Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Thinking about me.

I know many Moms and Dads -- many of who say that they put their families first, taking care of themselves last, if at all.

Not that I have kids.
Not that I have a spouse.
Not that I have a house/mortgage.


I tend to put myself last.  Last behind work.  Last behind damn near everything.  At the end of most days, I'm exhausted from giving.  It kind of reminds me of taking the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI).  Although I generally score in E for extroverted, I score thisclose to introverted as well.  One of the characteristics of an introvert is to need time alone (I do) to recharge from interactions with others (oh yes). 

Not that I don't *like* people.  I do.  I just really LOVE time by myself.  This is one of those features that I know will play a critical role in my choice of future life partner.  If he needs a lot of "together" time -- likely thing is, we aren't a great match.

I'm trying to rectify my own actions.  I'm taking an exercise class (Yoga now, Zumba again starting next week), making my own dinners at home more often than not (and more than just a quickie microwave meal -- actual "prepared by me" food), and thinking about what makes ME happy and joyous in my own skin.

To that end, and even typing this I know it sounds ridiculous, but I really like having my nails painted.  I have tons of nail polish in every imaginable color.   I always (or nearly always) have my toes painted.  I wear sandals a lot here and cute feet are important.  My fingernails -- not so much.  Generally broken or otherwise neglected.   Not so for the past two weeks.  I've had a manicure and now am just maintaining the length and shape.  I painted them myself today a pretty shade of pink.  I feel super-girly with the color but quietly (or not so, since I'm sharing it with the blog-universe) I love it.

Me.  Someone I've neglected to take care of for far too long.  Times, they are a changin'.

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