Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Rant

PM, you are an instigator. This is why we are friends.
Today was a day like any day at the office, with the small exception of my utter ass-kiss this morning of a couple of funders. Yes, I am shameless, no, I have no excuses for my behavior. What can I say, I am a big fan of getting funds for my organization and if that means I need to layer on the lipgloss and pucker up, so be it. That's my job, in a nutshell.
Oh yes, my rant.

I don't want my readers to think I'm getting soft in my old age so I will now spend at least one post per week on something/someone/some action that drives me absolutely batshit. Today's rant is all about doing what you say.

I think it is a measure of a person if they follow through doing what they say they will do. I will admit I offer very limited 'slack' in this policy ... I believe if you say you'll do something and do not do it, I immediately think less of you as a person.

No, I'm not kidding.

If you say you'll call, call.
If you say you'll come over, come over.
If you say you'll go to lunch, go to lunch.

If you aren't interested, busy, whathaveyou, that is fine. But I hate the utter bullshit associated with: "I'll do X" when clearly there is no intention, past nor present, to do so. I, like nearly every other human I know, can deal with rejection. No, we (the collective we) don't like rejection, but who does? But I'd rather have rejection all day rather than the wishy-washy, pussy-nonsense of "I'll do X" and then ..... nothing.

So I give a shout out to all of those I know who tell it like it is: Fitnessnerd, Blanche, Romeo, Xena, Maestro, Scully, CCM, A1, PM, Angela, Sister ... this one is for you. You Rock. You tell it like it is, you do what you say you'll do and you aren't ashamed to say no. This is why we are friends. Who loves you, baby? I do.

And to those that don't do what they say ... well, they aren't worth mentioning any more on this blog. I don't have much patience for bullshit. In fact, I think that patience just ran out ... now!

Scully, seriously, how do you deal with this gray rain bullshit every fucking day? It has rained here for nearly two days and I am ready to pull my hair out in chunks. How? How do you do it? Cancun? A tanning bed? (please, you are as white as I am sister, I know we both burn in a second) How on earth do you do it?
I am still needing to plan that trip to Florida. I am thinking perhaps the third weekend in April. Yes, I know I need to get on it.
Maestro, hope you are having fun in Ireland, my friend. Bring back a redheaded Irishman for me to toy with, will you? (pretty please with sugar on top!!) [no, I won't promise I'll be good!]
Fitnessnerd, read your blog. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt (and divorce papers for that matter). You need anything, just shout. And call me next time you are going to Olly's mid-afternoon ... I needed a beverage today.
Romeo, darling, please do not blog about ingrown hair on your scrotum. Thank you. XOXO.
Blanche, I am disappointed there has been no Dolly CD review on your blog. I am waiting patiently.

Now I think I'll relax in my bed with my cats and call it a night. g'night all :)


Scully said...

ummmmm I travel alot, and I think you guys actually get more rain..we just have more clouds....what can I say. Get your ass out here so I can show you!

Aleea said...

Girl, I totally need to. Perhaps this fall?