Friday, March 19, 2010

Laughing Out Loud

A friend's blog today (Plays with Sirens) was incredibly amusing in his thoughts and one question he posed was whether you laugh out loud while you are alone.  Do you?  I do. 

Particularly when my friend's blog mentions how boobs taste like arm.

I am laughing again.  Out Loud.  By Myself.


Today was a particularly difficult day for me.  I have this incredibly annoying habit of believing the best in people.  Typically this isn't a problem -- in fact, it has served me pretty well overall.

Today wasn't one of those days.  For the past two months, I've known about a grant that was due today.  Not a particularly large or hard grant, this one, but one that my boss (and her boss) recommended strongly that we apply.  No pressure there, nope.

My coworker, the main source of the grant's content, ignored my questions for the past few weeks.  Ignored my requests for information in person, via email and via phone message.  The only thing I had left was a severed horse head in her bed and although I'm typically not violent, this was a consideration.  This afternoon I blew a gasket.  I happened to see my boss in the restroom.  She asked how it was going.

Now I should say that my boss and I have a good working relationship.  We understand each other. I spill.  I tell her it won't get turned in today (the due date) because I can't make a milkshake if no one has even bought a cow let alone got it milked.  She laughed at me and asks me how she can help.  I tell her I need her to move things along. 

It was like magic.

And wa-la the coworker was at my door, asking to help me.  Inside of one hour, the grant was completed and on its way out into the ether.  Awesome. 


Received the first estimate on my car today:  ~$1200. 


Working on a job for Maestro. 
Seeing Luana tomorrow -- massages scheduled for 11 a.m. 
GRE scores should be in next week.
Beers out tomorrow night with Lu, Mary and Lee.

omg, just wrote Steve.  Oh friend, dear God, I wish you would be there.  I know you'll be there in spirit, but there is nothing I'd like more than one more of your big bear hugs and a closed car door -- just to make sure I'm safe.  Miss you.  So Much. 


Jay said...

Glad I could make you laugh...out loud in fact. Enjoy your weekend with your friends!

Aleea said...

You did. Then I told Sister about your blog and she laughed too.

I mean, really, what else would they taste like?