Friday, April 16, 2010

Thank God For Friends

I'm really blessed beyond any words I can spit type out -- I have some of the greatest friends on earth. 

Yesterday, I was that good friend to my friend Mary. 

My car, you see, is in the shop getting its mirror put back on and body work repaired due to the "mirror incident" in early March.  Mary was going to take me home yesterday after work as I had forgotten to bring comfy shoes to walk home in.

We talk, she says she'll be by in an hour or so to pick me up (she was offsite, but had to pick up the youngest kiddo onsite anyway).  About an hour and a half later, I'm still wondering where she is.  I get a call from her telling me she needs me to do her a big favor and drive HER home. 

She's got food poisoning.  Bad. 

Apparently she stopped three times on the way back from her meeting and then called me from the parking lot.   I drove her home, stopping about 7 times by the side of the road so she could rid herself of what was obviously some very bad lunch.

I'm glad it wasn't me ... but I know she'd be there for me if I were that sick. 

For that, I'm thankful.

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