Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday (here we go again)

Today ended up being better than I had anticipated.

I had kicked out the young'un last night because I knew I had a meeting with my boss this morning and had not prepared my report for the past couple of weeks. I spent some time doing that before bed last night.

So I get to work a little early to put the spit polish on the report and wa-la, I get an email from my boss saying we really don't need to meet, he'll see me later. AMEN:)

I felt completely free as a bird after that.

I had research to do today, so I spent the better part of the day researching grant options and possibilities. I also had meetings with some faculty on the upcoming Innovation Grants that the college is doing. I am thinking I deserve 50% credit for each but will refrain from the ego-trip:) Both ideas presented to me today were quite good, they just needed some finesse. With any luck, I finessed the ideas to the point of implementation and both will come to pass.

After work I was going to Dyngus with Sister at the Chatterbox but decided I wanted to cash out on the couch instead. I watched some television for awhile then became distracted by both cats staring intently out the window. No birds on the birdfeeder nor squirrels on the tree so I was perplexed. My ducks have returned!!!

Last year when I moved into my condo I was pleased to find, shortly after moving in, a pair of mallard ducks had a nest near my back porch. As many are aware, I LOVE ducks so I enjoyed feeding them last year on the porch and throwing bread out for their feeding time each day. It became a ritual of sorts, with the ducks eventually quacking outside my window or my back porch door if I was not out 'on time' for feeding. So today I saw them, quickly got some bread, and headed out the patio door for some quack time. They are shy, as expected, but with any luck over the coming weeks we will become reacquainted.

After duck time, I headed in to change for a trip to the gym. Kicked my own ass and enjoyed myself. Post gym I talked to the young'un and am now wrapping up my day.

The plans for the week include a movie with the Big Gay Mafia on Tuesday, date with Bachelor #2 on Wednesday, potential dinner with D9 on Thursday and Friday night will be spent alternately quaffing large quantities of beer and cleaning the house in preparation for the family coming to town on Friday. May end up out with the young'un again on Saturday, not sure yet.

Pretty good day overall.

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