Monday, March 14, 2011

Two weeks? Where *have* I been?

Two weeks gone on this blog -- where oh where have I been?

La Porte
Michigan City
New Carlisle
South Bend
Fort Myers

Ah, the miracles of modern transportation.  Certainly 100 years ago it could not be imagined that I'd be all those places in two weeks.  Maybe two of those places -- the especially near-by ones -- but no more than that.

I've been on Spring Break, dear readers.  In opposite tradition of everyone who's had a spring break in college, I went north for a few days.  Spent precious time with family and friends.  There is, however, never enough time.  I always think I have more time than what I do and I always book the schedule tighttighttight to see as many as possible. 

This time? 

I booked lightly.  Truly lightly for me -- with only a few things scheduled and mostly free time for just doing whatever came to mind with the company I kept at the time.  It was lovely.

I need to keep in mind that quality and quantity are often separate, but not always. 

I am, as ever, blessed.  I have wonderful friends and loving family.

In this time I also found that I must watch what I eat and exercise more, as my A1C levels (diabetes) are not quite high enough to be considered diabetes, but need to be lower so my Doctor can find someone else to torment regularly.  I remain committed to reduction in my size and elevation of my level of activity. 

This time -- it's my time.  It's time to start living as if I truly believed it.


Christina-Marie Wright said...

I covet your ability to bounce around the country. Someday, after I've raised all seven kids to a mediocre adulthood, it shall be my turn. Love you, girl.

Aleea said...

And I love you sister. Take care of those babies and soon, soon, your travelin' shoes will be bouncing around as well.