Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dear Body

an open letter to me from me (style courtesy of Maestro)

Hi body.

Hi Athena.

Body: Thanks for taking those ibuprofen this morning.

Athena: You are welcome. I noticed my head was hurting and thought I'd do some preventative medicine.

Body: Oh yes, speaking of preventative medicine, thanks for the grease-filled breakfast and diet pepsi this morning too.

Athena: Sure. I noticed a slight upset stomach this morning and thought I'd quell that with some biscuits and gravy from the cafeteria. The diet pepsi was an extra helper to the ibuprofen.

Body: Now about last night ...

Athena: Yes?

Body: Do you really think you can party like you are in college anymore?

Athena: No, but occasionally I like to pretend I am young and stupid.

Body: Well nice job on that last night. Wasn't going out with one set of friends enough last night? Why go out for the second time?

Athena: Well, I must admit, I wasn't quite ready to go home when I did the first time.

Body: Well, obviously.

Athena: And, well, when you receive an invitation to go out again with a friend you know is a *fun time*, well, you go.

Body: And you did.

Athena: Sure did. Sorry for getting you to bed so late and up so early.

Body: It is okay, but don't make a habit of it. You know you can't survive on 5.5 hours of sleep.

Athena: Yes, I know. ;)

Body: So are you feeling okay now?

Athena: Sure am. A little tired though. Lots of beer + little sleep = tired me.

Body: Anything you have to say for yourself?

Athena: Biscuits and gravy + diet pepsi + ibuprofen are this girl's best friends today. That and I'll probably be out with the second friend again sometime in the very near future.

Body: So should I get some sleep in the meantime?

Athena: Oh yes, you should.

Body: Anything else?

Athena: Damn I had fun!

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