Monday, January 21, 2008

March of the Platypi

Found a new blog this weekend with help from another blog I love, FloatFloorRN. The blog is interestingly named March of the Platypi and can be found here: .

Although I know most, if not all of you, are not involved in health care, I must say I find ER blogs/medical blogs fascinating. Perhaps it comes from having my Mom work for hospitals, clinics, doctors' offices, etc. in varying capacities while I was growing up. There was always a story from that week, day or year which defied all explanation of the normal. Although my Mom is no longer actively in a healthcare setting (she now teaches those who will be in short order), my thirst for stories is not near quenched. Luckily for me I have a dear friend, MM, who works at an ER in Northwest Indiana. She and MD and of course Madison herself will be down to visit me here in Indy next weekend and I'll be regaled again with stories of various objects in various orfices, bilking the system and those folks that use the ER as their personal physician's office. I never fail to ask what it is that is the most strange thing she has found in someone's ass that month/day/year. The last time I asked I believe it was a small plastic child's plaything ... apparently in an effort to reach the prostate. Of course, he "didn't know how it got there." For the record, each and every time something has been in the vicinity of my ass, I am paying close, careful attention. But who am I? (Obviously not someone who shoves children's toys up her ass for one ... )

Until then, though, I'll stick to March of the Platypi and FloatFloorRN. I'll be adding March of the Platypi to my blogroll.

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