Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cloverfield ... Sunday ... Yesterday ...

Yesterday afternoon I spent with D9 -- going to lunch at the Istanbul Cafe (super yum) and checking out books at Half Price Books. Plus a side trip to Sam's Club so he could get some foodstuffs.

Lunch was phenomenal. We had the feta borek appetizer (basically deep fried phyllo dough with feta and herbs in it) and I had the Iskander -- basically lamb in tomato sauce with pita-like bread and homemade yogurt. It was spectacular. Then to the dessert ... which name escapes me but it is basically shredded wheat with syrup, nuts and goat cheese. Freakishly good. I had a light breakfast yesterday and after my lunch there, didn't bother with dinner. Nothing would have been near as good.

I did not find what I was looking for at Half Price Books. I had a few books to catch up on from book club plus a couple more that had recently come out in paperback that I wanted to read. We wandered in there for close to an hour, then we both became ridiculously tired thanks to the fabulous lunch we had just had.

Took off for Sam's Club and wandered a bit in there for him. He wanted to get some chicken and some cheese ... I looked through the books there too (no luck) and just worked my way around the store. After Sam's, he dropped me off, I went inside and promptly went upstairs to appease the urge to nap that had taken over my existence. It was probably 3:30 when I laid down ... and woke up around five with a text message from PM regarding the fresh powder (snow) that he was skiing on in Montana. I saw the text and promptly fell back asleep until 6:30. Ahhh.

I didn't do much last night, just played on the computer and whatnot. Caught the news and fell asleep.

This morning I was uber ambitious ... got up, got ready, hit the gym. After 50 minutes of sweating my ass off, I came home and ate some breakfast (I was STARVING), then plotted out my day of housecleaning. Generally Sundays are my days to clean house, do laundry and chill. I knew I had to get most, if not all, of the stuff done by 3:30, as I planned to join the Big Gay Mafia for a trip to see Cloverfield at 4:50 at the AMC in Castleton.

I swept, I dusted, I washed floors, I cleaned catboxes, I scrubbed cat dishes, I hauled trash, I did laundry ... I was a regular whirling dervish of activity at home. Felt great to get all that done. At 3:30 I was done with everything (save a load of laundry) and hit the shower.

Met up with the Big Gay Mafia and Mom at the AMC 'round 4:40 or so. I managed to run into Borders for a hot minute to pick up the books I have been wanting. I have already started one ... Loving Frank, a fictionalized account of an affair between Frank Lloyd Wright and one of his clients. So far, very fascinating. More on that as I finish.

Cloverfield .... hmm.
I love J.J. Abrams.
I loved Alias, love Lost.
Not sure about Cloverfield.
I do know this, though. No more movies at 4:50 p.m. that are rated PG-13. Too many inane teenagers for my personal tastes. I could have taken out my ovaries with a spork.

This morning's thoughts on the treadmill were again of my financial plan to become debt free by 45 (including house, student loans, etc.). I have joked for years that my last student loan payment will be made with my first retirement check but I think that maybe, just maybe, I can avoid that based on what I have planned.


Anonymous said...

WELCOME, BABY!! I'm so excited that you're on here! I'm completely caught up on your blog and ready to move forward.

Aleea said...

Thanks Honey!!