Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Monday was weird.

Not that all Mondays aren't weird in their own way, but ...

1. I didn't feel well, stayed home from work.
2. Ceiling leak reported to condo association.
3. Caesar had a urinary tract infection, $208 later he is back home on meds. A much happier kitty.
4. Family (aunt and cousin) were in town, had dinner with them and Sister at my house.
5. My Stepbrother M crashed a plane yesterday and walked away.

Number five might need a bit of an explanation but suffice to say I have five stepbrothers and the youngest is a Purdue aviation student. He has his pilot's license and was giving a lesson yesterday when a wind shear toppled over the plane he was in (a student pilot was at the helm) while it was landing. Apparently the airport authorities told him that they had never seen anyone walk away from a crash that bad. Apparently I will see pictures of the (totalled) plane over the 4th of July weekend.

The weirdest part about this is that the night before I had a dream about Colleen, a friend of mine from elementary school and beyond. She was killed piloting a plane over Lake Michigan eleven years ago this month. I was talking to her in the dream and I woke up in a panic, not knowing whether I was really talking to her or just dreaming, it was that real. I felt completely out of sorts when I woke up. I sat up in bed, shaking my head, wondering where I was.

Then today my Sister and I receive a call from our Mom about M.

Weird day.

1 comment:

Scully said...

I cannot believe how much I still think about Colleen, and what she'd be doing now, and how much fun we'd be having "talkin shop". It makes me crazy sometimes. and on another note, we spent almost $4ooo on our male cat with a bunch of U infections...he's like our child, so it HAD to be done!