantship at my new university!  Bonus +2 is I will a) get paid and b) get some tuition and fees paid.  Woo to the Hoo!  The best news about this is that it is minimal (10 hours per week) and I will be scheduled around my class time (very good news).

I have been writing thank you notes to coworkers here at the current job.  My last day here is July 29. 

I had a raging bout of insomnia last night - dreamt of a huge-ass spider crawling on me (in the dream, it was the size of my hand and HAIRY), so I was in no great hurry to shut my eyes again.  I think I passed back out an hour later or so.

Hoosier Guy has sanded, stained and poly'd the wood floor in our living room/office area.  I am dying to see it, but will see it August 2, so trying to contain my need to know, albeit unsuccessfully.

Am giving a few furniture items to a coworker - she is a single mom, living on her own for the first time since her daughter was born a couple years ago.  I know what it is like to move into a place with jack-shit-nothing, so giving stuff to her seems like good karma for the future, no?

It is hot here.  It is always hot here.  Repeat these statements daily from April to October.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Storage Unit (Check)

My next two weeks look a lot like this:

Monday: Storage Unit organization & labeling (check)
Tuesday: Kitchen
Wednesday: Remainder of kitchen, deliver plants to KC
Thursday: Guest room remainder & office stuff remainder
Friday: Bedroom, last minute stuff
Saturday: movers
Sunday:  Sleep until I cannot sleep any more.
Monday: Give remaining furniture to a friend.
Tuesday - Friday: Lunches/dinners with friends
Saturday: Carpet cleaners, then turn in keys, head to Tampa
Sunday: Tampa
Monday: pick up Hoosier Guy in Tampa, head north!

Yes, dear readers, my time here in Florida draws to a close. I am nearly ready and can see the light at the end of the tunnel :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Pictures from My Weekend

The movers arrive on Saturday, July 23.  This has been my weekend. For those new to the blog, on my last move I hired movers to pack my fragile items.  The descriptions on the boxes were priceless ... see first pic below.  For those of you who don't know what a door reef is, please consider this as movers-to-English translation: door wreath.

Friday, July 15, 2011

6 Word Fridays: Paid

This one was thought provoking ...

I've paid a heavy price, yes,
for knowledge I didn't want to
know.  Therapy, antidepressants, depression -- all to
determine that I am only me.

A woman who failed at one
marriage, who failed at stepparenting 101,
who failed at her former life.

The price I paid was high,
but the rewards are so rich.
For that price, I have gained
my sanity, my independence, my life ...
and I'm free to choose again.

I paid a price, oh yes,
One that was so very high. 
Now I own my own happiness.
Now I own my own truths.
Now I own my own rewards.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I hit a wall yesterday.

I have been working my tail off, packing stuff up.  Sorting, packing, tossing, selling.  Yep, stuff had to GO. 

so I woke up yesterday with a migraine.

I slept most of the day.  I feel better now.

I suppose it was my body's way of telling me to SLOW DOWN.

So I did.  The kitties and I had a nice bed-day. 

I could sleep more now ... ;)

Friday, July 8, 2011

6 Word Fridays: Line

This week’s Six Word Fridays topic? LINE. Line ‘em up, toe the line, walk the line. Draw a line in the sand. What’s my line? Tell me Friday, won’t you?

Double stacked, in a long line
the moving boxes stare at me
now packed tight, with precious belongings
they await their turn in line
to be loaded onto the truck.

These are the days I think
longingly, lovingly of a backpack lifestyle
two pairs of panties, two bras
some socks, two tshirts, jeans, shorts
in a backpack on my back.

instead I look at the boxes
lined up, ready, waiting, nearly there
and wonder how - how - even with
Goodwill, resale shops and giveaways, that
I have this much stuff boxed.

line it up boys -- headed north!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

On Getting Older ...

Generally I ruminate on my life, my place in the world and how I came to be in it around my birthday.  Seems that birthdays are good for such ponderances. 

It's not my birthday and yet I ponder.

A few weeks ago I was back in Indiana visiting.  During my visit, I was notified that my Grandma (last remaining grandparent, Dad's mom) was in the hospital.  Congestive Heart Failure was the diagnosis and she was in intensive care.  When I arrived to visit her, she was in good spirits and upbeat (as she is wont to be) and certainly didn't *look* as sickly as I imagined.  The simple fact is that she is 92 and her heart is slowing down. 

She's gotten littler over the years, going from 5'3" and 125 lbs or so to probably 4'10" and maybe 90 lbs.  I'd guess her at less, really, but it pains me to write it.  Her skin is thin and she bruises easily.  Despite all the bodily disrepair, her mind is sharp -- razor sharp - and she knows what is going on around her, with her and with her loved ones.  She continues to live alone (oh yes, she does) and her greatest fear is a nursing home.  She has absolutely no interest in that -- none.

As I sat holding her hand, I really *looked* at her hands for the first time in ages.  These same hands that had held me as a child, hugged me, caressed me and fed me were just shadows of their former strength now.

It was as if I were looking into a time machine at what my own hands will look like someday.

My strong hands, free of wrinkles and full of strength, will become what hers are now.  My ability to do things for myself will diminish, I will age.  I will find myself needing others to do for me what I have always done for myself. 

Which has brought me full circle to: and who will do that?

Right now I am unmarried, no kids.  Thus, no spouse and no children to take care of me in my old age.

It made me think of my own mortality in ways I've not before.  It was and is hard to think about. 

Like I said, ruminating. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

6 Word Fridays: Dare

Once again, please thank Melissa (and my many compatriots) for Six Word Fridays!
This week's word is 'dare.'

I dared to dream of life --
undone, reconstructed, demolished, changed, transformed, dynamic!
On to uncharted waters, unknown possibilities.
I opened my mind to education
I opened my heart to love
I opened my soul to transformation
Transcended what kept me stagnant.  Dull.

I will pack up my boxes
watch the movers load them all
and wait, just one week until
I join them in moving north.

Do I dare speak the truth?
Do I dare announce my happiness?
Do I dare shout my fortune?

I dare, indeed.  I move soon
to new space -- with my love.
Academically speaking, I'm starting over again.
Back to school I go -- Ph.D.
Not working, just studying, new life.
I dared dream -- transformed, I am.