Monday, January 21, 2008

MLK Day/Mean Girls Weigh In

I have had the joy of having today off. I have had this day off plenty in the past, as I have worked for state and local government. Now that I work in education, I have the day off again. I have thought many times about Martin Luther King, Jr. and his contributions to our society but I bet the one he would have thought least about was the fact today is a day off for most people working in civil service of one sort or another.

Doubtless he would have encouraged us to give our efforts to other causes or needs, but, let's be honest, of all of us reading this, who has done something in his honor today? Not me, therefore I do not cast stones. I instead enjoyed a late wakeup, good workout, relaxing shower, enjoyable lunch, quick shopping trip and a return to home where I talked with my Sister and read my book, Loving Frank. To me, MLK, Jr. Day is often a 'spare' holiday, spared of family obligations (completely unlike almost every other holiday), I am free to enjoy my day in the ways I see fit. Not exactly Nobel Peace Prize winning efforts, mind you, but enjoyable nonetheless. Many many apologies to MLK, Jr.

As for tonight, I will finish some putting away of laundry, start another book (The Gathering by Anne Enright), watch some news and probably hit the hay early in hopes of convincing myself to hit the gym in the morning.

Today's visit to the gym was enjoyable. I got a good sweat on, listened to my iPod and watched a little of the Today Show. Thought more about the idea of a roommate and still remain undecided. What I don't want (to hurry along the process of debt-reduction) is another job. I have finally pared down my outside grant writing to a managable level (2 clients remaining) so that I can actually give them the attention they require.

Before now, I could not have said that. I let many things fall by the wayside for way too long ... hoping hoping hoping that I could find a spare minute here there everywhere to get my work done. Spare minutes in this life are often filled with menial tasks that make the non-spare minutes much less exhausting. For example, as much as I dislike spending my Sundays cleaning house, I am overjoyed to come home on Monday afternoons to a clean house to relax in after a long day at work. Thus, spare minutes were not only hard to come by, but inevitably hosed by some other minutia that required my attention.

Not much else to report. It has been a quiet day and for that I am thankful.

OH OH OH ... If you have a moment and want to surf on something cruelly funny, please check out Romeo's blog and the MLK, Jr. Day reference he has on there from Corpus Christi, TX. I laughed so hard I cried.

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