Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I have a migraine.

As I sit in my cave-like office, shades drawn, lights out, I wonder how I will be able to stand the light on the drive home.

I used to get migraines often, so often that I actually sought help from a neurologist to figure out the root cause of my headaches. After going through the typical 'triggers' of a migraine, we (the neurologist and I) determined that both hereditary (Mom and Dad both have migraines) and stress have a great deal to do with why I have headaches. I think the change in weather today coupled with some latent work stress has pretty much knocked me flat today. I attended a meeting with sunglasses on, for goodness sakes.

Going home, taking my Imitrex and calling it a night. No movie night with the Big Gay Mafia although the movie looks great.

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