Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blog-o-versary -- belated, of course.

On January 13, I entered my fourth (4th?!?!) year of blogging here, discussing random bits of nonsense for your amusement, pleasure, disgust or pain.  Hey, I kinda know who reads this thing, but I don't know everyone, so as always, welcome, glad you are here, take a seat, stay awhile, and please use a coaster.  Yeah, I hate cleaning the rings off the furniture.

So much stuff has happened since 2008.  I was re-reading some of the posts from back then the other day and one thing hit me square in the face: I've changed.

Yes, I know we all realize at one point or another that we've changed and that change is good, bad or indifferent, but truly, I've found strength I didn't know I had back then.

Since January 2008 I have:

*sold the condo I bought in March 2007
*changed jobs
*moved to Florida
*applied to grad school for my Ph.D. in public administration
*dated a ridiculous number of men that no longer matter
*dated one man who did (and does) matter
*made new friends
*realized that this is MY LIFE and MY TIME and I am the sole governor of both of those things

and many many many other things that bear no rehashing here. 

I suppose it all comes down to the basics: I am happy.

Happy Belated Blog-o-versary.  Somebody pass me a glass of wine ...

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