Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Back in Sunny Florida

Whoa, this has been one hell of a weekend.  I went from 80 degrees to 60 to 30 to 60 ... and returned to 60 degrees.  I drank an amazing amount of wine and promptly passed out cold (5:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. will do that to a girl).  I slept on a relatively comfortable futon.  I was able to hang out with friends.

And, crazily enough, I was treated like a rockstar. 

WTF?  I mean, I volunteered for this.  No pay.  No benefits.  No nothing, really, just a committment to serve my college for six years.

I've been on a conference call for three hours now.  You can imagine the level of my excitement.   The damn thing is supposed to last another hour.  I will not.  I am choosing to get a bikini wax instead.  This seems like more fun.

Yes, you read that right, bikini wax over conference call.  The conference call is over a grant I will be applying for on behalf of the College.  The problem is the conference call has a volume problem (and has since the beginning), the speakers are approximately fourteen kinds of boring and I wish I had just stayed in ATL yesterday to see the presentation.  I know, ridiculous, but really, it would be better than Death By PowerPoint as I am living now.

The Handy Guy is coming over for dinner.  No romance, people, don't get excited.  Just want to cook for someone and he seems convenient. 

Had some absolutely X-rated dreams about Rugby this weekend and last week.  Not sure why he popped into my head but if he's gonna do that, I think these dreams are a perfectly acceptable way.  

Headed to see Lu this weekend in Venice on Thursday night/Friday/Saturday, then off to Dad's on Saturday night - Sunday.  I totally spaced Easter. 

Yesterday I was sitting in a bar at the Kansas City Airport (shocking, I know) having a beer (even more shocking) when I start talking to the bartender.  Apparently he and his girlfriend have been together five years.  He is 33 and she is 27.  They have never lived together.  Then he says they want to get married.  I was like, hold up, stop the bus, back the truck up, WTF?  Not that I think living together is the ultimate test of a relationship (as I know many that are perfectly happy/good in their marriages without it) but I think the bigger issue is that they've been together five years with no movement towards marriage.  It was a fascinating discussion.

So in the middle of this discussion, he has to serve someone else.  I was looking at my calendar and discover, Joy of Joys, that I have Friday off.  Good Friday!  Indeed, it is Good!

With that wonderful discovery, I order another beer.  'Cuz what's a girl to do but celebrate that kind of news!

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