Saturday, March 13, 2010

GRE -- Done. Mind -- Exhausted.

Just when you think you'll never need that 10th grade geometry again, you have to take the GRE.

It's not like I didn't take it when I first got into grad school -- 14 (gulp) years ago.  So the scores were a little outdated ...

Took the test.  Got reasonable scores -- need to check in with the FIU folks to make sure they are acceptable.  If not, I'll have to retake.  I'm not thinking I will have to, but I don't want to ditch the prep materials before I know either way.

Spent today in my house in my robe.  Not sure I plan to leave.  Pretty happy to just be right here. 


Jay said...

One day I will be able to take a day in a robe all day. But sadly I thing that is about 12+ years from now. You earned it though my friend...enjoy!

Aleea said...

Jay: Sharkboy is worth it. Maybe a weekend with Mimi and Papa would reward you with a day in the robe?