Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New blog on the blogroll/life


-- a new addition to the blogroll.  Because even cynics like me need to believe.

The last of my friends left today -- CCM.  She got here on Saturday and we spent the past four days laughing, sunning ourselves and having a great time with other friends, T and her daughter K.  It was truly essential for me and I really appreciate their visit more than I can express in words.

Tomorrow commences my 2.5 day study session for my GRE.  I took it last 14 years ago when I applied to IUPUI for my MPA.  Now that it is 14 years later and my scores aren't valid, I get the distinct joy of retaking the test.  Needless to say, my algebra, geometry and trigonometry skills are in much worse shape than they were 14 years ago, so some serious study is required.  Please think super-positive thoughts for me this Friday between the hours of noon and 5 p.m.  as I will need all of those (and your gray matter too) to get me through this.

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