Thursday, July 3, 2008

Things that have irritated me this week.

1. I'm not on vacation yet.
2. Everyone else seems to be.
3. I don't really want to drive to La Porte tonight, only to return tomorrow mid-day.
4. I haven't slept near enough.
5. I forgot to give the Mean Girls some gamblin' money for me.
6. Work hasn't slowed down one iota with the boss gone.
7. There isn't any Nutty Bars in the vending machine downstairs.
8. I continue to medicate my cat. Daily. Twice a day.
9. I have a feeling I won't get any rest this weekend.
10. My roof still leaks.
11. The fucking condo association bastard has not called me back.
12. I have called him 3 times.
13. I have only received one of my reimbursement checks from my travels.
14. My client has not paid me yet.
15. The antibiotics the cat is on make him have diarreah. Yes, it is as fun as it sounds.
16. It rained today. (see #10)
17. Apparently, a work order had NOT been filed on my roof. (see #10)

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there will be more.

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