Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bell's Oberon on Tap. Happy Athena.

I must confess to a particular addiction: Bell's Oberon on tap. Bell's is a brewer out of Kalamazoo, MI and makes, IMHO, spectacular beers. My single favorite beer in the whole world is Bell's Oberon, their summer ale. It is an unfiltered wheat ale with touches of orange taste in it. Tonight was the 'tapping' of the Bell's Oberon at Scotty's Brewhouse at 96th St. and my date with Bachelor #2 was held here.

Bachelor #2, hereinafter known as IrishBoy, was totally fun. He had some of the most politically incorrect jokes, all of which made me laugh hysterically. I laughed pretty much the whole two+ hours and completely enjoyed myself. There is nothing like laughter to make me glad I met someone.

We had Oberon (of course) and spent two and a half hours telling stories and laughing at each other's jokes. At one point, after I described my upcoming Family Easter, he begged to come to be introduced as my boyfriend just so he could see the madness firsthand. I got a big laugh out of that.

We may end up out on Friday night ... I've been contemplating getting my work done around the house tomorrow night and doing something fun on Friday night so this may be Date 2 for IrishBoy.

I have another date lined up for Sunday with Bachelor #3, hereinafter known as the Artist. Yes, he is an artist, full-time. Very interesting.

Now I am home, happily ensconced in my bed, with cats nearby ready for bedtime.

What a good first date. :)

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