Monday, January 17, 2011

Still alive, thanks to the miracle of antibiotics.

Yes, dear readers, I've been laid low by a particularly nasty upper respiratory infection.  According to the Doc, she isn't sure that my October bout of this loveliness was effectively killed off by the Zpack, so now I'm on some heavy-duty antibiotics, 2 times per day for fourteen days.  Yes, dear readers, 28  pills, plus saline sinus spray, and mucinex to clear out the nasal cavity.  I was reading up on this particular antibiotic and it is apparently used to prevent malaria!  Good GRIEF.

Anyhoo, since last Wednesday I've spent a considerable amount of time on my couch and in my bed.  I've watched the entire first season of True Blood, read 7 books (yes, seven) and have started an eighth.  I have blown my nose approximately 1000 times, hacked up some particularly colorful mucus and just generally felt like the bottom of my shoe until yesterday. 

I met up with Dad and Stepmom yesterday for a trip to the flea market.  This is no ordinary flea market, oh no, it is 400,000 square feet with 900 vendors.  It is seemingly endless.  We just did what I call the "big lap" -- meaning the perimeter -- of the place.  I bought some goodies, bought some fruit and veggies and then took them out for lunch at the Farmers Market.  Needless to say, I have my piece of pie still in the fridge and I have not eaten anything since yesterday afternoon.

It was nice to be up and about.

In other news, I checked the status of my grad school applications online and found that some letters of recommendation were missing, so I sent reminders.  It is 8 weeks, one day until I know where I'm going.  I am a ball of nerves.  I am working on thinning the herd of stuff here, so as I have less and less to pack when I go, but even that is wearing me out, to be honest.  I just want to KNOW.  Patience has always been something I struggle with (daily, oh hell, HOURLY), but there is truly nothing I can do other than relax, be patient and let things come as they may. 

So I am collecting Goodwill receipts like other people collect trading cards :) 

Other random nonsense: I signed up for a yoga class, am starting weight watchers this week and have found a place to take zumba again.

Yeah, maybe I'll just wear myself out and sleep through the next eight weeks, one day. 


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