Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dreams. Weird Dreams.

I have had the weirdest dreams over the past week or so.

Some are, quite frankly, not PG rated, so those won't be discussed here.  The weirdest part of them is that they involve a co-worker and I blushed when I saw him yesterday.  I pray that the "mind-reading" superpower never comes to pass because I would have been So Busted yesterday.  ai yi yi.  In fact, come to think about it, the stranger part of that dream is that I don't find him crazy attractive.  Nice to look at, sure, but married, thus, non-fantasy-worthy.  (sorry married dudes)

The G rated ones are just so trippy that I would SWEAR I am on something.  So technicolor and just plain kooky. 

Have you ever had a stretch of weird dreams? 


Jay said...

As a married dude...I understand.

Aleea said...

Thanks buddy. Appreciate that.