Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm So Praying For A Snow Day

So the weatherfolks in town are on high alert for the second time this week. This time it is snow. You would think that we were all going to die based on the weather predictions.

I, myself, just want a snow day.

I harken back to days of kid yore, when it nearly took a global catastrophe to shut down New Prairie United Schools. Sure, snow, no big deal. Ice, pfffft. Only 6" ... please. It practically took more than a foot within an hour's time of blowing and drifting snow for the superintendent to call off school. But when he did ..........


Free day!

So I myself would really like a day off. And I don't want to use vacation days to do it. So I am praying for snow, gobs of it, to fall. Ice too. Let's make it a real kick-ass storm. The kind of storm that I sit in my happy little house with my happy little tea or hot cocoa, with my furry little cats, sitting under my soft and warm blanket as I read my book, only pausing occasionally to look out the window and be thankful I am inside.

That is what I want tomorrow.

Plus I'll probably need a whole day to process tonight's LOST. I am so excited!!!

1 comment:

nickabouttown said...

Well, you're a giant chicken, who missed out on the Presidential Debate, LOST, fat free brownies, AND homemade hummus and pita bread.
