Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back to Work. *bleh*

So I returned to work today not exactly energized to be there. Let's be honest, I was happy to be back, but only to see what had transpired over the weekend.

I was into my work and put in a good 8+ hours today but I could have been better. I must admit to being a perfectionist, as I know that most folks would say I did all I could do in 8 hours but I had hoped to get more accomplished. This is my personal disease.

I did manage to get the grant I was working on out the door. Yeah!!!

I did a little q and a with a friend of mine's coworkers today. The subject was state grants, of which I am intimately acquainted and so it was easy.

Had a nice evening with my Realtor, C. I hate to say she is my Realtor because it seems like I am moving, which I am not. She is a friend and we had a most enjoyable evening over sushi and wine at Kona Grill. Kona Grill is one of my most favorite places in the world. *sigh*

Then went out with CCM and D from work. I had called CCM following my night out with C and announced that I was out and willing to have a cocktail if she and D were meeting after class. Indeed they were, so I managed to get out and meet them for another glass of wine. Tasty, tasty, tasty.

It was not my intention to get a little buzzed on Tuesday night but hell, seems like a fine idea after all. :)

Now if I had the masseuse named Sven, life would be good. ;) (heh heh heh)

1 comment:

Caroline said...

You should have asked me to come with you for more wine...love your blog, keep looking at mine for people posts this week. Hope to see you again soon!