Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Digital Bridge vs. Digital Divide

There are times I feel like I'm talking Czech to my Dad when we discuss his computer and what he wants to do. Generally there is a request/problem, such as: "It won't let me print" or "How do I ... ?"

This is when there is a real digital divide in my life. Seeing as I'm about 1300 or so miles away from Dad, I can't very well go in the next room and explain how to fix his problem. My latest, greatest hope for bridging our digital divide is my research into local (free) classes offered by his library in computer literacy.

Then there is my cousin C. C is the son of my cousin K, and is 13 years old. Tonight C and I were conversing via Facebook chat. This is way cool for a number of reasons. One is that I can catch up with him and his life, easily, via Facebook. We discussed life, work, baseball, school and family all in a few minutes. I feel like we actually connected via Facebook chat, maybe moreso than the times I try to converse with him when I drop by K's house.

A digital bridge, if you will.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


The Peeps are gone. Yes, dear readers, after nearly two weeks of PeepWatch2009, the Peeps have been taken by a rabid Peep lover. In fact, she loved that they were stale. Sweet Mary Mother of God, if there is anything more vile than regular Peeps, it must be stale Peeps. Blech.

This weekend is Sister's wedding shower, as hosted by the family. Please watch for updates of my drinking habits in this space.

It will be seventy (70) degrees today. Miracle of Miracles. Considering we had sleet and snowflakes two days ago, I'd say the weather has a pretty rockin' case of bipolar disorder.

My email inbox of late has been filled with 'increase your manhood' and 'larger pleasure stick' emails. (Yes, larger pleasure stick was an actual title of an email. Yes, you may use this phrase at your discretion.) I don't know why I would need these emails, seeing as my, ahem, pleasure stick is non-existent but maybe I'm supposed to share these with my main dude. Yeah, that would go over well. After that discussion ended, there would be a need for a larger pleasure stick as his pleasure stick would probably tell me goodbye.

Despite FitnessNerd's, aka Midwestern Smartass', assertion that all the firemen in town this week (all 32,000) are big, fat, out of shape dudes, I did manage to see some of the hottest firemen ever yesterday upon leaving lunch. Thank you, gentlemen, for giving me hope. Friday is a field trip to the convention with some coworkers. Yes, sometimes working in a place with a Fire Science program pays off, as I'll get to stroll amongst the firemen on Friday morning at their convention. More in-depth reporting on this later.

I had a massage last night. OMG, I feel so good today.

I need to go grocery shopping for perishables. Out of milk, eggs, bread, fruits and veggies.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tom the anonymous commenter

Hissing through his teeth, Blackbeard—one of the most dreaded pirates who ever lived—jumps to the deck. He stands tall and lean. Pieces of rope burn like fuses among coils of his black hair. Sashes stuffed with pistols and daggers crisscross his huge chest. Black ribbons flap from the braids in his beard. Terrified sailors flee. Blackbeard and his fierce crew have pirated another ship.

In case you were wondering what the above has to do with A1 and CCM's birthday, you probably are wondering a whole lot of things I cannot possibly explain.

The above pirate story was courtesy of Tom. You remember Tom, right? My coworker and Godfather of my April Fools' Day baby.

Tom provides a never-ending source of amusement for me. I enjoy Tom.

And I've asked for more pirate stories. Stay tuned . . .

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I hate Peeps.

Yet my Mother gives them to me each year as part of my Easter basket.

(Yes, I am 35 and I still get an Easter basket. She stopped hiding them when I was in my early 20s. I am still bitter about that)

I frickin' hate Peeps.

The smell.
The look.
The shapes.


Finding my muse.

There have been a number of things lately that have struck my fancy but none enough to warrant a blog post.

I don't know when I began thinking that this blog has to be read-worthy each and every post. I mean, can't some of it just be ramblings of an unfocused mind? Thoughts of a nut? Loopy thoughts from too early in the morning?

Here's some of my main issues of late. This isn't to say they've replaced my former issues, or that they are my only issues, but ... well, you get the picture or you don't.

1. I've been sick this year way more than any other year of my life. I'm not sure what the deal is. The sicknesses have either been gastro-intestinal or migraines. This weekend was most definitely gastro-intestinal. I will not get into any more details than that, it has been unpleasant. That is fair to say.

2. I've felt a little lost lately. Wondering about my place in the world. General naval-gazing.

3. The weather has been shit. Yes, yes, there have been a few good days, but overall, let me just say that this winter has been 500% longer than I cared for it to be. Here in Indy it is generally 'decent' by the first weekend of March and not cold/butt-ass miserable until late December. For some jacked-up reason, the winter began around late October/early November and hasn't let up yet. My birdbath had ice in it this morning. I AM OVER ALL THIS CRAPPY WEATHER. There, I said it. Not that I'm in charge or anything, it is what it is.

4. I am tired a lot. Probably because of aforementioned GI issues, maybe because of stress. Either way, I'm tired and it isn't getting any easier to get up in the morning.

5. I'm not at the gym as I should be. That is on my list for this week.

What I really need is for Keith Urban to serve me umbrella drinks. That would make me happy.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Announcement

Happy Birthday (yesterday) to A1.

Happy Birthday (today) to CCM.