Sunday, January 27, 2008

Madison's Visit ...

This weekend was eventful to say the least. As a person without kids but two cats, having a kid in the house is like letting a pyro play with matches in your closet while a firefighter stands at the closet door. Nerve-wracking to say the least.

Before you get the wrong idea, Madison was perfectly behaved as a 21 month old can be. She is picking up new words each day, so Aunt 'Layla' (her new name for me) had to watch her habit of dropping f-bombs everywhere. I think that was more of a challenge than actually having the kid in the house.

I am not sure how I became 'Layla' but that is how my name translated in Madison-speak. She puts together small sentences (go car .. for example) but most of the stuff you have to pay pretty close attention to before it comes to you.

MD, MM and Madison arrived at my house late on Friday night and we stayed up until 11:30 (yes, very late for me) talking and visiting. The next morning I got up around 7, as is my normal, and relaxed for a little bit. Around 8 Madison and MM came downstairs to hang out with me while MD had a few more moments of rest. We had a smallish breakfast because the plan was to go to BD's Mongolian BBQ for lunch around 11 or 12. After breakfast I sacked out again (small nap) and we got out of the house by noon. Had lunch, returned to the house where Madison was ready for her nap. At that point, MD went up to nap with her and MM and I headed off for some girl time at Target. It was nice to relax a bit with her and wander Target aimlessly.

After our return, Madison was still sleeping for a bit. When she awoke, we got ready to head to my gym for a trip to the pool. This was great fun. Madison loved the 'mushroom' fountain and little fountains at the entrance to the pool. Before we left to go to the pool, I had put dinner (roast chicken and veggies) in the oven. ...

After about an hour, Madison was done playing. Although it was warm in there, Madison was chilled. We packed up and headed home where D9 and Nicholas were expected for dinner. Yes, you heard that right, I invited another 20 month old over too. The ratio was two adults for every one child so that was about right.

Dinner was good, the kids enjoyed playing together and it was ridiculously cute. Lots of pictures taken, perhaps I'll post a few on here later.

The night ended early as Madison had played herself out between the pool and time with Nicholas, so I had everyone either shipped out or into bed by 9 p.m.

This morning was the traditional trip to Cracker Barrel and then MD, MM and Madison packed up for the trip back north.

It is quiet in the house now. There is no kid detritus strewn hither and yon throughout my house. Aside from the mountains of laundry created by having guests here, it is quiet. It is peaceful. The cats are sleeping for the first time in two days. I have the hum of the washer and dryer as my background music this afternoon.

As for the rest of the day, I plan to finish laundry and hit the gym later. Another Mean Girls weigh in tomorrow and I need to give it one final push.

MM and I always have the most interesting talks when she is here. We have been friends for 12 years (as long as she and MD have been together). We talked about marriage and kids ... and how I shouldn't always think the grass is greener on her side. She shared with me some things that have been bothering her about her own marriage and how she is handling them. I don't ever quite know what to say about these things to her, because MD and I have been friends since age 12. As much as I love him (and her), I know his faults (her faults) as well.

Holding Nicholas and Madison this weekend made me long for a child of my own, but there are so many things that must happen first, it almost seems like an impossibility.


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