Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Some guy's business and an ass crack. A Love Story.

PM has a job that most people would find silly: he asks people for money. He is, much like me, a professional beggar. Well, today PM had the day from hell and I must blog about it because I have laughed about this for pretty much the last 12 hours.

PM loves his job, hence, 'a love story.' He is good at what he does and has managed to get some money for the college. Today his assignment was getting a pledge signed by a donor.

The donor was an older male, literally nearing the end of his life. PM showed up at his house, knocked on the door and waited, nearly 10 minutes and no answer. A guy shows up, checks out PM and lets him in the house ... a friend of the donor.

PM goes in, does the 'hi, how are ya?' routine and has to help unwind the donor from his oxygen line. Then he proceeds to give the donor his gift. While he is putting the gift together (a stained glass panel), PM breaks off a piece of it. He manages to fix it and sits back down, relieved to have not broken the donor's gift. Then, the donor is sitting by now in his chair, one of those 'lift chair' things that the elderly seem to have an affinity for. Anyhoo, PM sits down and notices .... the donor's 'business' is in full view. Yes, boys and girls, PM not only unwound him, tried to break his gift but now he gets to look at the man's junk.

His elderly junk.

So PM finally gets to leave but is sufficiently scarred for life.

He is telling A1, CCM and I are howling with laughter. Then, we pull up to a stoplight in downtown, approximately Ohio and Meridian. We notice a rather surly Donatos pizza guy delivering pizza. Just as we are all commenting on his (very) obvious surliness, he turns around and .... wait for it ... his ass crack is out there bigger than life. We all shout "OHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Yes, to recap: PM not only saw an old guy's junk, but he was treated to the sight of a surly pizza delivery guy's ass crack.

Yes, PM loves his job.

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