Friday, March 28, 2008

Date Trifecta

I must have lost my frickin' mind.

I have a date tonight with IrishBoy, a date tomorrow night with the young'un and a date on Sunday morning with the Artist. Yes, boys and girls, a date trifecta.

All this for a chick that truly hates to date.

Tonight is a movie, tomorrow dinner and a movie and Sunday is brunch. Sunday afternoon I plan to take a nap, a nice long one.

Tomorrow the family descends like locusts on my lovely home. I will have 19 people at my house for Easter dinner tomorrow. I'm sure it will all be very blog-worthy so be prepared for the madness that is my family.

Yesterday wasn't anything special. Work was, well, work and after work I commenced with my Sam's Club run with D9. He had massive amounts of groceries to buy and I wandered somewhat aimlessly adding this and that to the cart. The only 'must-have' item was a ham or two for Saturday's festivities.

Post Sam's Club, I went to Meijer and finished up the shopping. Came back home, unloaded groceries, fixed dinner and called it a night.

Oh, and funny of yesterday:

CCM asked if I had ever heard from 'he who must not be named' again after he said he'd call.
I said no.
CCM replied: "What a pussy."

I laughed so hard I nearly choked. Thanks CCM. You Rock.

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