Monday, March 1, 2010

Breathing in, breathing out

Just trying to get my life sorted appropriately.  I have so many things going on and there are times I just feel like I'm running in a circle.  I'm trying to focus -- set parameters and make progress.

One week from Friday I take my GRE.
Six weeks from now my taxes are due.
One week from now, my girlfriends will be in town.

And  ... a couple of dates this week.  Not sure what I'm gonna do about that yet.


Anonymous said...

I am sending someone down next week. I want you to stay out of trouble.

Aleea said...

Anon: Yes, I am aware of the visitors coming down to my house.

As for staying out of trouble, I think I have that one locked up pretty solid right now. It is hard to get in trouble when you go to work, come home and repeat.