Friday, July 11, 2008

And she's outta here ...

I'm finally packed, nearly have all my tasks done and I have four hours before Sister arrives here with Boy Wonder to pick Mom and I up for the trip to the airport.

I'll be in Sweden from basically tomorrow, early morning Indy-time, through next Saturday the 19th. I'm not taking the laptop but I may have access to a computer. If so, you'll get blog updates. If not, I'm sure I'll be keeping a journal of all the madness that goes with travel, travel with family and international travel with family.

We'll be staying at the Sheraton in Stockholm as our home-base for the week. We'll be taking two different guided tours and then pretty much on our own the rest of the week. There are many things to see (obviously) and many SD cards to fill with pictures.

I've packed rather lightly and thus have quite a bit of room in the luggage for goodies. I'm hoping to buy some crystal while I'm there -- apparently there are some pretty spectacular crystal artists there. Of course, I won't haul that back via the airlines. I think UPS or some such will be doing the honors there.

Hope you all have a fabulous week and I'll see you when I return.


Maestro said...

Have a good time don't get deported:)

Anonymous said...

Have a fabulous trip my dear

Scully said...

Don't have too much fun...did you contact Tita? She IS only one country away.....

Aleea said...

Maestro: trying not to. A goal, if you will.

A1: thanks love.

Scully: I totally spaced that!! I will try.