Sunday, March 9, 2008

Of sleeping in, gym time, naps and laundry

I love Sundays. I typically do not leave the house, preferring to have a day at home to chill out and relax before the week starts over. This week will be a long one for me (explanation later) so today it was all the more important to find my peace today.

Changing the plethora of clocks last night around the house was a good thing, although this morning I woke up highly disoriented. I could not believe I slept until 10! I did have a raging bout of insomnia in the middle of the night where I mentally reorganized my office (yes, OCD is a bitch), thought about my week and what I wanted to accomplish. I tried at first to just let the mind float (as sometimes this works and I fall back to sleep) but last night my mind needed to exercise its OCD for awhile.

Got up this morning, made some breakfast and read the newspaper. I started laundry (as per normal), refilled the bird feeders and settled in with the paper while listening to the birds. Today I saw 2 beautiful Blue Jays outside my window ... I was so very happy. I know Blue Jays are the bullies of the bird world but I do love them. So gorgeous. That got me daydreaming of my garden and summer and ... well, I was in my happy place once again. *sigh*

Finished up the paper, flipped laundry a few times and got ready to hit the gym. It was noonish and I went to Lifetime to get 45 minutes in on the treadmill. I had added some new music to my iPod last night so I was psyched to listen to the new stuff. Got my walk on at the gym, came home, made lunch. Flipped some more laundry, went upstairs to hop in the shower and was distracted by my cat, Cleo, still in the bed where I had left her at 10. I decided she had the right idea and I crawled *back* into bed for a nice nap. 3 hours later, I am awake, needing to shower still and need to flip some more laundry.

After shower, I decide I need to get to Meijer for some groceries for the week. Trying to eat better and that would involve less restaurants (boo) and more cooking/groceries (sigh).

Back home again, unpacking groceries, laundry (still ... yes, a lot), cleaning the kitchen and getting stuff organized for the girl party this coming Saturday. As I clean out drawers, closets and cabinets I realize I have a whole hell of a lot of stuff I am not using. Begone!

Called D9, made plans with him for his bday on Monday. He had mentioned a movie on Monday but I'm not sure that is going to work with his plans so I offered up sushi. I know, big brave sacrifice on my part, right? ;) More like, hell yeah! So going to Asaka tomorrow night for a whole hell of a lot of sushi. mmmmm.

Texted JD (yes, he is still around), checking in on his golf show this weekend. He did well, above goal, so I'm glad it wasn't a total waste of a weekend for him.

Now just getting ready to do some edits on a grant I have going in this Friday. Yes, that is my stress for the week. I am not to wigged out yet but am always nervous about putting in a grant app. I want it to get funded and I tend to take it to heart when it does not get funded. I know that is silly, as not every thing I have ever written has been funded, but I just put my heart and soul into these ...

So with the thought that I have a grant to finish, taxes to finish, a party to prepare for and family drama surrounding Easter (oh please, don't ask ... my family wears my ass out at times), I will be so very ready for next Sunday when I am doing party clean up, laundry and chilling out yet again.


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