Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Relief, sweet relief.

A few weeks ago I had a crisis in my grad school application process: one of my "recommenders" dropped out.  He was a former professor of mine in grad school and I took three of his classes, far more than any other professor I had at the time.  In addition, it seemed that my grad school was in transition, with lots of comings/goings and retirements about that time, so he was the only logical choice.

And then he really didn't remember me, seeing as it has been 11 years since I've graced grad school with my presence. The problem with this?  He said he would do the letters, then said he didn't remember me, well after my apps were in to the various grad schools. 

At the last moment, I had to change him out and replace him with a former boss. 

Then another crisis -- another recommender had work issues (which I knew were plentiful) and just finished the letters this weekend. 

This roller-coaster ride of grad school admissions has had me up and down and loop-the-loop more times than I can count.  It is relief, sweet sweet relief that now all the recommendations are in and I can just relax a bit, waiting for grad school notifications in a month.  It is with sincerest hope that because of all these recommendation snafus my application was not relegated to the "no" pile, but that remains to be seen. 

I just want to know where I am going.


Where .... indeed.

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