Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Weather in Indiana/Tuesday

So this evening I spent some quality time in my downstairs bathroom waiting for the apocalypse, i.e. tornado warning to pass over. It was me, the cats, my laptop, my purse and my cell phone. Minimally I figured I could call for help, keep the weather info updated, save the cats' lives and have some id if I were offed by a stray 2 x 4. See, always thinking of the other guy, that's me.

I took the Jeopardy online quiz tonight. Am now convinced I am a big idiot. I love that show though.

Today was a typical day. Attend meeting. Run around dealing with various issues. Fix stuff. Get 'the latest' from various sources. Have lunch. More organizing, filing, copying, answer questions from new person. More copying, more deliveries, more emailing. Then dinner with a coworker (before she goes to class) and back home to await eminent doom, i.e. severe weather!

I do think that the weather guys get a big ol'woody from all this weather nonsense. I'm a little disappointed in the WTHR coverage online, as it would not load current live feed. WISH had live feed but an annoying weather person doing the feed. I didn't bother to check Fox 59 or Channel 6 -- both have substandard coverage IMHO.

Today I received a rather disturbing email from a coworker. It was a GodTube video (yes, the Christian contingent has their own --tube). The jist of the email was that it was a letter written by a teenage boy who is now in hell because his friend did not share the word of God and specifically Jesus with him. Yes, people, a letter from hell on GodTube. CCM and I both received it and CCM asked if I was going to respond to this email with an email back. I said no, I wasn't. What is there to say when a coworker sends a teenager-in-hell-video? 'Thanks'? 'Nice message'? 'What happened to the loving God I knew?' So I did not respond. I'm sure she is praying for my soul tonight.

Oh, and recently overheard conversations:

(Monday edition -- location: outside of a computer lab)
Female: "I'm going to fucking break this fucking phone if you do not stop calling me. I told you not to call me anymore!!!!!"

my guess is she doesn't want to talk. call me psychic.

(Tuesday edition -- location: public space near computers)
Male (to female at computer): "I guess I'm still a virgin. I just stuck my fingers, er, hand in her ..."

seriously, do I need to hear this? TMI.

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